Thanh Hutton

Thanh Hutton

I was directed to a seat and got settled. My lawyer sat on one side of me, with one of the linebackers on the other side. I asked, "Ok, what is going on now?"

"These men are here to keep you out of jail. I know that, right about now, you probably want to kill that son-of-a-bitch. So, I hired these two men to keep you out of prison.... Now, if you notice, Johnson isn't smiling at all."

It was only then that I became aware of Johnson's facial expression. He wasn't gloating at all.

I could see that my wife still wanted to approach me, and was glad no one would let her.

My lawyer finally got up and approached a podium at the front of the room. "Mrs. Paterson. You wanted this meeting. We're here. Would you like to start?"

Anna's lawyer approached the podium and began to speak. "I am Mrs. Sara Paterson, I am representing your wife Anna Belton. Thank you for coming, Mr. Belton. First, I would like to say this has been a nightmare to put together. The situation was quite complex, and I did all I could do, as quickly as possible. I am sorry for all the delays, but at least everything has been resolved." She took a breath.

"Mrs. Day? Would you like to start?"

Another woman stood, approached the podium, then turned to me. "Mr. Belton, I am Mrs. Barbra Day, I am representing your ex-employer James Johnson. I apologize for the misery that my client has caused you. My client, as part of his agreement between your and your wife's attorneys, has agreed to fully confess his role in the adultery committed with your wife. He has also agreed to pay all legal fees and expenses. He will pay, both you and Mrs. Belton, a sum of four million dollars each. Your lawyer has the certified check for you to cash at your convenience."

"Mr. Belton, if I may advise you, based on my personal experience, to please keep an open mind while Mr. Johnson speaks. You will learn that this whole, sad episode was not entirely your wife's fault." She then looked at Johnson and nodded.

He nervously took the podium, then looked directly at me and spoke. "Roy, as part of my agreement with your attorneys and your wife, I have agreed to make this statement. I have also agreed to answer any questions you might have. However, if my attorneys tell me not to answer, then I won't be able to answer a particular question."

He looked at me as if he expected me to say something. All I wanted to do was to rush the son-of-a-bitch and kick his ass, or as much of him as I could, before the linebackers caught me. knowing that I wouldn't stand a chance, I just stared at him.

Johnson cleared his throat. "This is the third time I have done this to a married couple. The husband of the first couple still works for me. My actions destroyed the relationship of the second couple, they left my employ, and are presently divorced."

"You were actually the third couple I have hired and, well, used for my personal entertainment." He looked down, and I could see he didn't like doing this. He continued. "After I hired you, I paid you more than you deserved. I then proceeded with my plan to impoverish you. I encouraged you to take on debt; to buy new cars, a new motorcycle, a bigger home in a better location. All using my company's finance. It was a debt that you could service at your present salary, but it would ruin you if I, or someone else, reduced your pay or if you lost your job."

Johnson started to become very nervous. "I justified my actions by rationalizing that only a moron would acquire so much debt, without considering the consequences, but that was just horseshit. I put you in an impossible financial position, then I went to your wife and told her I was making a list of employees to be made redundant."

I could see him turning a deep red, with shame and embarrassment, far removed from his normal look of superiority.

"I told your wife that there was only one way to keep you off that list."

"Mr. Belton, it took her almost six weeks before she would agree to this. I was afraid I was going to have to lay you off after Atlanta." He paused a long time before he continued.

"Mr. Belton, while you were in Atlanta, I took advantage of your wife. I told her that your employment would be terminated, without even severance pay, if she didn't learn to take care of me. I forced her, using threats of financial ruin, to let me humiliate you. I didn't expect you to leave the seminar so soon. I had hired two women to keep you occupied and, also, feeling guilty. I understand that they failed their task. Your wife should be proud of your loyalty, as I have never heard of a man staying faithful, under the pressure you were under."

Finally, he looked at his attorney and she nodded. "Roy, this wasn't your wife's fault. This was entirely my fault. Please consider taking her back. She was only trying to protect your family and its financial stability." He looked back at his lawyer. "I will answer any questions you have for me."

I was in a state of disbelief at the sheer audacity of this asshole's plan best porn manga websites

At first, I didn't want to ask anything, but then I wanted to know, "When did you start fucking my wife?"

