After acquiring the legal deeds and returning to the manor, Guybrush and Elaine discover that Charles L. Charles is really the shape-shifting Demon Pirate LeChuck, having been freed from his ice prison and seeking the Ultimate Insult. As Elaine continues her campaign, Guybrush searches the Jambalaya and Knuttin Atoll islands and recovers the pieces of the Ultimate Insult. Upon returning home, he is ambushed by the newly elected governor LeChuck and Ozzie Mandrill, who steal the pieces from him. The two villains are revealed to be working together, with Ozzie to rid of all pirates and turn the Caribbean into a resort and LeChuck out of debt to Ozzie for freeing him from his icy tomb and to use the Ultimate Insult to break Elaine and marry her. Feeling they might need Guybrush as a hostage, the two dump him on Monkey Island.

Despite temporary discouragement, Guybrush sets about making his escape. He learns the art of Monkey Kombat from the "monkey prince of Monkey Island" and, upon restoring the hermit Herman Toothrot's memory, discovers that the old man is actually Elaine's missing grandfather, having contracted amnesia twenty years prior due to being pushed into a whirlpool off the coast of Australia by Ozzie. After constructing an even bigger Ultimate Insult, Guybrush discovers that the colossal monkey head statue of the island hides a giant pilot-able monkey robot. He reactivates the Mecha and powers it and Herman and the island's monkeys join him in piloting it. With the robot, Guybrush manages to disable an Ultimate Insult amplifier made by Ozzie before returning to Mle. During this time, Ozzie has managed to capture Elaine and assemble the Ultimate Insult. When it appears to fail due to the lack of the amplifier, LeChuck takes matters into his own hands and possesses a statue of himself he had built shortly after his gubernatorial victory. Ozzie uses the Ultimate Insult to take control of LeChuck's statue form and engages Guybrush's monkey robot in Monkey Kombat. During the duel, Guybrush performs repeated ties, allowing Elaine to escape and causing LeChuck to smack his head in exasperation, crushing Ozzie and destroying the Ultimate Insult. LeChuck explodes. Guybrush and Elaine are reunited and Grandpa Marley resumes being the governor of Mle Island, so that the couple can go back to being pirates.

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The game was met with a generally favorable reception. The gameplay received criticism for its interface and the difficulty of keyboard or joystick control as compared to mouse controls. The "Monkey Kombat" was also criticized, with the GameSpot review stating that it was the single biggest problem in Escape from Monkey Island.[46] Another reviewer speculated that the designers presumably figured that combining insult fighting, cute monkeys, and a Mortal Kombat spoof would work well, but it did not.[47]

Guybrush Threepwood has finally defeated the zombie pirate LeChuck, and married his sweetheart Elaine Marley. The happy couple is returning home from an exciting honeymoon. But as they arrive on Melee Island, they notice some very strange changes. A mysterious stranger who calls himself Charles L. Charles is organizing a campaign to become the next governor. The Australian businessman Ozzie Mandrill is turning the Caribbean into an attraction for tourists. And on top of that, Elaine's mansion is being demolished! Naturally, it's up to our hero to revert the things back to normal, even if that means traveling to exotic islands and solving puzzles on the way.

Escape From Monkey Island is a direct sequel to The Curse of Monkey island, and is the fourth game in the Monkey Island series. The gameplay relies mainly on inventory-based puzzles and branching dialogues, just like in the previous installments. The interface is similar to that of Grim Fandango: mouse is not used, and the interaction is done via context-sensitive commands that appear on the screen whenever you navigate Guybrush close to an object. The game utilizes pre-rendered backgrounds and 3D character models.

All this could be forgiven if the jokes were hilarious enough. And although there are laughs, they seem to have turned the 'wacky' screw one turn too far in. Now, the first Monkey Island refs Monty Python, whose comedy secret was not only absurdity, but deadpan; people performing absurd tasks with utterly solemn faces. And Monkey 1 & 2 were partially the result of understanding this. Monkey 4, however, goes for camp rather than subtlety, dangling things like steam-driven brass monkeys in front of you and shouting "Look, monkeys! Monkey funny! Laugh, damn you!"

And finally, the last two chapters form a steep downhill slope, ending somewhat over-the-top, strained and hurried (though it's not nearly as pathetic as Monkey 3).

The Bottom Line

The end result is a mixed pleasure, fun in parts, but... I just wish the effort could have been spent on something where they didn't have to lean on past greatness, microwaving a dead monkey and jiggling it to make it look alive: Monkey Island without Ron Gilbert just isn't right.

