Game For Legends
Privacy Policy

When you play our Games, you have a right to know regarding, what information we collect for Admob or third-party Advertisement serving Networks and under what circumstances, if any; how we use it. If your age is less than 18 & belongs to countries including the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom or depending on where you are located.So, you must get your guardian’s permission before providing us with any personal information. We have the right to amendments in our privacy policy at any time without notice to you. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy before using our games and apps.

Collection of Information

Information You Provide to Us

We use information about you for the following purposes in accordance with the legal bases for each type of personal data. We will not collect any Personal Information from you simply by virtue of your visiting our Website; we only collect it if you choose to submit it to us. We do, however, collect Non-Personal Information such as device IDs, IP addresses and other persistent identifiers, as well as Usage Data, whenever you use our Website/Apps. Such Non-Personal Information is not combined with Personal Information unless you choose to submit Personal Information to us.

We may collect information regarding your use of our software, applications and/or services, including information about the duration of your use, the features you use and your interactions with other users of the software, applications and/or services.

We will only collect information Personal and non-personal where it is reasonably necessary to do so for the conduct of our business. Any collection of personal information by us will be fair and lawful and will not be intrusive.

Use and Disclosure of Information

Provide you with any goods, services, or functionality you have requested; to respond to any inquiries you have made through our customer service features, to send you newsletters,

How do we protect your information?

You have the right to obtain restriction of processing in certain circumstances, see Article 18 of the GDPR. If you have the right to restriction, we will only process your data with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim or to protect a person or important grounds of public interest.

Do we use 'cookies'?

We do not use cookies for tracking purposes, you can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser settings. Since browsers are a little different, look at your browser's Help Menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies.

If you turn cookies off, Some of the features that make your site experience more efficient may not function properly that make your site experience more efficient and may not function properly.

Analytics, Advertising and Other Services Provided by Other Companies

We may allow third parties to serve advertisements in connection with our Services, to provide analytics services and provide you with other services, such as rewards programs and tournaments. These third parties may use cookies, web beacons, your account information (that you set up with these third parties) and other technologies to collect information about you on our Services and other websites and online services, such as your IP addresses, identifiers associated with your mobile device or applications on the device, the browsers you use to visit our Services, pages viewed, time spent on pages, links clicked, and conversion information. These third parties may also share this information with their customers and clients. This information may be used by Active Invasion, and these other companies and their customers and clients, to analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, deliver advertising and content targeted to your interests, and better understand your usage. Some of these third-party analytics and advertising services offer you a choice to opt out the collection of and/or sharing of this information; links to the opt-out mechanisms for the third parties that offer such a choice can be found in the “Your Choices” section below. This Privacy Policy does not apply to, and we are not responsible for, third-party cookies, web beacons, or other tracking technologies.

The Security of Your Information

Active Invasion takes reasonable measures to help protect information about you from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

Sharing of information

Furthermore, if you have given your consent in accordance with Section 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, we share your advertising ID to advertising network companies for the purpose of them serving behavioral advertisements to you within the App. We use or may use the advertising network companies.

We disclose information about you to the following categories of recipients based on the legal bases in Sections 6(1)(b), 6(1)(c) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (see a description of the legal bases above). Please see the links below to learn more about the privacy policy of our third-party service providers.

• Google Analytics:

• Firebase:

• Game Analytics:

• Adcolony:

• Super Sonic:

• Heyzap:

• Admob:

• Unity Ads:

• Chartboost:

We collect your email address in order to:

Send information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, you can email us and we will promptly remove you from ALL correspondence.


Please contact us at if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy.