Fernando Riveiro Formoso

Welcome to my personal webpage! I am a Visiting Professor of Economics at the Department of Applied Economics at Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB).

I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), where I worked under the supervision of Andrés Erosa.

Interests: Macroeconomics, Firm Dynamics, Firm Growth and Misallocation.

You can find my CV here: 

Contact information:

Email: fernando.riveiro@uib.cat

Address: Universitat de les Illes BalearsEdificio Melchor Gaspar de Jovellanos,Ctra. de Valldemossa km 7.507122 Palma, Illes Balears (Spain)
Google Scholar:    https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=DnZp2f0AAAAJ&hl=caORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-8374-4107

Job Market Paper:

Factor Misallocation and High-Growth Firms in Spain


Andrés Erosa (Advisor)

Universidad Carlos III de MadridDepartment of EconomicsCalle Madrid 12628903, Getafe (Spain)aerosa@eco.uc3m.es

Felix Wellschmied

Universidad Carlos III de MadridDepartment of EconomicsCalle Madrid 12628903, Getafe (Spain)fwellsch@eco.uc3m.es


Matthias Kredler

Universidad Carlos III de MadridDepartment of EconomicsCalle Madrid 12628903, Getafe (Spain)matthias.kredler@uc3m.es

Johannes Schneider (Teaching reference)

Universidad Carlos III de MadridDepartment of EconomicsCalle Madrid 12628903, Getafe (Spain)jschneid@eco.uc3m.es