My work PC (Windows 7 Pro x64) has dual monitors and a very washed-out looking default color profile. I get around this by running the NVIDIA Control Panel and setting the gamma slider to about 0.50 and applying the changes. Works great.

The problem is that I work remotely roughly half the time, and when I am at home I use Remote Desktop to connect to the work PC. When I come back to the office, the gamma settings reset to their default, washed-out levels, even though the control panel gamma slider is still at 0.5.

Gamma Panel Windows 7 Download


It is possible to do something like this using scripting utilities like AutoIT, C# and other programming languages. Any language that can interface with gdi32.dll, for example, should be able to accomplish this task.

I was asked by support to post this in the bug forum. I'm posting the text from the support topic to give a bit of information and background. The gist of the issue is that after the January 23rd update, my in-game display was very dark. I normally adjust the gamma to account for this, but the gamma adjustment wasn't working at all. After some troubleshooting and trying suggestions from people in the help channel, I took a stab in the dark and unhooked my 2nd monitor. Once I did this, I was able to adjust the gamma and brighten the game. I tried hooking up my 2nd monitor and it presented the same issue - a dark game with no ability to adjust it. I'm looking for a possible solution that will allow me to adjust the gamma and still have my 2nd monitor in use.

Windows: Since the last update, the game is very dark. I used to adjust the in game brightness by using the gamma setting in Menu Options Graphics and Audio, but this setting doesn't seem to have any effect at all now.

I've been able to fix my brightness issues I was having by using windows color management, and then re-calibrating my monitor. I am unsure "bug" was due to upgrading to the latest build of windows 10 (1909), or if it was from upgrading CoH.

Yes, but my previous config was application controlled. Also when I did my 1909 upgrade, it felt darker. So I just did calibration in windows. Though, shouldn't have lost gamma correction in game. I chose to leave it application controlled. In case there is a bug with CoH, that will effect gamma slider for dual monitor.

I'm hoping it will be functional again, but until then I've managed to fix my brightness issues in windows, and in game by using windows color management. I am unaware if I had a profile there b4 I did my upgrade, so I very well could of been my upgrade. I dunno.

I use to work at night and it is eye-hurting to watch at lightbulb-bright screens (I've got two - laptop's built-in panel and an external 18-inch CRT) in a dark environment. So I adjust my screens to be darker.

1.0 is the normal (uncorrected) gamma value. Setting a lower gamma (for example 0.7) will increase the contrast of bright luminances, which makes midtones darker and decreases white washing. Setting a higher gamma (for example 1.5) will make midtones brighter and increase the contrast of dark luminances, but also increases white washing.

For my inexpensive laptop, I use gamma 0.8 to compensate for the too bright factory setting for the LCD and I find that the gamma correction helps with color reproduction too, which is nice because so far I haven't managed to get any color calibration working on this LCD.

First and most importantly, if at all possible adjust the display backlight, rather than using software correction of pixel values. If you dim the backlight you still get full or near-full dynamic range, giving you a clearer, "deeper" image that tends to be more readable.

Software adjustment can't make the blacks darker, it just makes white greyer and reduces contrast. So instead of using pixel values from 0-255 it might use from 0-180 for example. Everything looks flatter.

Last I checked, most displays unfortunately do(did?) not implement backlight control from software. There's a standard for it, DDC/CI but adoption has been limited. Try the ddccontrol tool with your monitor and see if you have any luck.

I've only seen it in very high end displays intended for calibrated photo and video work ... and even many of those use a USB connection and custom USB HID based driver instead of the DDC/CI standard. I'm pretty outdated though, and the linked article claims that basic options like brightness and contrast are widely supported now.

Some cheap displays don't support backlight control at all. The brightness controls on the display just adjust the pixel values on the LCD, just like software control does. Do not use these controls if you have such a monitor; it's usually better to do the correction in software, certainly no worse.

All too many displays do have backlight control, but minimum brightness is still eye-searing. They can sometimes be modified, but otherwise your best bet is setting them to minimum backlight brightness and then living with changing pixel values to get them even dimmer.

It really annoys me that displays have such a limited backlight intensity range, often artifically and arbitrarily limited, starting at eye-searing to "the power of a million suns". I look for dim backlights when I'm speccing out displays to buy.

The details are somewhat driver and software specific, but your laptop should offer convenient Fn keys that make it easy, and the OS should have a simple display brightness slider. The xbacklight utility offers a convenient command line control for this, though on my system it doesn't seem to like to go below 1% brightness and goes straight to black.

I twiddle the driver controls because my T460 is very bright - wonderful during the day, but horrible at night. The minimum brightness step offered by the fn key adjustments is still way too bright, but the driver provides much finer grained control. xbacklight only lets me get down to brighness 8/255 and I'd like So I tell it to run at 4/255 brightness:

When you lower brightness you might want to increase contrast in software a bit, especially if working on text. It'll cost you image quality, but gain you readability at low brightness. The xgamma utility will let you do that, e.g.

Will set gamma to the default value (1 for each color channel). Select the appropriate output by choosing from one of the connected devices, listed with just xrandr (or xrandr | grep -vE "^ " | grep -v disconnect).

--gamma red:green:blue Set the specified floating-point values as gamma correction on the crtc currently attached to this output. Note that you cannot get two different values for cloned outputs (i.e.: which share the same crtc) and that switching an output to another crtc doesn't change the crtc gamma corrections at all.

--brightness brightness Multiply the gamma values on the crtc currently attached to the output to specified floating value. Useful for overly bright or overly dim outputs.

Note: his is a software only modification, if your hardware has support to actually change the brightness see this answer.

The title of your question suggests you are looking for a generic tool to adjust brightness/contrast and gamma of your desktop. The body of your question suggests you are looking for automatic adjustment matching the time of day. I was looking for an answer to the first variant and found only xcalib, a command-line utility. Thus I have written a gui front-end for xcalib, which can be found on

To calibrate your LCD panel on a Windows 11 and Windows 10 computer, go to Settings > Display > Calibrate display color. Then go follow the steps to set your gamma, brightness, contrast, and colors. You can also use online tools to calibrate your LCD panel.

Recently discovered the screens colours are VERY washed out. I have tried to calibrate the colours with the windows settings and have also been trying to fix it through the intel hd graphics control panel (here i managed to fix the saturation of it but it's not dark enough to be true colours). And a friend has pointed out the gamma setting in the intel hd graphics control panel is gone. Any idea where that went and where i can get it back or something, because the off colours are throwing me off my art

Well, I just came to ask if there's any possible way for the gamma slider in Intel options to return? Frankly, the windows 10 slider sucks. It resets calibration after every startup, or sleep, or when you go full-screen in any game. It's a nuisance to constantly edit my gamma calibration. I relied on this control panel because it didn't do that, it stood with my calibration no matter what I did. Well, until it was removed. I've had a problem since this has disappeared but haven't addressed it until now.

I actually made this account just to reply and voice this concern. I'm unsure if you're in charge of what stays and what goes, but it would be fantastic if the gamma slider could return to the Intel HD Graphics Settings.

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

I know you can actually do this trough nvidia control panel, or trough nvidia freestyle, but the first option is a struggle because any change affects windows desktop, and the second option implies fps drops since frestyle acts as Reshade filter behaviour and also having an overlay may cause microstutters.

Comparing my first flight IRL in a Cessna 172 with MSFS default and then with a bit of colour grading ontop. This is just my perspective as a game developer and artist demonstrating why proper colour grading in post can make a difference in terms of realism for little to no performance cost provided the postFX stack in engine is comprehensive enough. 152ee80cbc

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