Fun Apps Tech Privacy Policy

Fun Apps Tech is software base company, deal with mobile software. Fun Apps Tech develops apps in multiple categories. Fun Apps Tech develop & publish apps on multiple app stores like google play store, apple app store, amazon app store, Huawei app gallery, Samsung app store and many more. This document is about how Fun Apps Tech deals with privacy of its users.

In most cases, developer needs some permissions and access of device for proper working of apps. Like, a camera app can not work without accessing camera of device and location base apps can not work without location access of device. But thing is, how developers deal with that access, does data from these apps stored on some external storage outside the device, like on some servers or not. And if data gathered and stored on servers, what is policy of company regarding safety of that data and how they manage privacy of their users. This document will briefly explain policy of Fun Apps Tech regarding access, use and safety of users data.

First of all, like all other developers, Fun Apps Tech also need permissions to users device in some particular way for proper working of apps. But, all the data accessed, read & write is stored in users device. There are no external servers of Fun Apps Tech that store data from apps. All data accessed in users device, remain in device. Data is not gathered, stored or used by Fun Apps Tech.

Fun Apps Tech never collect, use any type of users data, but there are some external services, APIs, SDKs that are being use in apps of Fun Apps Tech. Providers of these SDKs, APIs & services might collect some sort of users data. We are sharing their links of privacy policies regarding user data.

Third Party Services


We are using some services of google, google might collect some data. Link of privacy policy & user data dealing is given below. You can see how google deal with user data.


MapBox is maps base company, provide APIs for services related with maps & navigation. Fun Apps Tech uses their services in some apps. As Fun Apps Tech uses their services, they might collect data. How they deal with users data, it is described in following link

Monetization Companies:

Google Admob:

Google Admob is ads based company, powered by google. Fun Apps Tech uses Ads SDK of google admob, as it is added in monetization program of Fun Apps Tech. Google Admob might collect some data. Data dealing of Google Admob program is described in following link

Facebook Audience Network:

Fun Apps Tech also uses facebook audience network. Data privacy policy of facebook audience network is given in following link.

Moreover, here are some permissions needed by apps for proper working.

Permissions Needed:

Location Permission:

Apps related with location base services will need location permission for proper working. Again, no location data saved on servers of Fun Apps Tech. All location data used for services based on location of user.

Storage Access:

Storage access required for multiple features of apps. As apps of Fun Apps Tech do not save any data on external servers, they write data on users device and then reuse that data next time. For this read and write of data, Fun Apps Tech need read & write storage data permission.

Camera Permission:

Apps related with camera features need permission of camera access. Camera base apps can not work without accessing camera. Therefore, camera permission required for camera base apps.

Phone State & Manage Phone Calls:

Read phone state is important for some apps working. Apps read phone state and then modify behavior according to phone state. Like, battery saver apps activate when battery down.

Contacts Access:

Apps related with contacts management need to access contacts. No personal data or any data saved on servers of Fun Apps Tech.

More Permissions:

Many other permissions are also required for apps. But it is cleared that no user data saved on servers of Fun Apps Tech. All data saved in users device, and al permissions are needed for proper working and best possible results while user use apps of Fun Apps Tech.

Policy Update:

Any update in privacy policy of Fun Apps Tech will be updated here. Visit this page and stay updated with privacy policy of Fun Apps Tech

Contact Us:

For any concern about privacy policy or any issue, contact us through following email address