TargetLink is software that generates highly efficient C code for electronic control units (ECUs) and domain controllers straight from MathWorks Simulink/Stateflow, making TargetLink an essential tool for your model-based embedded production software and systems development.

TargetLink generates highly efficient C code straight from MathWorks Simulink/Stateflow.Automatic code generation also means that if you make a change that impacts more than one line of code TargetLink updates all those lines automatically. As a result, you can now focus on the actual application. Early verification through the built-in simulation and testing features leads to faster turnaround times and lower costs.

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TargetLink is deeply rooted in the automotive industry. We therefore attach great importance to supporting the relevant standards. Above all, this includes excellent AUTOSAR support, both in terms of workflows and the quality of the generated code. Other standards such as ASAM MCD-2 MC (ASAP2), target support for Cs, support for coding standards such as MISRA-C, and exchange formats such as FMI are also included. We ensure that integration into the vehicle runs smoothly!

TargetLink is more than a code generator for Simulink. It is a tool for professional software developers who need and want control over the generated code. They get the last bit of performance out of the model, optimize the code for specific Cs, and achieve significant savings thanks to TargetLink, because an upgrade to the next larger controller can be postponed thanks to software optimization with TargetLink.

target_link_libraries does different things depending on the parameter passed. If you should use it or not depends on what exactly you're trying to achieve. (I'd recommend using target_include_directories instead of include_directories though, since it limits the use of the include dir to a single target and also allows you to make include dirs available to linking cmake library targets, if the headers are used in public headers of a library target.)

I have prebuilt thirdparty libraries (Boost) which I want to link to my target. All of them is stored under one directory like ${BOOST_PATH}/lib/libboost_thread.a, ${BOOST_PATH}/lib/libboost_log.a, etc.So I would like to do something like this:target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE "${BOOST_PATH}/libboost*.a")I've read that FILE(GLOB...) might be used but strongly discouraged. And I am not sure that it would work at all. Why?How would you solve this problem if you cannot change the directory structure of the Boost libraries?

Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a given target and/orits dependents. Usage requirementsfrom linked library targets will be propagated. Usage requirementsof a target's dependencies affect compilation of its own sources.

The named must have been created by a command such asadd_executable() or add_library() and must not be anALIAS target. If policy CMP0079 is notset to NEW then the target must have been created in the currentdirectory. Repeated calls for the same append items inthe order called.

The named target must be created by add_library() withinthe project or as an IMPORTED library.If it is created within the project an ordering dependency willautomatically be added in the build system to make sure the namedlibrary target is up-to-date before the links.

There are some cases where CMake may ask the linker to search forthe library (e.g. /usr/lib/ becomes -lfoo), suchas when a shared library is detected to have no SONAME field.See policy CMP0060 for discussion of another case.

New in version 3.8: On Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above, library filesending in .targets will be treated as MSBuild targets files andimported into generated project files. This is not supported by othergenerators.

A link flag: Item names starting with -, but not -l or-framework, are treated as linker flags. Note that such flags willbe treated like any other library link item for purposes of transitivedependencies, so they are generally safe to specify only as private linkitems that will not propagate to dependents.

Link flags specified here are inserted into the link command in the sameplace as the link libraries. This might not be correct, depending onthe linker. Use the LINK_OPTIONS target property ortarget_link_options() command to add linkflags explicitly. The flags will then be placed at the toolchain-definedflag position in the link command.

A debug, optimized, or general keyword immediately followedby another . The item following such a keyword will be usedonly for the corresponding build configuration. The debug keywordcorresponds to the Debug configuration (or to configurations namedin the DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS global property if it is set).The optimized keyword corresponds to all other configurations. Thegeneral keyword corresponds to all configurations, and is purelyoptional. Higher granularity may be achieved for per-configurationrules by creating and linking toIMPORTED library targets.These keywords are interpreted immediately by this command and thereforehave no special meaning when produced by a generator expression.

Libraries and targets following PUBLIC are linked to, and are madepart of the link interface. Libraries and targets following PRIVATEare linked to, but are not made part of the link interface. Librariesfollowing INTERFACE are appended to the link interface and are notused for linking .

Library dependencies are transitive by default with this signature.When this target is linked into another target then the librarieslinked to this target will appear on the link line for the othertarget too. This transitive "link interface" is stored in theINTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target property and may be overriddenby setting the property directly. When CMP0022 is not set toNEW, transitive linking is built in but may be overridden by theLINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property. Calls to other signaturesof this command may set the property making any libraries linkedexclusively by this signature private.

Libraries and targets following LINK_PUBLIC are linked to, and aremade part of the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES. If policyCMP0022 is not NEW, they are also made part of theLINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES. Libraries and targets followingLINK_PRIVATE are linked to, but are not made part of theINTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES (or LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES).

The LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES mode appends the libraries to theINTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target property instead of using themfor linking. If policy CMP0022 is not NEW, then this modealso appends libraries to the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES and itsper-configuration equivalent.

Object Libraries may "link" to other object libraries to getusage requirements, but since they do not have a link step nothingis done with their object files. Continuing from the above example,the code:

In other words, when Object Libraries appear in a target'sINTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property they will betreated as Interface Libraries, but when they appear ina target's LINK_LIBRARIES property their object fileswill be included in the link too.

The object files associated with an object library may be referencedby the $ generator expression. Such objectfiles are placed on the link line before all libraries, regardlessof their relative order. Additionally, an ordering dependency will beadded to the build system to make sure the object library is up-to-datebefore the dependent target links. For example, the code

This also works transitively through a static library. Since a staticlibrary does not link, it does not consume the object files fromobject libraries referenced this way. Instead, the object filesbecome transitive link dependencies of the static library.Continuing the above example, the code

compiles static3.c with -DOBJ3 and creates libstatic3.ausing only its own object file. use_static3.c is compiled without-DOBJ3 because the usage requirement is not transitive throughthe private dependency of static3. However, the link dependenciesof static3 are propagated, including the iface_obj3 referenceto $. The use_static3 executable iscreated with object files from use_static3.c and obj3.c, andlinked to library libstatic3.a.

The library dependency graph is normally acyclic (a DAG), but in the caseof mutually-dependent STATIC libraries CMake allows the graph tocontain cycles (strongly connected components). When another target linksto one of the libraries, CMake repeats the entire connected component.For example, the code

links main to A B A B. While one repetition is usuallysufficient, pathological object file and symbol arrangements can requiremore. One may handle such cases by using theLINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY target property or by manuallyrepeating the component in the last target_link_libraries call.However, if two archives are really so interdependent they should probablybe combined into a single archive, perhaps by using Object Libraries.

Note that it is not advisable to populate theINTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES of a target with absolute paths to dependencies.That would hard-code into installed packages the library file pathsfor dependencies as found on the machine the package was made on.

TargetLink is a software for automatic code generation, based on a subset of Simulink/Stateflow models, produced by dSPACE GmbH. TargetLink requires an existing MATLAB/Simulink model to work on.TargetLink generates both ANSI-C and production code optimized for specific processors. It also supports the generation of AUTOSAR-compliant code for software components for the automotive sector.The management of all relevant information for code generation takes place in a central data container, called the Data Dictionary.

Testing of the generated code is implemented in Simulink, which is also used for the specification of the underlying simulation models. TargetLink supports three simulation modes to test the generated code:

I have a set of C source files and headers. From this I want to compile a shared library for normal linkage and then similar (just some different DEFINEs) MODULE library used to dynamically load the functionality as a module with RTLD_GLOBAL, so the namespace will be afterwards infused with its symbols. ff782bc1db

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