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Conroy's Flowers - Fresno Flower Delivery

How to Make Organic Fertilizer from Home

Wonder how else you can help your garden flourish? Don't really have the money for those premium fertilizers you see on ads everywhere?

With excellent advice from [city]'s top gardeners, here's a list of ways you can make great fertilizer at home.

Grainy Formula.

This super-powered fertilizer uses banana skins, coffee grounds, eggshells, water. Mix them up in your blender and add more water to dilute the solution. All done!

Place them in a spray bottle and feed your plants using this all-natural fertilizer.

This is especially great for crops that need a ton of water and food, like tomatoes, squashes, and pole beans.

Cooking Water.

If you do a bunch of cooking at home, then this's for you!

After boiling vegetables and pasta, don't throw the water away. Let it cool for a little, then use it to water your plants. We know it sounds weird, probably even a little icky, but think about it.

You'll get to eat healthy food, and your plants will have all the nutrients from the cooking water. Win-win on all fronts!

Coffee Grounds.

They're not just excellent natural pesticides. In fact, they work as instant fertilizer for your acid-loving plants!

Use the used coffee grounds and sprinkle them on blueberries, roses, hydrangeas and even your veggies!

Grass Clippings.

Habitually mow your lawn and aren't sure where to place the piles of grass clippings?

Easy - use them to fertilize your garden!

Set the clippings in a 5-gallon bucket and load it with water. Let it sit for about 5 days. Then, dilute 1 cup of the grass tea with 10 cups of water. All done!

You'll save up on fertilizer; plus, your plants will enjoy the natural nutrients from the grass clippings!

Go over these tips from DIY n Crafts and the Balcony Garden Web for more easy-to-follow organic fertilizer hacks!

Conroy's Flowers - Fresno Flower Delivery