27 students at 4th year ESO from Ángel de Saavedra Secondary School (Córdoba) are immersed in a project on English about the environment called "Fridays for future_Saavedra" during the third term of this course 2018/19.

The project complements other interdisciplinary projects in the subjects involved in the school bilingual project.

Fridays for future_Saavedra nods to the youth movement "Fridays for future", which was born in Sweden, and is aimed at pressuring policy-makers to take action against climate change

The main aspects of the Project "Friday for future_Saavedra are in this template for project design at Genially:


The objectives of the project are:

  • To understand what pollution is, its main types, sources, causes and effects on human health, eco-systems and the environment in general, identifying the problems it generates, on a local scale as well as on a global or planetary scale.
  • To appreciate the relationship between human activities, the development models they support and the negative environmental and social impacts they cause: depletion of natural resources, destruction of ecosystems, pollution of air, water and soil, alteration of the planet's cycles, negative effects on environmental and human health, etc?
  • To take the side of a development model that is different from the current one and that is more sustainable for the planet and equitable for its inhabitants.
  • To be interested in promoting the widespread application of good environmental practices in different spheres (personal, professional, social), which allow the saving and sustainable use of resources, the prevention of pollution and the minimisation of negative socio-environmental impacts, improving the environmental quality of the environment.
  • To acquire habits and behaviours that contribute to the efficient use of energy and resources, as well as to reducing, at an individual and social level, environmental pollution and the unsustainable use of natural resources.

These general objectives of the project are specified in the following objectives of the English area for each activity and in the contents that correlate with them:

  • To identify the general sense, the essential information, the main points and the most relevant details in short or medium-length oral texts.
  • To produce short or medium-length texts in face-to-face conversation, in a formal register, in which information, ideas and opinions are exchanged.
  • To interact simply but effectively in clearly structured exchanges.
  • To write, on paper and in electronic format, short or medium length, coherent and clearly structured texts on subjects of personal interest or everyday matters.

In addition, the lexicon on the environment, the environmental crisis and percentage expressions was deepened and grammatical contents were developed regarding the formulation of questions, direct and indirect style, relative sentences and determiners.


The project has these three phases:

  1. - Informative and awareness-raising: With the viewing of videos and analysis of infographics on the environment and climate change. Elaboration of posters that are exhibited in the centre and to which new ones are added every Friday. Students share the work in the group Fridays for future_ Saavedra in Instagram
  2. - Collection of information and analysis: Through a questionnaire. First, the group's own students answer it. Their answers are the first data of the group itself on the environmental crisis.

Then, in collaborative groups, they drew up 6 questionnaires to gather information from other first and second year high school students in our centre, and to collect solutions that provoke new attitudes in our immediate environment that help to reduce the environmental crisis.

3- Dissemination of the data obtained and the solutions provided:

Through this PADLET board, students are compiling ideas and recommendations for sustainable actions within our community that help to take care of the environment.

Finally, the six groups have developed six radio scripts to disseminate the data obtained in their questionnaires and the measures that have been proposed to curb climate change.

To this end, in these last weeks of the course the teachers and students of training cycles of image and sound are collaborating in our project giving technical coverage to the recording of the podcasts in the radio station of the center where these students are trained as sound technicians.

Some images of the students´ works in this project in the following video:

Si quieres adherirte al manifiesto "TEACHERS FOR FUTURE" puedes hacerlo en el siguiente enlace