His answer was quick. "Not before you went to Atlanta."

"How long has it been since, or do you remember when, you approached her for the first time?"

"It took almost two months before I convinced her that she didn't have a choice."

Ok, I thought, that would be about the time she started to play the cuckold game while we were in bed. I looked at Anna, for the first time seeing her eyes pleading with me.

"Why in our bed?" I finally asked. Though I was still looking at Anna.


"In our bed?" I asked again.

James noticed I wasn't asking him. He looked at Anna.

"In our bed!!" I was looking at my wife. She didn't have an answer.

I felt my heart pull, my chest tighten. I stood up and walked out the door. Once outside, I quickly found a secluded corner, hoping for some privacy. I curled into a ball and tried to hold my emotions back. I dug my nails into my palms, trying to ride through the feelings of pain, hurt and betrayal. I contained most of my sobs, but some small moans escaped.

I was still wrestling with my emotions when I felt a hand on me, then arms embracing me.

'Fuck. Just fucking great,' I thought. Now I have a linebacker trying to comfort me.

As the arms tightened around me, I thought, "He smells much better than he did."

Then I thought, "He feels much better than he did before, too."

I didn't want to open my eyes, squeezing them tight to control the tears, but I couldn't contain the tremors. Then I felt the linebacker's cheek against mine.

Shocked, I backed off and opened my eyes. It wasn't the linebacker.

I was looking at my wife's angelic face.

"Why, in our bed?"

Anna still couldn't answer, and I figured that I'd lost the four million by walking out of the conference room, so did any of this really matter?

"I know I hurt you but, please, it wasn't my idea." Anna pleaded. I just stared at her. "He made me go out with him and give myself to him. He made me take photos for him. I know I betrayed your trust too. Please Roy! Please, I need you! If I told you before now, he would have fired you. We would have been sunk and lost everything."

"We did lose everything." I told her. "You are the reason I worked so hard. I had to work hard to pay for all the things that you wanted so much. When I left, I realized that I didn't care about any of that stuff, only about you."

Anna kissed me on the lips quickly and asked. "Can we go somewhere?"

I didn't want to take her to my apartment. I knew what would happen there, judging by my rapidly enlarging cock. It was still early, so I said "Ok, come with me."

I took her to an Albuquerque's original 'Mac's Steak in the Rough'. It is little more than a drive-thru, but does have the most delicious meals, called 'roughs'. I ordered one for each of us.

After we received our meals, and had found a seat, I offered her a box and I opened mine. I pulled a 'rough' out and took a bite, showing Anna how to eat it.

She must have been either hungry or intrigued because she dug in, finishing her first 'rough' before me.

I decided to start the dinner conversation with the most important question.

"Why didn't you come to me when Johnson started to pressure you, Anna?"

"He told me he would fire you and ruin your reputation if I did," she pleaded. "I wanted to tell you. You have no idea how badly I wanted to come to you." She looked at me, pleading. "I hated being with him. I hated him even touching me, but I needed to save our future."

"Saved it by ruining it? Really Anna, what the hell were you thinking hotmyfreecams

"I was thinking I loved you, and I wanted us to be together always," she answered.

"How does fucking around show your love for me, Anna? How does that keep us together? That's why I told you I didn't want to go any further than role play. I liked the role play but I... I... I died inside when I saw his car in our driveway." I looked down. "It ripped out my heart, Anna."

I didn't want her at my place, so I took her back to the motel. Once there, she wouldn't let me leave. She led me to a table in the lounge. I noticed that both her lawyer and mine were sitting at a nearby table. Apparently, they were also staying at the motel. There was no sign of James Johnson or any of his legal team.

A waitress took our drink orders; bourbon and coke for me, and red wine for Anna.

We sat together and started talking, discussing our situation and our feelings. One drink led to two, and two led to three. It started getting late. I couldn't believe that I had spent almost five hours talking to my, should-have-been ex-wife.

I wanted to go home but knew I'd had too much to drink to safely drive to my apartment. Anna took my hand, brought it to her lips, and kissed my knuckles. I opened my palm and cupped her cheek. Then I brought her face to mine and did something that I thought I'd never do again. I kissed her. Her soft lips, her taste, her smell, everything working at the same time, reaffirmed what I'd realized over the last few months. I was still in love with her.

