Today I want to discuss building a deck that relies on the commanders "fog" ability to protect its Planeswalkers and win conditions from combat damage. However, we won't enlist the services of the $80 reserved list treasure, Angus Mackenzie. Nope. Instead we are going to flip our deck brew into super-challenge casual mode and select an Esper commander that only provides 24 decks worth of information on EDHREC, Lady Evangela

Fans love his awkward, humorous portrayal in the JL movie and are looking forward to his own upcoming standalone film; meanwhile, his show on the CW is full of heart and has tackled fun challenges like Flashpoint and the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and come out stronger for it.

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And Picard was French too. O the humanity! - Eds. ROTW Bronze Medal GrudgieTM To the casual observer, the Superfriends vs the X-Men may seem like an even match, until you realize that the Superfriends have one crucial advantage over the X-Men. Every half hour, the Superfriends have to provide valuable consumer advice for little kids. How to avoid provoking a dog that doesn't know you into attacking you. How the smaller sizes of toothpaste can wind up costing you more money per volume. Coin tricks to make all of your friends pee in their pants at the next birthday party. Useful shit like that.Between that, and School House Rock&#153 before and after every Superfriends episode, all someone has to do is ask Wolverine what 5 x 6 is, and by the time he rattles off, "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty..." the Wonder Twins will have already answered thirty, given three conjunctions, and told you how a fucking bill becomes a law.- And Knowing Is Half The Battle! X Men win easily because for the most part, the Superfriends are pathetic. You see, there's Hawkman, who can fly real good......but not as good as Superman. There's The Flash, who can run real good....but not as good as Superman. Then theres Aquaman....who sucks opposed to swimming real good....but not as good as Superman. Now Superman is all powerful, but he's dumber then even Bizzaro....and yes thats saying a lot. He is quite simply the densest superhero ever......The Tick(tm) outsmarts him(in his clever guise of Clark Oppenheimer) In the new animated series he says at one point. "Darn, Bizzaro fooled me"....lets take a second to makes Troglodytes seem like rocket scientists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the Superfriends do have Batman(my lord and savior) and the Green Arrow who both rock, but both also hate Superman(see Dark Knight Returns) So both will ditch the Superfriends and leave them to die at the hands of the X Men.....(Well Batman will be busy hitting on the X Chicks.....)- Amish CommandoThe X-Men will be missing 3 fighters from the get-go. Since when have you actually seen Jean Grey, Beast or Professor X fight? All they ever do is sit in the HQ playing computer games while the others do all the work. Jubilee will also be a non-factor since she, according to the comics, has a crush on Robin. She will talk all romantic to him. Since the Robin in this fight is Dick Grayson, not that other guy, he won't know what she's talking about and kick her ass. Any X-Man still standing will then be taken out by Superman. Rather messily."Don't Mess With the S" - Michael Brzeski, the Toon LeaderNo, this ISN'T the kick-ass Justice League of America OR X-Men we all love, apparently. Not the same. No, they're apparently washed-up cartoon relics from long long ago. Sad.The Superfriends. The Superfriends. They were a sorry bunch. They were pushed down our throats during the cartoon stupidity days of the 1970s, for which we can blame the Nixon resignation and the introduction of Scrappy-Doo. Everything was so politically correct that our favorite DC superheroes became just self-narrating jerks. They were such morons they hired other "heroes" to join the group: Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog, barely capable of the rational thought. And the Wonder Twins were no better. ("Form of... an ice top hat!")The X-Men. Pretty simple: Sure, pretty compelling comic book, but here we have the cartoon group. Sure, we watched for the heroes, but it was TOO DRAMATIC to be entertaining. For Saturday morning fare, it was a yawn. Too much whining about how society hated them, not enough busting up bad guys. To quote new Grudge champion Hobbes: "I thought fun was supposed to be fun." Alas, this fun was no fun. Ho-hum. No wonder Fox cancelled them.So we're left with a bunch of morons versus a bunch of melodramatic jerks. This is an insult to the comics and heroes they were SUPPOSED to be like in the cartoons.This is a write-in for "All Mangled, Killed, and Throats Ripped Out by the Chihuahuas". This'll be a great first win for them.- Charge ManSigh...and I thought the LAST match was bad.And why is it so bad? Well, let's think about something here. As we know, the Superfriends have super powers, and the X-men (and two X-women) have antonomically impossible DNA. No, I'm not talking about super-abilities, but rather appearance. Let's compare to a standard modern super-hero example.Commander Gonad: Oh shit! Look! It's Captain Evil!Second-officer Steroid: Holy Christ! Better call Lietuent Woman!Lieutenant Woman: Right!{The three promptly beat the shit out of the some under-paid moron in tights)Commander Gonad: Few! That was a close oneSecond-officer Steroid: You can say that again. But good thing we made it, huh Lietunent. Lieutenant Woman: Definetely! And notice I have a pair gentically impossible hooters!{All three break out into syncronized laughter)-See what I mean? This explains the yellow latex. This is why it's so pitiful, only the WWWF could dive so low.God help us, or at least the atheists. - Bill, the guy who supplies the chick with the calculater at OfficeMaxrIn order to fairly judge this match, you have to take into account the physics of comic books. Since the scenario started with the Friends, we can assume that the match is taking place in the DC universe. And if there's one thing we know about the DC universe, it's that if you convince your enemy to say their name backwards, they'll blink into another dimension. (Making life a living hell for people named Bob).X-Men spelled backwards = Nem-XSuperfriends spelled backwards = SdneirfrepusWhile I can't see many scenarios wherein "Nem-X" will pop up in conversation, "Sdneirfrepus" isn't even pronouncable without triggering your gag reflex, so I think it's safe to assume that the Superfriends win this round.HOWEVER...The X-Men are from the Marvel universe, which of course means that they just won't stay dead. X-Men alum Jean Grey has died at least six times, and yet she's alive, kicking, and looking fine today. This means that, no matter how many creative ways the Superfriends get the X-Men to say "Nem-X" ("Hey, what comes after Nem-W?"), the buggers will just reappear every time the Friends turn their backs. Things seem pretty deadlocked...HOWEVER...These are all moot points when you look at the one thing the Superfriends have that the X-Men don't: THE WONDER TWINS! All Jan & Janna (or whatever the hell their names are) have to do to win is:"Power of... A CHAINSAW!"

