You may refer to the images I uploaded below. It shows the contents of the flash drive. The command prompt shows the hidden contents. You can see there that there is a with a blank name. It contains the contents of the flash drive. That directory also has a desktop.ini inside it with these as contents.

Unlike the first desktop.ini (found at the root of the flash drive). It has some kind of binary contents which frankly I don't know how to paste here. So I just uploaded the contents of the flash drive here. So you can view it yourself.

Download Google Drive Contents

Download 🔥 🔥

Use the command prompt to copy your files to your internal HDD (Make sure you have a virus software installed and fully updated before doing this) and then scan the files before formatting the drive, and then put the files back on the drive.

If I access google drive through the google drive app, I see all of my files and folders, even ones I just added on my pc. Everything is as it should be (although I've never tried to access a shared drive, just the main drive).

When I go to the files app and open the google drive, the newest file is from early January 2020. I've written numerous files, probably at least 30, to my google drive since then. None of them are there. And it keeps bouncing between showing me those old files and telling me content is unavailable. The new files never show up even though the google drive app updates them instantly.

To troubleshoot, I've tried removing my secondary google account from the drive and changing my appleID to match the main google account - which is actually an address through google as it's through my university. I've also tried force restarting the app and the ipad.

Google Workspace newbie Admin... is there a way to view the contents of Shared Drives that users create? For example, if a User is unreachable, ill, terminated, etc and I need to access files from their Share Drives, how can I, as an Admin, do so if I'm not on the team linked to the Shared Drive?

No, you can't view or access a shared drive's content unless you have specifically been given access to it. However, since you are an admin, you can give yourself access. Go to admin console > apps > drive > manage shared drives. There you will find an option to manage drive members.

In Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Shared Drives allow teams to store, access, and collaborate on files. Admins in Google Workspace have varying levels of access to the contents of Shared Drives, depending on their assigned roles and permissions.

It's important to note that while admins might have access to the contents of Shared Drives, they should always adhere to the organization's policies and ethical guidelines regarding data privacy and access. It's recommended to establish clear guidelines and permissions for Shared Drive access to ensure proper data security and integrity.

If I understand properly this topic client-side-accessing-windows-azure-drive, the blob which store the driver data looks like an other blob ?

So if the drive is really create, I can see him with CloudBerry ?

When using the storage emulator, the cloud drive is simulated using local storage on your disk. To see its contents, you can open the storage emulator and choose to view cloud drive contents (which opens an explorer window to the correct temporary directory). See this article for more details.

The cloud drive is simply a VHD stored in your storage account as Page Blob. Like David explains, if you're working in the emulator the cloud drive is simulated. But if you run the application in Windows Azure the VHD file will be present in your storage account (I assume you'll be able to see it in CloudBerry, but I don't know if it supports page blobs).

To download the content of blob files stored on Drive within a browser, insteadof through the API, use thewebContentLink field of theFiles resource. If the user has downloadaccess to the file, a link for downloading the file and its contents isreturned. You can either redirect a user to this URL, or offer it as a clickablelink.

This code sample uses the restricted drive scope that allows users to view andmanage all of your Drive files. To learn more about Drive scopes, refer toAPI-specific authorization and authenticationinformation.

To export Google Workspace document content within a browser, use theexportLinks field of theFiles resource. Depending on the documenttype, a link to download the file and its contents is returned for every MIMEtype available. You can either redirect a user to a URL, or offer it as aclickable link.

To export Google Workspace document content at an earlier version within abrowser, use the revisions.get methodwith the ID of the file to download and the ID of the revision. If the user hasdownload access to the file, a link for downloading the file and its contents isreturned. You can either redirect a user to this URL, or offer it as a clickablelink.

The power blinked and for whatever reason the UPS didn't hold, when it came back up disk 2 was showing as unmountable. I didn't do things the correct way, I am so used to UnRaid being foolproof that I didn't run dianostics to post when I saw the error, I just shut down and hoped for the best. (I've been up and running since 2015 with no issues other than the occasional drive failures where is disables the drive, emulates it, and I run a couple of days until the new drive comes in and I just swap and it rebuilds and I am fine)

Where do I go from here? Is there any way to recover what I have without starting from scratch? I see a document about replacing the boot drive and adding existing data drives back in to the array, all my drives are clearly labeled so I know which one is the parity disk, but I am more concerned about the config and all the shares, I don't really want to try to reinvent the wheel on all of those.

ps. If it looks odd in my config that I have disks 1 2 and 3 and then 6 7 and 8 there is a reason. When the array started getting too large I stole a couple of drives from it and started ANOTHER Unraid server I just never took the time to renumber the drives (although it does bother me)

Yes. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I have already backup up all the available data on all the remaining drives in the array and used UFS Explorer to recover all of the data I could off of the failed drive. My question is, where do I go from here?

I'm guessing my first step would be to replace the failing drive since it had thousands of SMART errors. But once I do that how do I fix it so the shares can see all the files on the other drivers? Do I need to wipe everything and copy all files from scratch like I was building a brand new system?

Shares are effectively the aggregate of any top level folder with a given name across all array drives and pools so you should not need to do anything if the files are in the correct location on each drive.

if you think it all files are in the correct location then it can be worthwhile to run a filesystem check across all your drives as corruption at the filesystem level has been known to upset user shares being visible.

After I have checked all my other disks (I might as well at this point) should I reformat the bad drive and let it rebuild and the array and THEN replace it, or can I skip that step and just pop a new drive in that slot?

Good morning friends! I have an issue that I have never seen before, and I am hoping you guys can point me in the right direction. I have a user who is working from home today via VPN (NetMotion Mobility). She has several mapped network drives, and all of them are fine except one. The one is only showing a part of the actual content of the folder. There are probably 15 folders in this network drive, yet she sees only one. Here is what I have checked so far:

I had a similar issue. Mine was caused by DFS. We had an error where DFS was not replicating to a certain partner and access from the VPN placed her in a site that did not have all the data. Once DFS was fixed and the data replicated the user had no issues. The issue was persistent because we were using the DFS name space to map the drive instead of the physical server shares.

@tthomason I, like @mattrhoads, am feeling like a bonehead. I've had a user with this issue for a good while now and after clicking the "work online" button in the ribbon he was able to see all the contents of the mapped folder.

I was unable to see certain (usually larger) files inside of a server share after mapping the shared folder to new computers in the office. I previously rammed my head into it and re-mapped the drives manually until they worked, but now I know why: I was mapping it to the folder's name (Proper Case) and not the network path (lower case) (IE: \\server\FolderName had missing files, \\server\foldername shows everything). As soon as I re-mapped the drive with the name matching the network path all of the files showed up perfectly.

As asked, can the Z drive contents be replaced? Or bypassed somehow?

The only thing I can find on VOGONS is this : Writable Z Drive

I am no coder and wouldn't know how to go about it on my own. I was using DOSBox-X, but it proved to have some odd glitches that went away when I moved to DOSBox and DOSBoxECE. In fact, I have pretty much stayed on DOSBoxECE and am enjoying some of its enhancements until a newer version of main DOSBox comes around. ff782bc1db

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