Privacy Policy

If you have Opt-out of marketing tracking or wish to Opt-out for personalized ads please visit the bottom of the page section "How to Opt-out"


This privacy policy describes the ways "Game Whiz Studio"- Publisher name "Asad Habib" use the information that is collected when you (users) download any Game or Application released under our title. This policy covers all the services and products offered by Game Whiz Studio. This document also shows that the user agrees with the gathering and use of personal information collected at the time of download. Furthermore, we may change this policy according to the new rules (if any) so, you are advised to check on with this document regularly.

Personal identification information

In order to provide a better experience to the users, we may collect some information. The exposure of personal information depends solely on the user either if he/she wants to share his/her information or not. They can always refuse to share their personal information with us.

Non-personal identification information

This is the information which is directly related to the amount of ease and benefits you will get from a Game or Application. This information includes the brand and type of the device you are using to download and play the game, the version of software installed, the location you are accessing from and the country of your stay.

Basic Personal Information accessed through social networks.

In some cases, you are asked to connect your game with the social networks you use. This personal information helps us connect you with your community and friends. Also, we may ask for your permission to post on your account on your behalf (only if you allow). When you use our services via social networks, mobile devices or any third-party app, you are allowing Game Whiz Studio to collect your information according to the privacy policy of social networks when they allowed them to access your information.

Information Usage

Game Whiz Studio uses the information collected from you for the following purposes:

Better customer services

We are able to respond to customer’s queries more efficiently with the information collected from them.

To personalize user experience

The information collected also helps us to understand the nature of users and how they are taking our games and Applications. This way user can also get informed of our new features, updates, offers. It is up to the user if he/she wants to unsubscribe from communication services they can simply send us an email.

Permissions that may use sensitive information

Here are some permissions we use which possess sensitive information:

Access to read and write external data

For customizing the character skins, player images, we allow our game to access the user's mobile device gallery and upload desired images. Photos saved within the games are also available for sharing by the players.

Sharing your personal information

The user’s information is safe with us; we do not trade personal information from users for any purpose. The only purpose could be keeping this information for law enforcement authorities in case they need it during an investigation for any criminal activity which will be leading Game Whiz Studio to legal liability.


Some games are integrated with features like sharing the score or achievements of a player with others playing the same game or using the same app. These features sometimes use the social networks so the information accessed will be according to that social network’s privacy policy you are using. If you have any further queries you can check with the network’s privacy policy.

Analytics, Advertising, and Other Services Provided by Other Companies

Advertisements and some other analytical structures are served by third parties in our games. The sources used by these companies to track the actions of players are cookies, accounts (if set with these companies), and other online services like mobile device models, IP addresses, browser details and etc. All of this information is used to present you with the relative advertisements and content you are interested in. It does not lie under Game Whiz Studio's privacy policy that how third-party companies utilize your personal information.

Have a look at the privacy policies of these companies for a better understanding;


Google Analytics:



Facebook Audience Network Policy -

Google AdMob: 


Opt-out of marketing tracking

If you don’t want third-party service providers to use to personalize ads on the basis of your interests please follow the instructions below:

Please mind when you opt-out of certain interest-based advertising, you may still continue to receive contextual ads based on other non-personal information, such as ads related to the content of other digital products you are using.

Acceptance of the terms

By installing Game Whiz Studio games, you agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. The use of our games without agreeing to this privacy policy is prohibited. We reserve all the right to change this privacy policy without any prior notice.

For any questions about this Privacy Policy or any other issue please contact us at: or