Escape from Monkey Island was the fourth game in the Monkey Island series, and the second game to use the Lua-based Grim Engine. The game follows Guybrush Threepwood and Elaine Marley as they return to Mle Island from their honeymoon. There they discover that Elaine Marley's position of governor has been revoked, her mansion is scheduled to be demolished, and a politician named Charles L. Charles is running for the governorship. Guybrush learns that the islands are being purchased one by one, and pirates are being forced out in favor of tacky Caribbean-themed tourism. Guybrush must find out who is threatening his way of life, piracy, and also find a way to save Elaine's mansion.

"Spitting the sand of Monkey Island from my mouth, I began to wonder if the life of a mighty pirate was all it was cracked up to be. I'd ignored recent events that should have been warning shots across the bow of my soul, from my wife's brush with death to the anti-pirate ramblings of Australian gazillionaire Ozzie Mandrill. If only I'd chosen a different path, LeChuck might still be dead, and the mystery of the Ultimate Insult might have remained an enigma. If I'd never picked up a sword, the grog-swilling pirates of the Tri-Island Area might be unthreatened by the twin forces of gentrification and demonic heckfire. If only . . . suddenly, the hairy finger of a familiar monkey tapped me on the shoulder. It was time. Time to stop LeChuck (again). Time to make the world safe for pirates. Time for the biggest battle of my swashbuckling life."

Guybrush and Elaine Marley-Threepwood have just returned from an idyllic three-month honeymoon, only to find that the island of Mle is half deserted and someone is trying to demolish their mansion. It seems that while they were away, someone had Elaine legally declared dead, thus nullifying her title as Governor. They manage to save the mansion, and meet a mysterious figure calling himself Charles L. Charles, who declares that with the governorship of Mle now vacant, he intends to be elected to the position.

On Lucre Island Guybrush meets with the Marley family lawyers, who give him a letter from Elaine's grandfather, Horatio, to be delivered when she became married. The letter mentions that the deed to the mansion is deposited at The Second Bank of Lucre, along with the keys to something known as the Ultimate Insult, a secret weapon ten times as terrifying as Big Whoop. Guybrush visits the bank, but while he is inside the vault the bank is robbed by Pegnose Pete, who frames Guybrush by wearing a Guybrush mask and then takes the Marley heirlooms. Guybrush is arrested by Inspector Canard, who places a voodoo ankle bracelet on him that will prevent him leaving the island. Nonetheless, Guybrush manages to track down Pegnose, and learns he is working for Ozzie Mandrill. He follows Ozzie and retrieves the Marley heirlooms. Lastly, Guybrush exploits Pegnose's crippling fear of ducks and captures him. Inspector Canard agrees to set Guybrush free, but Pegnose escapes.

When they sail to Jambalaya Island they discover that Ozzie Mandrill has assumed total control over the island, turning it into a tacky tourist trap. All the pirates have been shipped off to nearby Knuttin Atoll, where they are held prisoner and put through a pirate re-education program. From the diagram of the insult drawn onto the Jambalaya Island map, Guybrush realizes the insult has been split into three pieces. For the first piece Guybrush enters and wins a Plank Diving contest, and is awarded a statue of a golden man. The second piece is a silver Monkey Mug from Planet Threepwood. For the third piece Guybrush sails to Knuttin Atoll, evading the insane Admiral Ricardo Casaba, and digs up the bronze hat of Tiny LaFeet, Jambalaya Island's most famous pirate.

Guybrush wakes up on Monkey Island. Exploring, he finds an unusually large number of monkeys on the island. He finds a talking monkey called Jojo Jr. who tells him the monkeys have come in response to a calling. Something big is soon to happen. From the monkeys he learns the art of Monkey Kombat, and soon becomes skilled enough to defeat Jojo Jr. in battle. Guybrush also manages to construct a makeshift Ultimate Insult out of a bronze hat, a golden banana picker, and the Giant Monkey Head. However it refuses to activate.

On their way back to Mle Island, Guybrush and Horatio come to a small island upon which three metal towers have been built. Horatio realizes this is an Ultimate Insult amplification tower, built by Ozzie to blast the Ultimate Insult throughout the furthest reaches of the Caribbean. They deactivate the amplifier and continue on their way.

The Giant Monkey Robot surfaces off the coast of Mle. Guybrush rushes to the mansion to save Elaine, only to inadvertently knock the Ultimate Insult into Ozzie's hands. Before he can use it on them however, LeChuck shows up again, now with his spirit inside the giant stone statue of him built by the island inhabitants. They all scatter. Elaine is scooped up in LeChuck's hand. Ozzie however uses the Ultimate Insult on LeChuck, bringing him under control. Guybrush runs for the Giant Monkey Robot. The two of them face off on the beach in a game of Monkey Kombat. 006ab0faaa

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