GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2021

We thank all participants for attending the GAMM Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2021 in Potsdam!

This years special emphasis will be given to recent advances in Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra in particular by PhD students, postdocs and young researchers, but all other contributions from areas of applied and numerical linear algebra are welcome. Due to this year's uncertainties there will be no invited plenary speakers. We look forward to welcoming you to Potsdam.

There is no registration fee.

Local Organizing Team, Contact and Sponsor

Date and Location and Schedule

  • Date: 16th17th September 2020 (Thu-Fri)

  • Location: University of Potsdam, Griebnitzsee Campus, Building 6

  • Site Plan

  • Schedule: Presentations and conference dinner on Thursday, presentations on Friday

Book of Abstracts

The book of abstract was printed last week. An updated version is available here.



09:00 Opening Remarks
09:10 Kai Bergermann:
Matrix function-based centrality measures for multiplex networks
09:35 Jörg Liesen:
On non-Hermitian positive (semi)definite linear algebraic systems arising from dissipative Hamiltonian DAEs

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Theresa Wagner: NFFT-Based Fast Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Kernel Ridge Regression on Large-Scale Data
10:55 Erna Begovic:
Convergence of a Jacobi-type method for the approximate orthogonal tensor diagonalization
11:20 Manuel Tsolakis:
Matrix functions via linear systems built from continued fractions
11:45 Eva Havelková:
Numerical solution of inverse problems in Single Particle Analysis
12:10 Robert Luce:
Some eigenvalue problems in nonlinear mixed integer optimization

12:35 Lunch (participants on their own)

13:30 Nicolas Nadisic: Exact Biobjective k-Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares
13:55 Matea Ugrica:
Fast optimization of viscosities for frequency-weighted damping of second-order systems
14:20 Suzana Miodragović:
Frequency isolation problem for the hyperbolic QEP applied to gyroscopic systems
14:45 Marinela Pilj Vidaković:
Optimal damping of vibrational systems using finite time energy criterion

15:10 Coffee Break

15:40 Matthias Voigt: SOBMOR: Structured Optimization-Based Model Order Reduction
16:05 Nicat Aliyev:
Subspace Method for the Estimation of Large-Scale Structured Real Stability Radius
16:30 Max Pfeffer:
Particle number conservation and block structures in Matrix Product States
16:55 Jacob Snoeijer:
Solving for the low-rank tensor components of the wave function in scattering problems with multiple ionization

17:30 Business Meeting GAMM Activity Group Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra

19:00 Conference Dinner (tbc, not included in the registration fee)


08:45 Wim Vanroose: Mixed-precision interior-point method for linear programming problems
09:10 Henrik Eisenmann:
Solving multiparameter eigenvalue problems using an alternating method
09:35 Petr Tichy:
Accurate error estimation in CG

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Adem Kaya : Low-rank solutions to the stochastic Helmholtz equation
10:55 Olivier Sète:
Polynomial preconditioning with truncated Faber series and an application to the Helmholtz equation
11:20 Siobhan Correnty:
Infinite GMRES for parameterized linear systems
11:45 Stefano Pozza:
Functions of Rational Krylov Space Matrices and their Decay Properties
12:10 Andre Uschmajew:
An a-priori parameter estimate for overrelaxation in the Sinkhorn algorithm

12:35 Closing Remarks

Scientific Topics and Contributions

The workshop is devoted to all aspects of applied and numerical linear algebra. The topics include but are not limited to: eigenvalue problems, matrix functions, linear systems, least squares problems, tensor methods, matrix equations, high performance computing, inverse problems, and applications.

Contributed talks are expected to be 20 minutes (plus 5 minutes discussion). Laptop and data projector (and also boards) are available.

Covid19 Restrictions and Information

  • Due to new restrictions regarding events or travel, we may have to cancel the workshop possibly on short notice. Similarly, we are aware that participants may have to cancel their participation on short notice. We do not assume any liability for costs incurred due to cancellation. We strongly encourage you to book only refundable tickets and accommodation.

  • We expect that all participants had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated. All participants have to wear medical masks indoors, and keep a physical distance of at least 1.5m at all times.

  • The auditorium has 300 seats allowing for about 50 participants to be seated physically distanced.

  • We are currently exploring if a socially distanced conference dinner is possible. The conference dinner and the lunch is not included in the registration fee.

  • Due to the special circumstances this year, we cannot provide any assistance with obtaining visa.

For a safe workshop

We are striving to provide a safe workshop for all participants. The following concept is based on the current (from 1 August 2021) and proposed (from 13 September 2021) regulations in the state of Brandenburg.

The workshop will be held at the Campus Griebnitzsee of the University Potsdam. We will be using a lecture hall with more than 300 seats, most of which are blocked to ensure physically distanced seating. Please do not use blocked seating.

All participants are required to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meter at all times.

Inside the building a medical mask has to be worn, that is a surgical mask or an FFP2/N95 mask without exhalation valve. A simple cloth mask is not sufficient. The current and proposed regulation permit to take off the mask while seated in the lecture hall and while you are presenting.

Disinfection liquids will be provided. Please use them to disinfect you hands regularly and, if needed, your seat/table.

During the coffee breaks, we will only serve coffee in to-go cups and a very limited selection of packaged snacks. We encourage all participants to spend the coffee breaks outside the building if weather permits. The current forecast is 11 to 19°C, partly cloudy.

Travel to and in Germany

Unfortunately, travel to Germany from outside the EU is still restricted. Furthermore, travelers who have been to a high-risk area in the last 10 days must self-isolate for 10 days. Unfortunately, high-risk areas include, among others, the UK, Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Corsica, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and the Philippines.

A full list and further information can be found at

Hotels and restaurants (indoor seating) are obliged to require proof of vaccination, recovery, or a recent test. There are many test sites in Potsdam: (only in German). Tests are offered for free at these sites also for visitors.

In German trains FFP2 masks are recommended and in public transit in Berlin required. The Campus Griebnitzsee has its own regional train station, Potsdam Griebnitzsee, which is served by the Berlin S-Bahn (S7) and by regional trains. We recommend using for timetables and bookings.

If you prefer the safety of your own car, parking is available near the campus.

Registration and Important Dates

  • Early May: Registration opens.

  • 31 August 2021: Online submission of abstracts for talks.

  • 31 August 2021: Online registration.

Abstracts and program will be made available online.

Confirmation of Participation

If you require a letter confirming your participation please contact us at after registration.