Majestic Garbhsanskar is a really amazing it gives all the proper information and guidance to the not only pregnant lady but also to the father and whole family about creating and positive environment how to eat how to be active through 12 activities which are included in the free trial court as well as whole course importance of meditation importance of prayer as well as thinking during the whole pregnancy it is really helpful And we must join this to give birth such a child that all deserve for world to improve our next generation for better future of our world

It's a great initiative to make pregnancy happy and calm.. after attending garbhsankar workshop I always being happy and always try to escape from negative thing .. earlier it's a realy tough task bt now it's a great feeling .Thank you majestic garbhsankar

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All the above Garbh sanskar practices help with creating a harmonious atmosphere in your womb for the baby to grow. These practices also keep the mother healthy, physically and mentally and make the pregnancy a memorable experience.

Rituals and traditions are precious in Indian culture. They all have both scientific and spiritual reasoning. When it comes to pregnancy, Garbh Sanskar includes 3 extremely important Sanskars namely, Garbhadhan Sanskar, Punsavan Sanskar, and Simantonnayana sanskar.

Punsavan Sanskar: To be done in the third month of pregnancy. Punsavan Sanskar finds its first mention in Atharva Veda. In the Vedic tradition, it is the second sanskar out of the 16 sanskars. One of the most significant rituals for human life is this sanskar.

The ultimate purpose of this sanskar is to yield exceptional mental strength, supreme intelligence, and great virtues to the baby. Moreover, this sanskar also inspires the family to make every effort to maintain a positive environment at home.

According to ancient Indian scriptures Multiplication of Virtues & Division of Defects is called 'Sanskar'. Good deeds done in repetitive action in such a way that it becomes your nature. This is the process of imparting Sanskars. Now the question arises 'What is garbh sanskar?'

Now you know what is garbh sanskar and what are the benefits of garbh sanskar, now you might be wondering how to do garbh sanskar at home?

A crisp and concise answer to this query would be to simply download Krishna Coming Garbh Sanskar App on your mobile and enroll yourself in the online garbh sanskar course prepared by Doctors, IItians, Ved paathi brahamins & garbh sanskar acharyas. Click the link to take a free demo now:

This is a first unique Garbh sanskar center in Ahmedabad , Gujarat providing authentic ayurvedic Antenatal care and also Activities at one place with the humble guidence & observation of Ayurvedic doctors.

Through ved garbh sanskar i actually connected with my daughter when she was in the womb. At that time i just talked to her and conveyed my msg but she actually reacted in the same way which i conveyed her. Meditation during pregnancy is really gives more energy and power and the most important it makes you positive. Pregnancy with ayurved gives you tremendous benefits. Thank you ved gharbha for making my journey so special, so wonderful, so joyful and so peaceful.

Hello. I am Aarti Bhagwat. I am a dietitian by profession and also a health care manager. I wanted to share my experience about Ved Garbha centre with everyone who are planning to have a baby or who are already expecting. It has been a very happy and satisfying journey for me to join Ved Garbha. I joined when I was 3 months pregnant. Dr Daxa and her team provided me with all the guidance and support required during that phase. We used to do Prayers, stretching exercises, Yoga, pranayam and garbh samvad. Also everyday they used to make us do some fun activities like solving puzzles, some art or craft things and learning slokas. My favorite part was 'GARBH SAMVAD' AND 'ACTIVITIES'. Because exercises and yoga can be done everywhere, but it was garbh samvad that made me connect with my baby whom I had not even seen. The activities kept my mind busy and sharp, learn new things.. which in turn my baby would also inculcate. I did till my last week of pregnancy. e24fc04721

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