The bottom line is this: by focusing on happiness itself, you can lead a much better life than those who focus on convenience, luxury, and following the lead of the financially illiterate herd that is the TV-ad-absorbing Middle Class of the United States (and other rich countries) today. Happiness comes from many sources, but none of these sources involve car or purse upgrades.

You invest it. In stock index funds, in paying off your own house, in rental houses if you are interested in local real estate, and in other sources as you continue to learn about making money work for you. As of 2016, my own retirement income comes from a dead-simple asset allocation: a bunch of index funds at Vanguard and Betterment which pay quarterly dividends.

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I think one of the biggest things I have taken away from your blog is to ask myself would this purchase, item or experience really make me happier. On top of that I think you really make people examine how our society allows people to be wasteful without a second thought. I am definitely glad I found your blog a.few months ago and new readers have a lot they can learn.

Note: Amazone Prime is like $70/year but you get 2-day free shipping on all prime purchases (this is how I shop for pretty much anything I need from groceries to household items), and there is a free kindle lending library that also rocks!

So, can I get PBS, HGTV, Discovery & HBO programming on any of these services? Those are the channels we watch most (other than kiddy stuff sometimes). That is what stops me from cutting cable entirely. Also, when friends visit your house and want to watch some sports, does streaming work?

More like compulsive shoppers, the ones who get their kicks from the act of buying stuff. I have neighbors close to that, though they do tend to use things a few times before relegating them to the garage.

I lived in seven different houses-with-roommates between the ages of 18-25 (as salary climbed gradually from $0 to $78,000/year). They were all a blast, and finally at the end I felt I had saved enough to afford a non-shared house. But I still miss the good times.

Living in NYC is great in that there is an abundance of amazing food from all over the world. From ethnic food trucks to high-end dining, it seems a shame not to experience it when it is just at your doorstep.

But most important of all: these changes are not just about early retirement. They make your life better even if you are in debt, or if you are decades from retirement, or if you never want to retire at all. Riding a bike is ALWAYS better than puttering down to the Target 2 miles away by car. Forcing yourself to experience entertainment other than TV is also a great and healthy change to your system. Even with enough savings to go back to a full ultraconsumer lifestyle nowadays, I do none of it, because the Mustachian lifestyle is so much more satisfying.

This is exactly what we are trying to do. I think our savings rate is about 40-50%.

Right now apart from 401k, our savings are going straight into down payment fund. once we buy a house, we will max out retirement accounts, and start contributing to a taxable account.

Our biggest expense is food for us.

One of the best places to get started is the Guy in a Cube channel on YouTube. Adam Saxton and Patrick create videos that are funny, interesting and target some very relevant issues in Power BI, from building a better data model, to calculating measures and the difference between filters and slicers and even on how to publish reports and share effectively. If you have never used Power BI before, I highly recommend this channel to get a feel of what the capabilities (and the limitations) of the tool are.

Radacad, with regular content from two of Microsoft's top professionals in the fields of BI and AI, Reda Rad and Leila Etati, is by far one of the best and most helpful sites for solving common (and uncommon) data problems. Their blog posts cover many issues from data modlisation to DAX filtering, and is suitable for both beginners and experts alike. I went to their site to find innovative problems for solutions regarding performance improvement while using Calculate functions. However, you should already have some knowledge of working with Power BI ideally before visiting the site to get the most value.

This book has its own source code tailored specifically to be extensible, so that each person can choose their favourite programming language and feel right at home from the first word of the first line.

It has been quite a journey to reach this point, and I will go into it in more detail below, but after being motivated by so many stories from career changers before me, I promised I would write my version one day. If I can have an impact on even 1 person, and help them achieve their dream, then writing this post was a success.