As we continued to kiss and hold each other, I stared into her eyes. Eyes that were usually deep and penetrating, so full of excitement and vitality that I felt as if I could live off them. However, today, her eyes reflected a deep sadness and regret. They were telling me that she hated everything that bastard had done to her, and us.

After a while I started to think of calling a cab, but she must have sensed that I was about to leave. She rose, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. Without a word she walked us to the elevator and, once inside, pressed the fourth-floor button. As we ascended, I brought her to me and started kissing her again. She returned my kisses with enthusiasm.

Reaching the fourth floor, we stepped off the elevator. She guided me to room 414, kissing as we walked. I held her, with her back against the door, in a passionate kiss, as she struggled to pull the key card out of her purse. When I heard the whirring as the door lock disengaged, I grabbed her ass and lifted her off the floor. She pushed down on the handle, and I carried her into the room, pinning her against a wall. As the door shut automatically, I began to grope her side with one hand and ass with the other, without breaking our kiss. Finally, I let her down, raised my hands to her blouse, and ripped it apart exposing a sheer black bra. She moaned her approval as I roughly pulled the remnants of the blouse over her head and tossed them aside. I reached behind her and snapped the double hooks of her bra with a twist of my fingers. Feeling it become loose, I forcefully tugged the bra from her shoulders, freeing her breasts. Then I picked her up again and threw her on the bed. She quickly removed her skirt and panties, at the same time, throwing them on the floor, then kicked off her shoes while watching me drop my slacks.

She tried to look worried and scared, but it didn't work. I knew she was acting. She trusted me. I walked right through that trust, picking her up and rolling her onto her stomach. I raised her ass and positioned my already hard cock at her netherlips. Then I rammed it home hard. Some of the dramatic effect was spoiled because she was so wet, expecting to be penetrated. I fucked her, like I had never fucked anyone before, relentlessly pounding into her ass cheeks with my hips.

I heard her gasping and squealing, unsure whether it was pleasure or pain, but I really didn't care as I drove into her mercilessly.

Anger was my dominant emotion. But what was I angry about? Of course, I wanted to kick Johnson's ass from here to Timbuktu. Unfortunately, he wasn't here, it was just me and my should-have-been ex-wife. So, I continued to plow into her cunt. At one time my cunt. Only my cunt. I exploded, ejecting two ropes of cum into her, before I fell to the floor on my back with three more ropes of cum spurting, a meter or so, onto the carpet.

Seeing me fall, Anna jumped off the bed, coming to my aid even before the cum had stopped squirting. In fact, some of it landed on her but she didn't seem to mind a bit. "Are you ok Roy?" she said, worried that I might have hurt my-self.

I didn't answer her. I laid there and panted, hurting a little from falling so hard, but I wasn't going to let her know that. Of course, I was breathless from our fucking and from being winded when I landed on my back, but I was speechless too because I was so angry with her. I could not get the vision of seeing that prick Johnson, naked, standing behind my naked wife in OUR bedroom. DAMN HER!!!

As I breathed and stared up at the ceiling, tears began to roll down my cheeks. I wanted to hate this woman, who I was now holding again, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I tried to accept her lawyer's statement, and Johnson's statement, that "It wasn't her fault", but I couldn't. It was her fault, because she hadn't come to me, hadn't told me that the bastard was trying to blackmail her.

I had always been on her side, and she knew that I would have protected her as best I could. Why didn't she trust me?

"Why couldn't you come to me?" It was eating at me like acid. I had to know.

"I couldn't say anything. He said he would ruin you. First, he would fire you, and then he would start a campaign to damage your reputation so badly that you would never get work again," she answered quietly.

"And you believed him?" I asked.

"I did."

I heard a knock at the door. I rose and grabbed my trousers. Putting them on quickly, I went to answer the door, looking through the peephole first. I saw our respective lawyers standing outside in the hallway. I told Anna and suggested that she get dressed.

She darted into the bathroom, forgetting that her clothes were still strewn around the room. I called out a hasty, "Just a moment," as I put on my shirt, having already pulled on my pants and buttoned them.

