Spook-ing the Violations of Virtual Remote Secure Properties


Annotated Video

This video has text annotations and there are some places where the video is paused for the viewer to read the text on the screen.


Original Video

This video has no annotations. However, at the 1:14 mark a face was covered to protect the integrity of the blind review process.

If you are having trouble viewing the videos, you can download them by clicking the downward facing arrow in the top right of your browser at the following links:

Annotated Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18WJfKsABBz_VvElEeC5fFjuRIR60c83C/view?usp=sharing

Original Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BO4A7FhBfEvfp0WMYsHKs6u4JOGAZM2l/view?usp=sharing