Dr. Ellis Horowitz is currentlyProfessor of Computer Scienceand Electrical Engineering at theUniversity of Southern California.He received his B.S. degree from Brooklyn College and his Ph.D.in computer science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.He was on the faculty there and at Cornell University.He has also been a visiting Professor at M.I.T. and theIsrael Institute of Technology (Technion).

Dr. Horowitz has held numerous academic administrative jobs including Associate Chairman ofComputer Science at the University of Wisconsin. At U.S.C. he waschairman of the ComputerScience Department from 1990 to 1999. After completing his term asComputer Science department chairman, Dr. Horowitz was appointedDirector of Information Technology and Distance Education in USC'sViterbi School of Engineering.Part of his responsibilities included the Distance Education Network(DEN). As Director he oversawan operation that offers more than 200 graduate engineering courses peryear to more than1,000 students. Originally courses were delivered by closed circuit satellitebroadcast, but under Dr. Horowitz DEN converted their course deliveryto Internet webcast.

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Dr. Horowitz is the author of ten books and over eighty journal articles and refereedconference proceedings on computer science subjects ranging from data structures,algorithms, and software design to computer science education. He has been a principalinvestigator on research contracts from NSF, AFOSR, ONR, and DARPA. He is a past associateeditor for the journals Communications of the ACM and Transactions on Mathematical Software.He was an IBM Scholar from 1989-1993. His Erdos number is 4

Dr. Horowitz is an active consultant to the legal community, specializing in intellectualproperty issues. He has participated in several landmark casesincluding Yahoo v Google,RIAA v Kazaa, andRIAA v LimeWire.He was the founder and CEO of Quality Software Products, a California Corporation, from 1983 - 1993. The company designed and developed UNIX application software that was sold worldwide.

Here is a list of my doctoral students anddoctoral ancestors Current Teaching Information Retrieval and Web Search Engines, CSCI 572

 Published Books 1.Practical Strategies for Developing Large Software Systems, edited collection, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., March 1975.

Programming has become an essential component of virtually every aspect of Engineering. However, writing efficient program requires understanding of the underlying foundations, including implementation, manipulation, and analysis of structured data, understanding how algorithms are built on top of such data, and approaches and trade-offs involved between program performance and resource constraints. This course covers the underlying foundations of programming specifically targeted towards Electrical Engineers. It will cover implementation and use of data structures for use in solving programming problems, including queues, trees, tables and graphs. Algorithm development including recursive techniques will be discussed, and several algorithmic techniques (e.g., greedy, dynamic programming, branch and bound) will be presented. The course will include several excursions illustrating the use of these techniques on a variety of Electrical Engineering domains.

EEL 3834 Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers, or equivalent proficiency in programming is required. Note that students with no proior familiarity with C++ should be prepared to gain necessary C++ background within the first few weeks; otherwise they will be at a disadvantage as the course progresses. Also, students who have taken no prior course on Linear Algebra should be prepared to study and gain familiarity with matrices before the first excursion.

The course includes theoretical material on data structures and algorithms and excursions that enable the students to dive deeper into specific application areas. Each excursion is due three weeks after it has been discussed/presented in class, and involves implementing algorithms involved in the target domain.

Students with disabilities who experience learning barriers and would like to request academic accommodations should connect with the disability Resource Center by visiting -started/. It is important for students to share their accommodation letter with their instructor and discuss their access needs, as early as possible in the semester.

Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online via GatorEvals. Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available at Students will be notified when the evaluation period opens, and can complete evaluations through the email they receive from GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via Summaries of course evaluation results are available to students at -results/.

Students are allowed to record video or audio of class lectures. However, the purposes for which these recordings may be used are strictly controlled. The only allowable purposes are (1) for personal educational use, (2) in connection with a complaint to the university, or (3) as evidence in, or in preparation for, a criminal or civil proceeding. All other purposes are prohibited. Specifically, students may not publish recorded lectures without the written consent of the instructor.

The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering values broad diversity within our community and is committed to individual and group empowerment, inclusion, and the elimination of discrimination. It is expected that every person in this class will treat one another with dignity and respect regardless of gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture.

All faculty, staff, and students of the University are required and expected to obey the laws and legal agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages and/or criminal penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against University policies and rules, disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate. We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to uphold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

Your well-being is important to the University of Florida. The U Matter, We Care initiative is committed to creating a culture of care on our campus by encouraging members of our community to look out for one another and to reach out for help if a member of our community is in need. If you or a friend is in distress, please contact umatter@ufl.edu so that the U Matter, We Care Team can reach out to the student in distress. A nighttime and weekend crisis counselor is available by phone at 352-392-1575. The U Matter, We Care Team can help connect students to the many other helping resources available including, but not limited to, Victim Advocates, Housing staff, and the Counseling and Wellness Center. Please remember that asking for help is a sign of strength. In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.

We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our sponsors. Note that any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented here are only those of the researchers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors. 152ee80cbc

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