I've solved this without having to resort to uninstalling the alternate apk first (what a pain, right?). To successfully install both a debug and release version of an apk, simply use gradle's built-in ${applicationId} placeholder within the AndroidManifest.xml to modify the permissions' android:name values at compile time.

In Android 5, check your settings -> apps. Instead of deleting for just the active user (since android 5 can have multiple users and my phone had a guest user) tap on the accessory button in the top right corner of the action/toolbar and choose "uninstall for all users". It appears that in Android 5 when you just uninstall from launcher you only uninstall the app for the active user.

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And in my case I couldn't fix this problem uninstalling the app because it was an android app, but I had to change my app custom permissions name in manifest because they were the same as an android app, which I could not uninstall or do any change.

I do have android, but not sure about how back ups are done for game data as i have the game on my tablet as well but both devices are under the same google account, so not to sure which it would have backed up to the google storage or whatnot. Guess il have to try the long route of contacting them, i had a problem i contacted them with in October and they just got back to me about it a week ago. =\ Thanks for the tips though. :-)

The way it works for Samsung is different to iOS as they use friends codes as backup, also email is not used in getting your backup back. I suggest you contact gameloft with your friend codes and they will help you out from there and yes they will get it back. ff782bc1db

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