Select the option that best describes your specimen:

Cell(s) lack flagella; unicellular, colonial, or filamentous; photosynthetic pigments not contained in chloroplasts; cell contents blue-green, greyish-blue, dark brown, or otherwise colored, but not grass green.

Cell(s) may or may not have flagella; unicellular, colonial, or filamentous; photosynthetic pigments are contained in chloroplasts; coloration is grass green.

Glossary Terms on This Page

Chloroplast: Membrane-bound organelles found in the cells of photosynthetic eukaryotes; they are not present in cyanobacteria. These subcellular structures contain photosynthetic pigments. The number, shape, and size of the chloroplasts present in algal cells varies. They may be large and fill most of the cell, or they may be smaller and visible as distinct structures within the otherwise colorless volume of the cell. Some eukaryotic algae possess a single chloroplast, while others have two or more.