Welcome! My name is Frieder Neunhoeffer. I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Lisbon, ISEG School of Economics and Management.
My research lies in the field of Behavioral Economics, with applications in Consumer Behavior, Public Economics, Finance, and Decision Theory. I use experiments to study how selective attention and the salience of choice features affect memory recall and, thus, economic or political decisions.
Feel free to contact me at: neunhoeffer@iseg.ulisboa.pt
Here is my CV
Working papers
Less is more: The single-use effect in subscriptions
Time pressure reduces financial bubbles: Evidence from forecasting experiments (R&R by Experimental Economics) with Misha Anufriev and Jan Tuinstra
Work in progress
Memory and salience with Nicola Gennaioli
Social norms and consumer behavior with Gianfranco Atzeni and Marco Vannini
The income inequality trap: When redistributive preferences do not correct greater inequality (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics) with Michele Bernasconi
Between enthusiasm and refusal: A cluster analysis on consumer types and attitudes towards peer-to-peer sharing (Journal of Consumer Behavior) with Timm Teubner