Privacy Policy

At Game Nuix, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and the personal information they share with us. This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect, how we use it, and your rights regarding that information.

Information We Collect

Personal Information: We collect personal information, such as your name, email address, and billing information, when you create an account with us or make a purchase.

Children Policy:

We do not purposefully collect or use information of our users that is under age of 13. Please do not send your personal information like Name, email, telephone and address. We delete the information from the users of age under 13 (if provided to us any) and same is executed by our third-party partners.

Game Data: We collect data about your use of the game, such as your game progress, scores, and achievements.

Device Information: We collect information about your device, such as the device type, operating system, and unique device identifiers.

Location Information: We may collect information about your location if you have allowed the game to access your device's location services.

Log Data: We automatically collect log data, such as your IP address, browser type, access times, and referring website addresses.

How We Use Your Information

To provide you with the game and related services: We use your information to provide you with access to the game, to process your purchases, and to deliver related customer support.

To personalize your experience: We use your information to tailor the content and advertising that you see in the game, based on your preferences and interests.

To improve the game: We use your information to understand how you use the game, to identify and fix technical problems, and to make improvements to the game.

For marketing and advertising: We may use your information to send you promotional emails or push notifications about new features, special offers, and other events.

Sharing of Your Information

We will not sell, rent, or share your personal information with third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. We may share your information with third parties for the following purposes:

To provide you with the game and related services: We may share your information with service providers, such as payment processors, that help us provide the game and related services to you.

To comply with legal obligations: We may disclose your information if we are required to do so by law or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to comply with legal process, protect the rights or property of Game Nuix, or protect the safety of our users.

For business transactions: We may transfer your information to a third party in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets.

Data Security

We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, no data transmission over the internet or storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of your information, and you use our game and services at your own risk.

Your Rights

You have the right to request access to and deletion of your personal information, as well as to request that we correct or update any inaccurate information. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information for certain purposes, such as marketing.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by updating the "Last Updated" date at the top of this page, and we may provide additional notice, such as through the game or by email. Your continued use of the game after any changes to this Privacy

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the information we collect and use, please contact us at