Research Information of Prof. Zong Woo Geem
Prof. Zong Woo Geem (김종우, 金鍾宇) works for Department of Smart City at Gachon University in South Korea. He is also a Chief Director of Smart City Research Center at the same institution.
He has obtained B.Eng. from Chung-Ang University, M.Eng. and Ph.D. from Korea University, and M.Sc. from Johns Hopkins University, and researched at Virginia Tech, University of Maryland - College Park, and Johns Hopkins University.
He invented a music-inspired optimization algorithm, Harmony Search (HS), which has been applied to various scientific and engineering problems as well as social and cultural problems. His research interest includes theoretical background (e.g. novel human-experience-based derivative of HS rather than existing analytic-calculus-based derivative) and problem-specific development (e.g. problem-specific operator of HS) of phenomenon-mimicking algorithm and its applications to sustainability & culture issues.
Research Index
Google Scholar (Citation # = 25,340 on Dec. 21, 2023)
Scopus (Citation # = 16,564 on Dec. 21, 2023)
Web of Science (Citation # = 13,259 on Dec. 21, 2023)
Elsevier Top 2% Scientists (In Korea, Ranking = 1st in ICT & 2nd in Energy & AI) (In Korea, Ranking = 23rd in Computer Scientists)
ScholarGPS (In the world, Ranking = 109th in Mathematical Optimization)
Journal Editing
Senior Editor: Engineering Optimization (SCIe)
Associate Editor: 한국지능시스템학회 논문지 (KCI)
Guest Editor: Fuzzy Sets and Systems (SCIe)
Guest Editor: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (SCIe)
Guest Editor: Computers, Materials & Continua (SCIe)
Editorial Board: J. of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering (Scopus)
Keynote/Plenary Speech
CIEA 2024, Virtual, 8/20-21, 2025
IEEE ISCI 2024, Tijuana, Mexico, 8/21-22, 2024
IEEE ISCI 2021, Tijuana, Mexico, 8/17-19, 2021
AIDDI 2021, Langkawi, Malaysia, 8/2-6, 2021
SCIS-ISIS 2020, Tokyo, Japan, 12/5-8, 2020
ICHSA 2020, Istanbul, Turkey, 7/16-17, 2020
ICNC-FSKD-ICHSA 2019, Kunming, China, 7/20-22, 2019
ICHSA 2018, Gurgaon, India, 2/7-9, 2018
CSC 2017, Guilan, Iran, 11/22-23, 2017
ICHSA 2017, Bilbao, Spain, 2/22-24, 2017
SocProS 2016, Patiala, India, 12/23-24, 2016
Music-Related Research
Cited in Genome of Melody
Harmony Composition in Medieval Age
Korean Traditional Music Instrument
Cited by Dissertation in UCLA
Cited in Topological Analysis
Students in Good Research