iBox Privacy Policy

Routine Information Collection

All web servers track basic information about their visitors. This information includes but is not limited to, IP addresses, browser details, timestamps, and referring pages. None of this information can personally identify specific visitors to this site. The information is tracked for routine administration and maintenance purposes and lets me know what pages and information are useful and helpful to visitors.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Where necessary, our apps use cookies to store information about a visitor’s preferences and history to better serve the visitor and/or present the visitor with customized content. Advertising partners and other third parties may also use cookies, scripts, and/or web beacons to track visitors to our site to display advertisements and other useful information. Such tracking is done directly by third parties through their servers and is subject to their privacy policies.


We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. We do not knowingly collect personal information on children under the age of 13. When a user identifies himself or herself as a child under the age of 13 through a support request or any feedback, we will not collect, store, or use, and will delete securely, any personal information of such user.


Our Apps enable in-app purchases. We do not process payments for in-app purchases and do not have access to your credit card information. Payment transactions for in-app purchases are completed through the app store via your app store account. Any post-purchase processes are controlled by the app store and are subject to specific terms of such app store.


Our Apps may contain subscriptions. You can have a free trial period or can decide to subscribe right after download. We provide different subscription options for your convenience: weekly, monthly, and three-month subscriptions. If you change your mind at any point, cancellation is easy through settings.

Controlling Your Privacy

Note that you can change your browser settings to disable cookies if you have privacy concerns. Disabling cookies for all sites is not recommended as it may interfere with your use of some sites. The best option is to disable or enable cookies on a per-site basis. Consult your browser documentation for instructions on how to block cookies and other tracking mechanisms.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to Advertising ID.

Advertising ID we use for statistical purposes only (e.g. all types of retention, gameplay times, and others).

However, you can disable or reset your ID in a few clicks and go back to being (almost) anonymous. Note: limiting ad tracking settings only works on apps, not for websites you visit via browser. And resetting your ID won’t get rid of ads; they just won’t be personalized because they won’t have your data.

How to limit ad tracking on Android devices

How to limit ad tracking on iPhone or iPad

Service Providers

We may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

We want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


We value your trust in providing us with your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to take the necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

This policy is effective as of 2024-03-21

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at gameleyhx@gmail.com.