Fundamentally Hopeless

Hi! This is just a small website we made so that you can contact us, check our projects and download them if you want - nothing extraordinary! We aren't very fast, so thank you for your patience and understanding.

We want our projects to be shared on aggregator websites! Just don't remove our credits page.

Our Projects

Iberiko Buta (SHOOWA)

Scanlated: volume 3, chapters 3 to 5.5 (end).

Genres: Yaoi, Comedy with a bit of drama

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V03C03 / 2018.11.22

V03C04 / 2019.02.05 (new link coming soon)

V03C05 / 2019.03.14

V03C05.5 / 2019.06.24

Shinjuku Luck Hole (Kumota Haruko)

Ongoing scanlation for volume 2.

Genres: Yaoi, drama

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(No chapter has been released yet)

Maou - Juvenile Remix (Isaka Koutarou, Ousuga Megumi)

Ongoing scanlation for the missing chapters 6 and 7.

Genres: Shounen, Thriller (kind of?)

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About us...

We're a team of mangago users who scanlate as a hobby. We do not make money from this; if you want to "support" our work, then we'd prefer you support the authors instead ;)

Fantomeducouloir is our translator (from French to English), Himemeow is our typesetter and Sanadae is our editor. We do not plan on recruiting anyone else for now.

Contact us

For now, look for us on ;) reliable contact info coming soon!