{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1038\deflangfe1038\deftab708{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset238{\*\fname Times New Roman;}Times New Roman CE;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Principle and technical development of low temperature calorimetry are described. Typical experimental results obtained by our group at Osaka University over the four decades are given. These include phase transitions in equilibrium crystals and glass transitions in non-equilibrium frozen-in disordered solids including crystals. It can be concluded that the glass transitions observed exclusively in liquids so far are just one example of transitions that must be of wide occurrence in solids arising from freezing of relevant degrees of freedom. Interplay between the phase and glass transitions in crystals is discussed in relation to useful dopant that may accelerate some molecular motions that had failed to maintain equilibrium at low temperatures.\par }

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