Paulo Bitencourt — Freethinker, Humanist and Atheist

Paulo Bitencourt

Freethought, Humanism and Atheism

“I don’t want to believe, I want to know.”

Propagate Freethought

Paulo Bitencourt — Freethought, Humanism and Atheism

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the contents explained in your books and videos. They help me to have the courage to think and give me a foundation against the deception I’ve suffered since childhood.”

Humberto Bento

I’m grateful to you, Paulo Bitencourt, for helping us perform every day the difficult task of leaving behind the cultural garbage we inherited, opening our eyes and ears to the evidence of reason.

— Lupa Garrido

I dedicate my life to, by any possible means, helping people liberate themselves from the religious prison. If you value the propagation of Freethought, support my fight.

Thank you very much!