(under review) Perspective Blend and Indexical Shift in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)
Gan (2023). Question Answer Pairs in Hong Kong Sign Language. CLS 58 Proceeding. 103-118.
Gan (2022). Scope relation and structure hierarchy in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL): Exploring ditransitives. In A. Holtz, I. Kovač, & R. Puggaard-Rode (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (pp. 201–219). Published by Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. (pdf)
Gan (2021). Shifted indexicals in Hong Kong Sign Language with(-out) role shift. The FEAST Journal, 4, 74–86. (pdf)
Gan & Gobbo (2019). Attitudes towards the official recognition of Hong Kong Sign Language by Hong Kong Citizens. Journal of Linguistics and Education Research, 2(1), 19-34 (pdf)
Unpublished Manuscripts
2023 Indexical Shift and Perspective Blend in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL). (UConn Linguistics, 2nd General Exam Paper, please email for a copy)
2022 Syntactic structure of argument wh-questions in Hong Kong Sign Language (UConn Linguistics, 1st General Exam Paper, please email for a copy)
2019 WH-questions in Hong Kong Sign Language (UvA rMA thesis, Supervisor: Roland Pfau) (pdf)
Conferences presentations
upcoming Correlation between word order and information structure in Hong Kong Sign Language (poster). TISLR 2025. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
upcoming (With Diane Lillo-Martin, Julie Hochgesang, and Deborah Pichler). Assessing the Development of ASL by Deaf Children: Longitudinal Spontaneous Production Data (presentation). FEAST 2024. Ann Arbor, USA
01/2023 Perspective Blend and Indexical Shift in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL). The 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53). Göttingen, Germany.
05/2022 Syntactic structure of argument wh-questions in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL) (presentation). The 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-28). Hong Kong SAR, China (virtual) (slides).
04/2022 Question Answer Pairs in Hong Kong Sign Language (presentation). Chicago linguistics Society 58 (CLS 58). Chicago, USA.
01/2022 Scope and structural hierarchy in Hong Kong Sign Language: Exploring ditransitives (presentation). ConSOLE 2022. Nantes, France (virtual)
06/2021 Indexical Shift with(-out) Role Shift: Evidence from Hong Kong Sign Language, poster presented at the Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST)2021, Hong Kong SAR, China (virtual) (abstract; 3-minutes video summary; poster)
06/2021 (With Gobbo, F. & X. Zheng). Contested linguistic heritages: CODAs and denaskuloj in comparison. MINLANGCONF 2021 (virtual)
07/2019 Attitudes towards the official recognition of HKSL by Hong Kong citizens, presented at the Symposium on Sociolinguistic Variation in Signed and Spoken Languages of the Asia-Pacific Region, Lancashire, UK.
12/2016 A focus marker? WH-phrases in QAPs, presented at The 7th International Conference on Formal Linguistics, Tianjin, China
10/2016 Acquisition of WH-question in Hong Kong Sign Language by deaf bilingual children, presented at the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2016, Hong Kong SAR, China.
10/2016 Wh-cleft in Hong Kong Sign Language, presented at The 16th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, Shanghai, China