Dmiedit V2 11

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How to Use DMIEdit to Modify SMBIOS Tables

DMIEdit is a scriptable command-line utility for DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux and the UEFI shell. The Desktop Management Interface Editor for Aptio enables developers to modify strings associated with platform SMBIOS tables (System, Base Board, Chassis, OEM string, etc).[^1^]

In this article, we will show you how to use DMIEdit v2.11 to change BIOS date, SMBIOS, manufacturer and other information on an AMI Aptio BIOS.

Step 1: Download DMIEdit v2.11

You can download DMIEdit v2.11 from this link:[^2^]

Extract the rar file and you will get a folder named dmmiedit. Inside the folder, you will find dmiedit.exe and dmiedit.efi files for different platforms.

Step 2: Boot into DOS, Windows, Linux or UEFI shell

You need to boot your system into one of the supported environments to run DMIEdit. For example, you can use a bootable USB flash drive with DOS or UEFI shell on it.

Once you boot into the desired environment, copy the dmiedit.exe or dmiedit.efi file to the root directory of your bootable device.

Step 3: Run DMIEdit and modify SMBIOS tables

To run DMIEdit, you need to open a command prompt or a shell and type dmiedit.exe or dmiedit.efi depending on your platform.

You will see a list of available commands and options for DMIEdit. You can use the /? option to get more help on each command.

To modify SMBIOS tables, you need to use the /s command followed by the table name and the new value. For example, to change the BIOS date to 04/15/2023, you can type:

dmiedit /s biosdate 04/15/2023

To change the manufacturer name to Grebe Project, you can type:

dmiedit /s manufacturer Grebe Project

You can also use the /l command to list all the SMBIOS tables and their current values. For example:

dmiedit /l

After you make all the changes you want, you need to use the /w command to write them to the BIOS ROM. For example:

dmiedit /w

You will see a confirmation message that says "Write OK". You can then reboot your system and check if the changes are applied.


DMIEdit is a useful tool for developers and advanced users who want to modify SMBIOS tables on AMI Aptio BIOS. It allows you to change various information such as BIOS date, manufacturer, product name, serial number, UUID and more. You can also use it to embed SLP keys for OEM activation of Windows 7 and Vista.

However, you should be careful when using DMIEdit as it may cause system instability or damage if you enter incorrect values or overwrite important data. Always backup your BIOS ROM before using DMIEdit and follow the instructions carefully.Additional Tips for Using DMIEdit

Here are some additional tips for using DMIEdit more effectively:

You can use the /r command to read the BIOS ROM from a file instead of the flash device. This can be useful for testing or debugging purposes. For example:

dmiedit /r bios.rom

You can use the /o command to output the modified BIOS ROM to a file instead of writing it to the flash device. This can be useful for backup or comparison purposes. For example:

dmiedit /o newbios.rom

You can use the /d command to dump the SMBIOS tables to a text file for easy viewing or editing. For example:

dmiedit /d smbios.txt

You can use the /i command to import the SMBIOS tables from a text file that was previously dumped by the /d command. This can be useful for batch editing or copying values from another system. For example:

dmiedit /i smbios.txt

You can use the /c command to check the integrity of the SMBIOS tables and report any errors or warnings. For example:

dmiedit /c

We hope you find these tips helpful and enjoy using DMIEdit. 66dfd1ed39

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