Online Expectations

Online Expectations

  1. Be on time! Students are expected to follow their schedule throughout the school day, just as if they are in school. Students should login to class ON TIME Monday-Thursday. Keep in mind, the teachers will be teaching LIVE. We are not expecting parents to be home school teachers. Students should be be online for all classes. Fridays will have an alternative schedule for assessments, small group work, tutoring, or office hours.

  2. Be prepared! Students should have their school materials nearby. This includes: computer and charger, headphones, binder, whiteboard, markers, notebooks, writing utensils, etc. Students should also have all their websites, usernames, and passwords. They will be expected to know where and when to go for each class and assignments.

  3. Be respectful! When you enter class and throughout the lesson, keep your microphone off unless it is time to speak. Even then, minimize the background noise in your house. Try to keep a distance from other siblings in the house, and make sure there is no TV or music playing. Remind your family members that you are on video. We are all letting each other into our homes, so be respectful to others' backgrounds and surroundings. Some of us are not as tech-savvy as others. Be patient, and helpful if you can be. You may type in the chats to teachers and peers, but stay on topic! If you can't say it in school or in front of your grandmom, do not type it!

  4. Be engaged! Participate in the lesson by listening and responding to questions, asking questions, providing input, and working with groups. Keep your video on while you are completing your work so teachers can help and guide you. Complete your work during the designated class period so you don't fall behind!

  5. Be there! Students are to keep their camera on throughout the class period. This shows me that YOU are there in class. Teachers will be taking attendance. You don't have to dress up, but please be dressed for class. This means get ready for your school day, not in pajamas, or just getting out of the pool in a bathing suit. Students should be staying online to complete their independent work throughout the class period.

  6. Be responsible! Submit your work on time! All work should be turned in by the due date. It is students' responsibility to contact teachers if they need help outside of class time, or if there are other issues going on that are impeding the school schedule.