Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2023

Fun Zone Official Privacy Policy

At Fun Zone Official ("we" or "our"), protecting your data is a priority. This Privacy Policy outlines how personal information is collected, shared, and utilized in connection with our mobile game applications, forums, websites, and online products and services (collectively referred to as the "Services"). This policy applies to interactions with Fun Zone Official.

We may update this Privacy Policy in response to legal, technical, or business developments. Material changes will be notified to you, and your continued use of the Services implies acceptance of the updated policy.

Information Collection

Information You Provide

We collect voluntarily provided information when you participate in contests, communicate via third-party social media, seek customer support, or interact with us in any way. This may include your name, social media screen names, email address, and any additional information you choose to provide.

Information Collected Automatically

Upon accessing or using our Services, we automatically collect certain information either with your explicit consent or as part of our legitimate interest. This includes:

Age: We collect your age as indicated by you during the game download.

Log Information: Details about your use of the Services, including browser type, access times, IP address, and page views.

Device Information: Information about your device type, software, hardware, MAC address, and unique identifiers.

Location Information: Collected to comply with relevant legislation, without granularity beyond city level without explicit consent.

Usage Information: Relating to your interactions with our Services and other users.

Consumption Information: Habits related to in-game purchases with virtual and real currencies.

Other Information: Collected through cookies and tracking technologies for analytical purposes.

Information from Third Parties

We may obtain information from third-party sources and combine it with data collected through our Services. This includes information from social media logins, app stores, and surveys facilitated by third-party partners.

Ad Networks

Our Services may feature third-party advertisements via ad networks. We may disclose your information to these networks for direct marketing, including your advertising ID and IP address.

Children's Privacy

Our game is designed for a general audience, and we do not, in any circumstance, collect personal information from children under 13. If we ever learn that we accidentally collected personal information from a child under 13, we'll quickly delete that information. We implement age-gate measures, allowing users under 13 to access Services with contextual advertising.

How We Use Your Information

We use your information for various purposes, including:

Providing, maintaining, and improving our Services.

Developing new Services.

Facilitating user communications.

Responding to inquiries and providing customer support.

Sending technical notices, updates, and promotional information.

Personalizing and improving Services with the use of profiling to provide targeted advertisements, content, or features.

How We Disclose Your Information

We may share information with other users, in response to legal requests, to protect our rights, or in connection with business transactions. Aggregated or anonymized information may also be shared.

International Data Transfers

Fun Zone Official operates globally, and your personal information may be stored and processed globally. Steps are taken to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect your personal information, treated securely, lawfully, and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data Retention

We retain your personal information as long as needed for providing you the Services or we have a legitimate business reason to do so. Upon cessation of the legitimate business reason, your data will be deleted.


We have implemented security measures, including encryption and pseudonymization, to protect the quality and integrity of your personal information.

Your Data Protection Rights

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. To exercise these rights, log in to one of our Services and follow the provided steps.

Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw consent via in-game settings or by contacting us.

How to Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, contact us at:

Fun Zone Official

Contact Us

For any questions, feel free to reach out.

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