Welcome! This site allows you to generate text fonts that you can copy and paste into your Instagram bio. It's useful for generating Instagram bio symbols to make your profile stand out and have a little bit of individuality. After typing some text into the input box, you can keep clicking the "show more fonts" button and it'll keep generating an infinite number of different Instagram font variations, or you can use one of the "tried and true" fonts like the cursive text, or the other stylish text fonts - i.e. the ones that are a bit "neater" than the others because they use a set of symbols that are closer to the normal alphabet, and are more consistent in their style.

The site works by generating a bunch of different styles using a large range of different Unicode characters. So technically you're not actually generating fonts, but instead I guess you could say you're generating Instagram-compatible Unicode glyphs :) Want to learn more about Unicode? Read on...

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So that's how we ended up with such a large and strange/fun array of symbols, and that's the reason you're here! I've put together a bunch of fonts for Instagram that should be fun to play with and use for your bio. You may want to mix and match certain parts from different font styles.

The term "font" actually refers to a set of graphics that correspond to some or all of the Unicode glyphs. You've probably heard of "Comic Sans" and "Arial" - these are fonts. What you're copying and pasting above are actually symbols that exist in every font. So the cursive text and other fancy letters that you're seeing above are actually separate character, just like "a" and "b" are separate characters.

So why doesn it matter that they're separate characters? Who cares? Well, you do! Because if they weren't (i.e. if they were just normal fonts), then you wouldn't be able to copy and paste them! You can't copy and paste some Comic Sans into your Instagram bio because the symbols the you'd be copying would just be normal ASCII characters, and the fact that they're rendered in one font on one website doesn't mean that they'll appear as that same font on another - it's up to the website owner to decide what fonts they use on their website. However, if there's a set of unicode characters that looks like a specific font, or has a particular style (e.g. bold, italic, cursive, etc.), then we can use them to "emulate" a font that will work across different websites when you copy and paste those "fonts".

So really, if I were to be really pedantic, this site should be called "pseudo instagram fonts". But the current name gets the point across, and it's nice and short :) So, anyway, that's why you're able to copy and paste these fonts into Instagram.

For some reason I decided one night I wanted to get a bunch of fonts. A lot of them. An hour later I had a bunch of scrapy scripts pulling down fonts and a few days later I had more than 50k fonts on my computer.

The result is a tensor of size 56443 * 62 * 64 * 64. Exercise for the reader: where does the number 62 come from? I stored it as a tiny little (13GB) HDF5 file that you can download here: fonts.hdf5..

We can also interpolate between different fonts in continuous space. Since every font is a vector, we can create arbitrary font vectors and generate output from it. Let's sample four fonts and put them in the corners of a square, then interpolate between them!

We can also generate completely new fonts. If we model the distribution of font vectors as a multivariate normal, we can sample random vectors from it and look at the fonts they generate. I'm interpolating between a few of those vectors in the picture below:

Trapped in a world they never made, Comicraft's Fearless Fonts come to the rescue in the nick of time! Having dutifully lettered thousands of comic books, they save the day in video games, TV shows, movie titles and wherever fun, lively fonts are needed.

The promise fulfils when loading and layout operations of all used fonts are done. The set of used fonts can be different from the set of declared fonts, e.g. if optional fonts (i.e. fonts declared via font-display: optional) were not able to load in time.

To get the cloud fonts, your device needs to be online and connected to the Internet. In apps running on Windows, go to File > Account, select Manage Settings under Account Privacy, and turn on Optional connected experiences. Clearing the check box turns off cloud fonts and other online services from Microsoft.

Additional fonts, including a variety of popular open-source fonts, user interface and seldom used fonts are provided for document compatibility purposes. These are only listed in font menus if you view or edit content that uses them.

Microsoft welcomes your feedback. For information about how to leave feedback, go to How do I give feedback on Microsoft Office? Use #CloudFonts if your comment is about cloud fonts or #Typography if your comment is related to the font or typography features in Office.

