an eco-friendly alternative to cremation

Do you reduce, reuse, and recycle in your every day life? Are you concerned about climate change, conservation, and sustainability? If so, you might be curious about eco-friendly funeral options. This multimedia project provides an overview of one option: Aquamation, or alkaline hydrolysis. 

Compare: Aquamation & Cremation

Select a category below to learn about the key differences between the two funeral options.

Aquamation Slideshow

Listen: An Eco-Mortician on Aquamation

In this podcast, learn about Aquamation and its environmental benefits from an industry expert.

Author photo by Michael Potts used with permission. Book cover courtesy of New World Library, used with permission. 

Sources Referenced in the Podcast

Elizabeth Fournier

Owner and operator of Cornerstone Funeral Services in Boring, Oregon, and author of The Green Burial Guidebook: Everything You Need to Plan an Affordable, Environmentally Friendly Burial.

Watch: Leaving Earth the Greenest Way Possible

Motherboard interviews Terry Reignier, Director of Anatomical Services at Mayo Clinic, who argues, "alkaline hydrolysis will be the wave of the future."a 

Explore: Is Aquamation available in my state?

Use this interactive map to learn about the legality and availability of Aquamation in the United States.