How to Use Retinoin Cream uk

Retinoids are a class of synthetic and naturally occurring Vitamin A compounds and derivatives that are popular and effective treatments for improving skin complexion and texture. They are often used to treat acne and are also great for addressing signs of ageing such as wrinkles, uneven skin tone and sun damage. FTT Skin Clinics UK offer a comprehensive portfolio of both cosmetic and prescription retinoid products including tretinoin cream uk.

A tretinoin cream contains Vitamin A in a form that is easily absorbed into the skin and works to speed up cell turnover. This allows for the release of new skin cells which means that old damaged ones are being rapidly replaced and helps to clear up acne and reduce fine lines and pigmentation. It also encourages the production of collagen and elastin in the skin which helps to create a plumper, more youthful appearance.

It is important to note that tretinoin does increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays and so it is crucial to always use high SPF sunscreen whilst using this product. In addition, it is advised to avoid smoking and using chemical exfoliants while on this medication.

It is recommended to use a gentle moisturiser that does not contain any oils or fragrances whilst using this product. In fact, many prescribers will advise you to use a hydrating moisturiser that is formulated with glycerin and shea butter in order to ensure the skin does not become overly dry during treatment.