In the last few weeks, because of a combination of various things at work, and in side-projects, I've been learning a lot about web fonts and also a lot more about Google Fonts specifically. Through that I've come up with a more nuanced answer to the question, that in the past I thought was easy: should you self-host Google Fonts?

Now, to be totally up front, I'll admit that fonts are not my strong point. I'm much more practical than design-y (look at this website for evidence of that!) and have never totally got the need for fonts. Sure they look a bit nicer, and can understand they make a message seem more on-brand, but for the main body of text at least they seem more of a nice to have - I've never read an article more or less (or treated the contents any differently) because it had a pretty font. However, I've also been acutely aware of the performance implications of them so maybe that's clouded my view of them.

Still, many feel differently, and fonts are here, whether I appreciate them or not, and many developers aren't given a choice whether to use them or not. So let's look at what we can do to minimise the performance impact, but also give the designers what they want - win win!

Another way of doing this was by sharding your domain with one or more assets subdomain (e.g. assets.example.com) so again the fonts are not hosted on your main domain where your web page is loaded from. However, it has the same connection issues so again this is not the performance benefits it may once have had.

All in all, more and more have been advising to self-host your static assets, ideally on the domain you serve the web pages from. Fonts are static assets, so they should also be self-hosted right? Well it turns out it is not quite as simple as that because fonts have their own peculiarities and performance optimisations that might make self-hosting a little trickier...

Google Fonts is an amazing resource for those of you that are into your fonts. It has 977 open-source fonts for anyone to use completely for free. Commercial fonts are ridiculously expensive for those of you that have ever looked into them and they are also usually licenced rather than bought, and are charged based on expected number of page views - like they will run out through use! To have so many free fonts in one collection and so easy to use is therefore very useful.

Google Fonts, however, takes it one step further. Like many providers of website assets (see jQuery example above), they also provide a CDN and host the fonts for you to use directly from them. This means you can start using fonts just by adding one line of code to your website to pull in the style sheet, like this:

The downside to this is in performance (the upside is also in performance but that side is not as obvious - we'll get to that). The problem is that your website (say www.example.com) loads the stylesheet from fonts.googleapis.com, which returns some CSS made up of font-face declarations. Using the first example above, returns this then I view that URL in Chrome:

However this means you have to connect to fonts.googleapis.com, download the CSS, then connect to fonts.gstatic.com to download the actual fonts (why Google can't host both the CSS and the fonts on the one domain I really don't know!).

Fonts are often discovered late by the browser when loading a page (as you need to download the CSS to see the font references) but Google Fonts are discovered extra late, as you need to download the CSS from another domain, then the fonts from a 3rd domain and, as discussed above, making an HTTPS connection takes time. This can be seen in the following waterfall diagram generated by WebPageTest (note all tests were run with Chrome - 3GSlow):

You can see on line 1 we are downloading the HTML then, once that's downloaded and read at just under 2 seconds, the browsers sees the need for the Google Fonts CSS and downloads it on line 4. This takes a second just to make the connection, and then at 3.5 seconds we download the stylesheet, and we see the actual font we need and download that on line 6 - which takes about another second and a quarter to make the connection to fonts.gstatic.com, before we can actually start downloading the font.

We can mitigate some of this performance hit of downloading the CSS and then the fonts from two different domains. The first domain (for the CSS) should be fairly high up your index.html so hopefully will be seen early enough, but the second domain is not seen until later. However we know what that domain will be (fonts.gstatic.com), so we can use a preconnect resource hint to ask the browser to open the connection in advance to save some of that second connection time later:

Here we can see the connection on line 5 is set up in advance, before we download the CSS. This leads to over a second of improvement (downloading the fonts at 4 seconds, rather 5.25 seconds) as we do not pay that connection set up penalty, but instead can download the fonts as soon as we've read the Google Fonts CSS. e24fc04721

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