Oracle provides this Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap, to help you understand maintenance and support options and related timelines. If you are looking for the latest free JDK release from Oracle under an open source license, please see, or a free under commercial license see

Since September 2017, Oracle provides JDK releases under a free open source license (similar to that of Linux). Availability and community support of OpenJDK releases provided by Oracle is listed separately on

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The Web Deployment Technology bundled with the Oracle JRE, consisting of the Java Plugin and Java Web Start has a shorter support lifecycle: only five years of Premier Support. The deployment stack was marked as deprecated and flagged for removal in Java SE 9 and Java SE 10. Oracle Java SE 11 and later versions do not include the Deployment Stack. As Java SE 8 will be the sunset release for the Deployment Stack Oracle extended support of Java Web Start on Java SE 8 until the end of Java SE 8 Extended Support. The Java Plugin (Java Applets) remains updated in Java 8, but may be removed at any time in a future release. Oracle Customers can find more information at My.Oracle.Support Note 251148.1 - Java SE 8 End of Java Plugin Support (requires login).

byte has an extensive use in applet development for Java Card. Because cards have limited resources every bit of memory is precious. By the way card processors have limitations in processing of integer values. int type support is optional and java.lang.String is not supported so all integer operation and data storage is done by byte and short variables and arrays. As integer literals are of int type, they should be explicitly cast to byte or short in whole code. Communication with card goes through APDU commands that is handed to applet as an array of bytes that should be decomposed to bytes to decode command class, instruction and parameters. Looking at the following code you see how much byte and short types are important to Java Card development:

There are a lot of optimizations that can be made for the game of life. There are far too many to get into here, but you should look up "conway game of life optimization" on your favorite search engine for those. For now, I'll address your code specifically.

The life of a Java developer is sometimes intense. Majority just sit all day in front of a computer screen just writing codes, trying to fix a bug or trying to upgrade a feature requested by a customer. At a glance, most persons see the life of a developer as boring because often times, you may not even see the direct impact of what they are doing except to sit in front of a computer screen sinking in hours day-in-day-out. According to Hilary Chukwudi some bugs or features can take days to research or to fix. Sometimes too, programmers tend to implore trial by error approach to their work. Michael Ajirioghene said essentially, four things summarize the life of a programmer: coding, thinking, researching, and testing. Bolaji Oluseye said "If you must learn how to write Java then higher priority should be placed on selecting or getting the good tutor or good material."

Yes. Red Hat has the ability to provide updates to OpenJDK software shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Windows distributions subject to the lifecycle guidance provided in this article and subject to the availability of fixes in the upstream distributions. Red Hat can also backport fixes from newer OpenJDK versions to older supported versions when a fix is not provided in the older upstream version.

Yes, it is possible to have multiple versions of OpenJDK on the same Red Hat Enterprise Linux server as long as they are available on the media (DVD) or Red Hat Network channels. These packages are separate packages with the version number clearly identified in the name of the RPM. It is also possible for a third-party Java JDK/JRE to be installed concurrently with OpenJDK. For customer convenience, Red Hat also bundles the IBM JDK via the Supplementary channels. Note that the IBM JDK is not integral to the RHEL content set and follows IBM's guidance on updates and life cycle. We recommend you use the alternatives tool[1] to configure OpenJDK or a third-party Java.

RHEL has a proven track record of maintaining binary compatibility of key components for the life of the (major) release. OpenJDK is no exception to this rule. Users are free to stay at a particular release (e.g. ""). However, we strongly recommend that you update to the most recent release that is available. This ensures that you receive fixes to the most recent critical bugs and security fixes.

Red Hat ships OpenJDK versions with an initial commitment of 6 years of support. We review the lifecycle regularly and can extend the lifecycle if we determine there is sufficient demand. The OpenJDK 8 lifecycle has been reviewed and extended already, and OpenJDK 11 will receive the same review later in its lifecycle.