So I got stuck into FreeCodeCamp, I think it is easily the best curriculum out there for an intro to web dev. What really sets FCC apart for me, is the projects that you get to complete. Taking you off the rails, and throwing you in the proverbial deep end, not only forces you to really consolidate the learnings from the previous curriculum, and teaches you to think about how to plan out a website / program, as well as how to address problems that you run into, and source help and information from a variety of resources, be it documentation, chatrooms, stack overflow etc.

Turning our dream trip from a wishful thought, into a snow-filled, fun packed, cultured, sunkissed reality was a powerful experience. And gave me a real sense of self-belief to take through into my job hunt.

So it was July 2018, I arrived home just in time to see my hero, Quincy Larson, speak a the keynote speaker at LevelsConf. It was at LevelsConf that I began the final stage of my journey to my first developer job. A few of the bigger tech companies had set up booths in the lobby, and I spoke to a few of them about what application processes look like, how to best prepare, etc.

I wanted to know, how will I be able to stand out from the numerous other applicants in my position? So I spoke to people in the industry. I tried to reach out to developers who were already working at those companies, typically through linked in and twitter, as well as meetups. I asked what the application process was like, what advice could they give?

Therefore, I decided to start this series with the intent of explaining what microservices are and to show how they communicate. After a couple of posts, I received some comments from my readers asking about more advanced topics such as deployments, monitoring, and asynchronous communication. This motivated me to continue this series and it grew to a total of 65 posts over almost two years. All posts use the same demo application. I tried my best not to change too much but the code of earlier posts might be somewhat different than it is now.

The Azure Container Registry is a private repository in Azure. Since it is private, Kubernetes needs an Image pull secret to be able to download images from there. Additionally, this section shows how to replace RabbitMQ with Azure Service Bus Queues and how to replace the .NET background process with Azure Functions to process messages in these queues.

So far I have used a Service with the type LoadBalancer for my microservices. The service can be set up quickly and also gets a public IP address assign from Azure to access the microservice. Besid...

Why I Picked It Up: We are very into superheroes in our house right now. I found Zero the Hero while browsing at the library and since it had a with the cape on the front, I ran it by my 4-year-old. He decided numbers could be superheroes too, and that we should check it out.

Dry, cracking skin? Snow, thanks, man! Revive dull skin with our duo of cold-weather skin-saving heroes. Our Mini Sotoks skin serum immediately brightens and hydrates skin for a bouncy, radiant complexion. Lock it in with Skin Therapy, our ultra-rich moisturizer made with Pomegranate and Oat Protein to soothe and restore inflamed skin.

And a Class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created. In the real world, we often find many objects with the same type. Like cars. All the same make and model (and all have an engine, wheels, doors, and so on). Each car was built from the same set of blueprints and has the same components.

Imagine a car. Number of wheels, seating capacity and maximum velocity are all attributes of a car. We can say that an ElectricCar class inherits these same attributes from the regular Car class.

The Zero Hero program is a no-equipment fitness adventure designed for beginners, anyone recovering from an injury, coming back to fitness after a break or simply taking it easy. See the story through and survive to fight another day!

I am about to curate a reading list to establish a clear path for people to build strong fundamentals in Haskell, leaning toward practical Haskell, i.e. usable for work and hobby projects alike, and I am curious as to what others might recommend. To be sure, I want the list to be as concise as possible, to pave the road toward the goal just mentioned. Also the list I have in mind may contain any sort of written material, from books to wikis, free or commercial products.

I first said I wanted to be an architect in the third grade when I was interested in both computers and art. I really enjoy the diversity in my work, as it includes a range of tasks, from highly technical aspects like decoding land development protocols to creative pursuits like designing spaces. Each day is different, and I appreciate that.

I am particularly proud of the project receiving a 5-star rating from Austin Energy Green Building. Despite a tight budget, we made incremental smart decisions at every turn. For example, we implemented a central hot water loop without resorting to expensive systems and opted for low-flow fixtures and thoughtful landscape design. Being intentional about each small element allowed us to create a more human-centric design. 2351a5e196

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