Fremont County Master Gardeners



Welcome to the Fremont County Master Gardeners!

Master Gardeners is an organization of volunteers who learn, research, apply, and share their enthusiasm and passion for gardening.

The Fremont County Master Gardeners meet monthly to discuss and provide information and advice on the subjects of horticulture, harvesting, food preservation, floriculture and more. Roundtable discussions include various topics such as plant care, fertilizing, pruning, propagation, watering, pest and weed control, etc. The public is invited to attend (you don't have to be a Master Gardener to attend the meetings)!

Master Gardeners of Riverton hold their monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday evening of each month at 5:00 pm at the Riverton Extension office, 818 N. Federal Blvd. (During the summer months, garden tours are hosted by FCMG members. Most meetings are suspended during the winter months, and start up again in the Spring.)



Ernie Schierwagen, Chair

