Gabriele Ciminelli


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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I am an economist with expertise in economic policy analysis, macroeconomic forecasting and economic research. My work spans a range of topics, including fiscal policy, international finance, structural reforms, labor markets, and political economy. My research has been published in leading academic journals. I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute. 

News: My new working paper "External shocks and labor market reforms in autocracies and democracies: evidence from oil price windfalls", joint with Markus Bruekcner and Norman Loayza, is out! We explore how oil price windfalls (positive and negative) shape job protection reforms. Our findings highlight asymmetric effects across democracies and autocracies, likely due to different political economy considerations in these two sets of countries. Read more here.

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are mine and do not represent the OECD nor its member countries