"Form of... SEVERAL ANGRY MOUNTAIN GORILLAS!"Let's face it: All the adamantium in the world can't save you from army of enraged, chainsaw-wielding, 7-foot apes. The Superfriends in 8 minutes.- Vermin BoySeeing as how I was stuck I decided to take this match to all knowing Wrestlemania 2000 for N64. Spending 2 days making the custom wrestlers into superheroes, I then watched a Royal Rumble match in which you had to pin instead of throwing out of the ring. Watching who would win. The match itself took 2 hrs of Wolvierine low blows and Batman's People's Elbows. Then it came down to Prof. X, Batman, and Jean Grey. After watching Jean Gray almost bleed to death it came down to 56:34 second match between Batman and Prof. X. seeing that it was all over when Batman layed the smacketh down with a rock bottom and people's elbow I pretty much knew it was over until Prof kicked out of the pin and and hit him with a low blow not long afterwards did he take down Batman with a X-factor but also a Bronco Buster to finish him off. It was all over until Interference from the real Rock happened and Batman won. Since this happened I came to a conclusion of going to a doctor for heart attack from forgetting to turn Interference off. - Futile (resitance is and always will be ..a...ahhhhhhhhh.beep..beeeeeeeeeep. CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE! CLEAR!)This has got to be one of the most lopsided battles to ever grace the WWWF Grudge Match...The X-men can whoop the ass of the JLA is no time...but for the sake of those of you people aren't smart enough to recognize the obvious facts at hand...I guess i will have to sum it up for you...THE MOVIE FACTOR