I opened the door and was rewarded with a knowing smile from Anna's lawyer. "Nice to see you again," she said, after I stepped back and invited her to enter.

My lawyer followed next and, after checking the hallway to see if there was anyone else, I closed the door.

The room had a table with two chairs, in which I invited the two lawyers, Mrs. Paterson and Mr. Blake, to sit. Mrs. Paterson pointed to Anna's a dress on the bed and said, "Will she need that?"

I hastily grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom. I opened it a crack and handed the dress through the narrow opening. "Our lawyers are here, baby," I told her.

"Ok. Be right out."

After taking a seat on the bed, I looked expectantly at the lawyers. "Ok. Uh. What's up?" I asked.

With the same knowing smile, Mrs. Paterson said, "I guess you know now why I couldn't take your case?"

I really didn't know and my look, I guess, convinced her to elaborate.

"I am under retainer to represent people that Mr. Johnson refers to me."

After hearing that information, my immediate instinct was to throw her out of the room, but then, I realized that it was she who referred me to a lawyer who burned Johnson for, with all the lawyer's fees and all, a good ten million dollars.

I looked at her, "Why did you refer me to Mr. Blake, when you could have just told me to move on?"

Her smile started small, then grew to almost cover her face. "There are few people in the world I don't like, even fewer that I despise, and only one person who I hate. And I was retained by that one, hateful, son-of-a-bitch." She tried to soften her look. "You heard what that piece of shit did to your wife, and others too. I wanted to see him in prison, but I could never think of a way. However, when you came in with that folder of information, I knew I had him." She pointed to Mr. Blake. "So, I set him up."

Mr. Blake continued. "If the wrong person finds out what Mrs. Paterson did, she will be disbarred. So, you have to keep this quiet Roy."

I nodded my assent, as Anna came out of the bathroom wearing her dress. "Hey Sara," she greeted her lawyer.

Sara Paterson stood and embraced Anna. "Feeling any better?"

Anna nodded very enthusiastically.

I looked at my lawyer. "We got him pretty good, I would say," he laughed. "Better than good." He pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.

I opened the envelope to find a cashier's check for four million dollars, the full amount of the settlement. Puzzled, I looked at him and asked, "Aren't you supposed to get half of it?"

Mr. Blake smiled and said, "You didn't listen to Mrs. Day. She told you that he paid all the legal fees."

Sara Paterson asked, "Do you know what you're going to do with all that money?"

I shook my head, just staring at the check.

Anna joked, "I can help you with that, if you would like."

I looked back at my lawyer, and asked, "What about the divorce? How is that coming?"

He acted confused and exaggerated scratching his head. "Damn-it. Damn-it. I completely forgot to file that damn petition. How could I have been so forgetful?"

Sara laughed, and I heard a small giggle from Anna. I seemed to be the only person who didn't get the joke. That didn't seem right.

Then Mr. Blake said, "It looks like you will have to file for divorce in New Mexico, now that you have established residency here."

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"Mr. Belton?" Sara Paterson asked. "When I saw you come into my office, with tears in your eyes, asking me to help you file against this woman, I could see that you were still deeply in love with her. So, I took it upon myself to sabotage the divorce. Then, when I saw Mr. Johnson's picture as the man that she cheated with, I had to act. I betrayed my professional ethics, and risked losing my license to practice law, to see you two reunited."

Listening to her, I knew she meant it.

I studied her facial expression for a while. "Do you remember Eric Mentor?"

Her eyes immediately got red and welled up with tears. She remembered him alright.

"That divorce nearly killed him," I said.

She nodded and quietly murmured, "I know." After a moment, she elaborated, "That was the man that James told you about. He did the same thing to him as he did to you."

She obviously had a deep empathy for the troubled people of the world, feeling their hurt and pain. I couldn't envisage a long career for her, as a lawyer, with that sort of attitude.

Finally, she got up and gave Mr. Blake a big hug and they left together.

Anna looked really good in her dress, especially since she had no underwear on underneath it.

It took us quite a while before we left the room. In fact, it was just past lunch time the next day.

After checkout, I took Anna to my apartment and showed her around. She laughed at the fact that my bed was in the living room. With a bright smile, Anna said she was reassured that I wasn't screwing anyone yet. Thanh Hutton