The OpenJDK 7 and 8 lifecycles have been updated to better align with the product lifecycles of the products in the JBoss Middleware portfolio. In general, JBoss products support more than one JVM version, and we define lifecycles to ensure that users have a fully supported stack for the lifetime of the JBoss product. Users may have to upgrade from one Java version to a newer version within the lifetime of the JBoss product. JBoss lifecycles are defined on the Red Hat JBoss Middleware Product Update and Support Policy page.

rpm -ivh java-1.8.0-openjdk- command should install an additional version of the package 65-2.b17.el7_1 and not update or remove a previously installed version. Note that you must first download this package to the system as rpm will not auto download it for you. You can use the yumdownloader tool from the yum-utils package to do this for you.

Was the "End of Support" date for java-1.7.0-openjdk on RHEL 6 just extended to June 2020? I've reviewed this page several times over the past 6months and my notes indicated an "End of Support" date as June 2018. Will Red Hat provide security patches to the java-1.7.0-openjdk software package up to the June 2020 date?

The transition function for the game of life is a function from Bool^9 -> Bool. This is a finite and very small function to compute. If you pre-compute it, then you don't need to count anything: Just loop through the board, and replace each cell with the value of the function at that point.

Games are an amazingly effective tool to release a quick rush of dopamine and get you addicted to spending many hours a day playing them. But when it comes to school, they wasted a lot of my study time, distracted me from learning efficiently and eventually made other things in life feel bland.

Java 5 is the last release of Java to officially support Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows ME,[31] while Windows Vista was the newest version of Windows that Java SE 5 was supported on prior to Java 5 going end-of-life in October of 2009.[25]

Java 6 reached the end of its supported life in February 2013, at which time all public updates, including security updates, were scheduled to be stopped.[43][44] Oracle released two more updates to Java 6 in March and April 2013, which patched some security vulnerabilities.[45][46]

Edit: Based on the answers I've clarified a few points because I had erroneously spoken of JVM and Dalvik interchangeably. In this bit I'm talking about Java only to ask if it uses more power and if yes, does that conceptually apply to Android as well and does it result in decreased battery life.

Finally, I disagree with your assessment that Android has worse battery life problems than on other mobile platforms. Certain phones and devices may indeed have battery life problems, either due to the capacity of the battery relative to the energy consumption of the hardware; poorly optimized power settings (elected by the user, the carrier, or the manufacturer); or bloatware apps that keep chips in the phone awake all the time. But for every example of a device that has battery problems, I can give you a counterexample of a device with excellent battery life. There's no simple way to generalize that "it's Dalvik" or "it's Linux" or "it's Java". Power optimization is a complicated hardware/software mish-mosh of competing concerns, including performance, responsiveness, and the user expectations for battery life, with pros and cons to each choice. To fully understand the power profile of a device, you have to take a close look at the battery itself, all of the hardware, and all of the software running on the device.

The reason why Google decided on using the Dalvik VM is for portability. I know of four different CPU architectures that Android can official run on (ARM, MIPS, x86, I.MX). While every other phone OS can only use one (ARM). ( _of_mobile_operating_systems) So comparing different CPU types with for example IPhone is unfair. If Android was ran on IPhone, Android would have comparable to superior performance and battery life.

"do Java applications use more power ?" Simply no.

Why Android phones have such appalling battery lives as compared to other platforms/phones ?Many Android phones are built cheaper than Apple's IPhone, but look at the price difference. The IPhone cost more because of the much larger battery with in it (and it's on average slower CPU). My android phone (Google Galaxy Nexus) has comparable battery life to the IPhone 4G but has much faster hardware specs (1GHz vs. 1.2GHZ).

The matrix below shows the list of available AWS SDK major versions and where they are in the maintenance life cycle with associated timelines. For detailed information on the life-cycle for the major versions of Software Development Kits (SDKs) and Tools and their underlying dependencies see AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy

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