
Privacy Policy

Welcome to Funny Face ("application").

Funny Face is an online face exchange application that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to generate unique content ("services"). We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We take your privacy seriously. Only with your consent will we collect, process and use your personal information to provide services.

By downloading, using and accessing this application, you agree to this privacy policy, which explains when, where, how and why we collect your personal information, how we use this information, the conditions under which we may disclose this information to others, your rights to your personal information, and how we protect the security of this information.

The type of personal information we collect depends on how you interact with us, our services and the requirements of applicable laws. We collect information you provide to us, information we automatically obtain when you use our services, and information from other sources (such as third-party services and organizations), as described below.

Information you provide us directly

1. Photo video. We may upload photos, gifs, and videos from mobile devices when you use the app with your consent. Please note that photos with faces will be deleted automatically after the new video is generated.

2. Facial features. We may collect facial feature data separately from your photos and only provide you with the face exchange function of the application. Please note that the facial feature data we collect is not biometric data.

Automatically collected information

When you use our services, we may automatically collect personal information:

1. Automatic data collection. When you use our services, we may automatically collect certain information, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, user settings, MAC address, cookie identifier, mobile operator, mobile advertising and other unique identifiers, browser or device information, location information (including approximate location derived from IP address), Internet service provider, and metadata about the content you provide, These metadata can provide details such as the location of a photo, video, or audio recording.

Our use of these technologies falls into the following categories:

It is necessary in operation. This includes technologies that allow you to access our services, applications and tools that are necessary to identify abnormal website behavior, prevent fraud and improve security, or allow you to use our functions;

Performance related. We can use technology to evaluate the performance of our services, including helping us understand how individuals use our services as part of our analytical practice (see analysis below);

2. Analysis. We may use technology and other third-party tools to process analytical information about our services. Some of our analytics partners include Google Analytics. For more information, visit Google Analytics' privacy statement.

Information gathered from other sources

Third party sources. We may obtain information about you from other sources, including through third-party services and organizations. For example, if you access our services through a third-party application, such as an app store, a third-party login service, or a social networking site, we may collect information about you from a third-party or third-party application that you provide through your privacy settings.

Data retention and transfer

The generated content will be stored for 7 days, while the photos, gifs or videos you upload directly as facial exchange materials will be stored in the remote server in Hong Kong and only during your use of the service. If you close the application during processing, reopen the application after a period of time, and reuse the service, the retention feature makes it easy for you to quickly access the generated content.

information safety

We take steps to ensure that your information is handled securely and in compliance with this privacy statement. Unfortunately, no system is 100% secure, and we cannot ensure or guarantee the security of any information you provide us. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we shall not be liable for unauthorized disclosure.

By using our services or providing us with personal information, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically about the security, privacy and management of your use of our services. If we learn of a security system violation, we may try to notify you electronically by posting a notice on our service, by email, or by sending you an email.

management information

1. You have access to your personal data and data portability. This means that you have the right to request your personal data from the application in a structured, common, and machine-readable format.

2. Withdraw your consent. You may withdraw our consent to your personal data collection and processing at any time through the following contact information: . It does not affect the legality of the treatment based on the consent before withdrawal. After we receive your withdrawal request, we will process it in a timely manner, and we will no longer process your personal data, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

3. You can share content you create using the app, including photos, videos ("user content") for publishing or display on social media networks and other websites you access from the app. We cannot control the behavior of third parties with whom you may choose to share user content. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your user content will not be viewed by unauthorized people, and once you publish or otherwise transmit your user content, we have no control or responsibility over how others use your user content. Therefore, your user content is published and transmitted to others at your own risk.

Privacy policy change

We may update our privacy policy from time to time in order to provide our services in a timely manner and comply with applicable laws. Additional notifications will be displayed or otherwise notified to you. Therefore, please visit this privacy policy page regularly to check for any changes. If you continue to use the service within a reasonable time after the update notice, you will be deemed to have accepted all modifications, unless applicable law imposes an obligation on the application to obtain your express consent to the modifications.

How to contact us

For questions or comments on this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices, please contact us at: