Imagine a world where magic is interwoven through all aspects of our lives, a place where everyone wields mystical powers, and their power within you depends only on your hard work, perseverance and acquired knowledge. In the world of Furcana, everyone, upon birth, is marked by one of the elements that bind the world together, each under the patronage of divine beings who roam the picturesque lands in their physical forms, known simply as Patrons. 

The continent is divided into different elemental lands, competing among themselves for power, influence and importance in the arena of magical arts. This was not the case 2,000 years ago. Back then, everything was different, magic users appeared only in fairy tales and legends, until a certain event turned this world upside down and spilled magic onto the continent. What was behind the changes? Are these arcane powers a blessing, or a curse? We will try to answer these and many more questions as we explore the world of Furcana and reveal more stories. 

Furcana is a deck-building card game set in a unique world of anthropomorphic warriors, mages, spies and bakers. Each card in the game is brimming with personality, they feature not only beautiful art, but also fun, charming stories to accompany them. Two brothers, passionate about creating imaginative stories, drawing and gaming, are responsible for the project. We invite you into this world, we want to build it together with you, develop it, so that the final product can be the beginning to a long, extraordinary adventure.