Gabriele Ciminelli


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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I am an economist with expertise in economic policy analysis, macroeconomic forecasting and economic research. My work spans a range of topics, including fiscal policy, international finance, structural reforms, labor markets, and political economy. My research has been published in leading academic journals. Prior to the ADB, I held positions at the IMF, the OECD and the Asia School of Business. I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute. 

News: My new working paper "Occupational reallocation and mismatch in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic", joint with Antton Haramboure, Lea Samek, Cyrille Schwellnus, Allison Shrivastava and Tara Sinclair, is out! Find out here.

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are mine and do not represent the ADB nor its member countries