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[CX] Ifeither the 1___ or 2___ argument names a symbolic link, 3______() shall operate on the symbolic link itself, andshall not resolve the last component of the argument. If the 4___ argument and the 5___ argument resolve to the sameexisting file, 6______() shall return successfully and perform no other action.

If the 7___ argument points to the pathname of a file that is not a directory, the 8___ argument shall not point tothe pathname of a directory. If the link named by the 9___ argument exists, it shall be removed and 10___ renamed to11___. In this case, a link named 12___ shall remain visible to other processes throughout the renaming operation andrefer either to the file referred to by 13___ or 14___ before the operation began. Write access permission is requiredfor both the directory containing 15___ and the directory containing 16___.

If the 17___ argument points to the pathname of a directory, the 18___ argument shall not point to the pathname of afile that is not a directory. If the directory named by the 19___ argument exists, it shall be removed and 20___ renamedto 21___. In this case, a link named 22___ shall exist throughout the renaming operation and shall refer either to thedirectory referred to by 23___ or 24___ before the operation began. If 25___ names an existing directory, it shallbe required to be an empty directory.

If the 26___ argument points to a pathname of a symbolic link, the symbolic link shall be renamed. If the 27___argument points to a pathname of a symbolic link, the symbolic link shall be removed.

If the link named by the 28___ argument exists and the file's link count becomes 0 when it is removed and no process hasthe file open, the space occupied by the file shall be freed and the file shall no longer be accessible. If one or more processeshave the file open when the last link is removed, the link shall be removed before 29______() returns, but the removal of thefile contents shall be postponed until all references to the file are closed.

Upon successful completion, 30______() shall return 0; otherwise, -1 shall be returned, [CX] 31_____ shallbe set to indicate the error, and neither the file named by32___ nor the file named by 33___ shall be changed or created.

Some implementations mark for update the 34________ field of renamed files and some do not. Applications which make use ofthe 35________ field may behave differently with respect to renamed files unless they are designed to allow for eitherbehavior.

This 36______() function is equivalent for regular files to that defined by the ISO C standard. Its inclusion hereexpands that definition to include actions on directories and specifies behavior when the 37___ parameter names a file thatalready exists. That specification requires that the action of the function be atomic.

If I were to rename a feature class and related attachment table, would this cause any harm to the attachment relationship and functionality?...or would it continue to work?...Would I need to alter the attachment relationship properties?

For example, I have a feature classes named: FCTest and the attachment table is called FCTest__ATTACH. If I were to rename the feature class to BuildingTest and the attachment table to BuildingTest__ATTACH, would this screw things up? If so, is there a workflow that would preserve the attachments to continue working after renaming the feature class and attachment table?

I know this post is a bit old but did you ever find a workflow for this? So far in testing this, I lose the relationship when I rename anything. I can copy into a new FGDB and maintain, but renaming the feature class drops the relationship. i have been able to successfully merge two FC together and re establish relationship and during that process rename the FC. However just a simple rename does not work.

In Catalog go to the GDB containing the feature with the associated attachment table and relationship table. Select the feature layer, then right click and choose copy. Paste the copied feature back into that same GDB. This creates a new feature layer re-named [feature name]_1 along with a table named [feature name]_ATTACH_1 and a relationship file named [feature name]_ATTACHREL_1. DO NOT DELETE THE ORIGINAL FEATURE OR ASSOCIATED FILES YET. Next re-name [feature name]_1 to [NewName] then delete the table [feature name]_ATTACH_1 (this also deletes [feature name]_ATTACHREL_1). Now right click [NewName], choose "Manage" then "Create Attachments". New files are added [NewName]_ATTACH and [NewName]_ATTACHREL. Next right click [NewName]_ATTACH then "Load" and "Load Data". A Wizard will pop up with an explanation screen, choose next. On the second screen at the "Input Data" box click "Browse" and choose the original "[feature name]_ATTACH" file then click "Add" then "Next". Click "Next" through the remaining screens until you reach "Finish" You will now have a new feature layer connected to the associated attachments with the new name. Check to make sure the newly renamed feature layer works properly and has your attachments. The original feature layer and associated files may now be deleted leaving you with only the renamed feature layer. Hope this helps.

I would absolutely love to be able to rename files within the platform. We try to keep our file names consistent so that we know what they are and it would be so much more convenient to be able to upload files quickly with whatever name they already have and then edit the name afterward.

We have users who upload files, and those users give their files names that are vary greatly. If the Monday.com platform could rename uploaded files to a standard naming convention, that would be excellent. Are plans in place for this capability?

This Library is used in many other VIs in my program. I tried to simply go to my folder project and rename it but then when I would load the whole project LABVIEW would say it does not find alpha.lvlib. I tried to find an option on LabView to rename that Library but I did not find anything.

To be fair they didn't really address the issue/question. If you are trying to rename a library that is used by other code modules, you need to rename it in the project explorer that contains the other code modules that are calling it. If you rename the library then try and open up another project that uses it, that project code has no way of knowing that you renamed the library, so you will need to manually go back in re-link all the code. If you rename it within the same project, the calling code will be updated to use the new library name.

It's never an easy task to rename a library that's used in other projects, though. I think, if I remember correctly, that if you have all those projects open, when you update one library instance, the others will ask to be updated, too. It's been so long since I've run into this issue that I can't remember if it's true or not. (I'm too afraid to try it out right now.)

Users either drop a file onto or click a group to upload a file which they can add metadata too. They can also rename the file. But that only works in the app. When you download the file, it will still have the original name you uploaded the file with.

_______________ allows you to rename files right before sending them to the server. It also has other cool features like multi-file uploading, drag and drop folders and previewing files before uploading them.

Is there a way to rename a project folder (top level or sub folders) and/or the project file to something else such that LabVIEW will automatically relink all the dependencies with no manual intervention?

Is there an easy way to do this as I have a project with a few folders I need to rename, including the project name and the main project folder, however I know from past experience if you simply rename this in Windows you spend the next two days pointing to all the dependencies again!

That's basically what I have been doing. I have been refactoring a bunch of libraries lately and what I did was right-click on the class or library from the project view and "rename" it to the desired new folder. I could then switch to the file view of the project and drag all of the VIs and controls in that class or library to the new desired folder.

When working with a Windchill environment, in general, rename actions should be performed in Windchill. If you rename in Creo then you get the behavior you described above. Are you having trouble using the Rename action on family table instances within Windchill?

I just did a quick test and was able to successfully rename both generic and instances using the Windchill Rename. When the instance or generic is retrieved the next time within Creo the names will get updated. 5376163bf9

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