The sheer stupidity of the Batman movies should lose the battle for the Superfriends already...Val Kilmer? George Clooney? uuuhhh...right...of all the possible actors...X-men have a kick ass movie that is coming out, and they don't have wussy ass rubber costumes that show the outlines of their nipples...X-Men 1 Superfriends 0BATMAN V. ANY X-WOMEN

Women is batman's weakness...he's slept (or tried to) with all his female opponents...Catwoman...Poison Ivy...While pretending to jump in the sac with him, an X-women just has to slit his throat...end of story...X-Men 2 Superfriends 0AQUAMAN V. STORM contest...even if the chihuahuas did decide to help out aquaman...all storm has to do is release some lighting...BOOM...might as well throw in some and chips!!!X-Men 3 Superfriends 0SUPERMAN V. ROGUE & GAMBIT

Rogue kicks ass... she can fly, and absorb powers...all she has to do is fly up to superman, and absorb his powers...and if that fails, and she dies, Gambit will be so full of the RAGE(tm) at the lost of his loved one that Superman will not stand a chance...X-Men 4 Superfriends 0WONDERWOMAN V. EVERYONE ELSE

Okay you superfriends fans...I'll give you this one...not only does wonder woman have her female charms, she also has FANBOYS!!!...yes, the horny fanboys full of the RAGE (tm) will come the defense of the object of their erotic fantasies...due to the RAGE (tm) of fans, there will be a bonus of +4 for superfriends in addition to the regular pointX-Men 5 Superfriends 5ROBIN V. WOVERINE

What have we learned from the Batman movies (which I have come to despise so much)? the Dynamic Duo needs teamwork!!!...when Poison Ivy split them up, even the worst of thugs can literally clean the latrines with them...but since Batman has already succumbed to womanly charms, Robin will turn into the sissy-boy that is really sweat for wolvie...yo bub *SNIKT*...Holy Humperoony Batman, he decapitated me just like that...X-Men 6 Superfriends 5THE FLASH V. CYCLOPS

yes the flash may be fast...but he can't be faster than light...for those of you who didn't learn your physics, anything faster than light is turned into energy, and has no form...cyclops' optic flare is light, thus faster than the flash can ever hope to be...zap...X-Men 7 Superfriends 5JEAN GREY V. WHICH EVER SUPERFRIENDS AND/OR HORNY FANBOYS STILL ALIVE

Although anything beyond this poing is pointless, this just to be complete...Jean grey cosumes planets for snacks...even professor X is no match for her telepathically...for the sake of fairness, and the dignity of the superfriends fans, this will only count as a 400 point advantage for the X-men...*note* I'm being lenient here...X-Men 407 Superfriends 5FINAL SCORE:X-Men 407 Superfriends 5By the way, I must disagree with paul on this one...I think joe's delusionary abilities have surpassed the possible scale of Delusionary Rating(tm)...therefore, it is quite impossible for Joe to recieve a grade A rating...- MadCat (Batman must die) the Maniac Okay, ignoring the fact that the X-Men in terms of power level are a third teir team and would be hard pressed to take out Fluffy-bunny Lad let alone a god like Darkseid, and the fact that they have no one who can counter the ludicrous power levels of any member of the superfriends (let's see; this is a guy who juggled planets to amuse kids, a guy who moves so fast he gets road rage over how slow photons are moving, someone who can do anything if he thinks about doing it, and of course who wouldn't want to be tied up by Wonder Woman), there is one simple reason why the Superfriends will win this without breaking a sweat.In the aforementioned Fluffy-bunny Lad fight it would take five years of sub-plots and pointless dragging out of the storyline before the X-Men actually did anything about him. The Superfriends had to stop their opponents in seven minutes! The X-Men will be barely working themselves into a good angst when Aquaman's control of sea life allows him to make the tapeworms they obviously have to eat them from the inside out (or something less nasty if it was for the camera, presumably).- Joel MathisThe Superfriends will take this one, easily. With the star power of BOTH Batmen on their side (the two worst losers in the previous Grudge Match were culled in MY universe), there's nothing that the X-men can come up with to touch them. My reasoning can be explained thusly: 589ccfa754

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