Social media is the new frontline in the fight between Brazils gangsters and police. This is not altogether surprising. After all, the country is one of the largest producers and consumers of online content in the world. There are over 70.5 million Brazilian Facebook users. Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp are all gaining in popularity. Brazils digital divide is shrinking fast.

Like the traffickers they hunt, police officers use social media to mourn the death of colleagues and celebrate the killing of criminals. Photos and addresses of suspects are circulated without evidence of their guilt. The organized assassination of 19 people in So Paulo this month in what appeared to be police-led retribution was widely reported on social media. Photographs of corpses emerged instantaneously on blogs.

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Robert Muggah is a co-founder and research director of the Igarap Institute, a leading think and do tank in Brazil. He is also co-founder of the SecDev Group and SecDev Foundation, digital security and risk analysis groups with global reach. 152ee80cbc

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