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Free Fire is the ultimate survival shooter game available on mobile. Each 10-minute game places you on a remote island where you are pit against 49 other players, all seeking survival. Players freely choose their starting point with their parachute, and aim to stay in the safe zone for as long as possible. Drive vehicles to explore the vast map, hide in wild, or become invisible by proning under grass or rifts. Ambush, snipe, survive, there is only one goal: to survive and answer the call of duty.

[Survival shooter in its original form]

Search for weapons, stay in the play zone, loot your enemies and become the last man standing. Along the way, go for legendary airdrops while avoiding airstrikes to gain that little edge against other players.

[10 minutes, 50 players, epic survival goodness awaits]

Fast and Lite gameplay - Within 10 minutes, a new survivor will emerge. Will you go beyond the call of duty and be the one under the shining lite?

[4-man squad, with in-game voice chat]

Create squads of up to 4 players and establish communication with your squad at the very first moment. Answer the call of duty and lead your friends to victory and be the last team standing at the apex.

[Clash Squad]

Fast paced 4v4 game mode is now open 24/7! Manage your economy, purchase weapons, and defeat the enemy squad!

[Realistic and smooth graphics]

Easy to use controls and smooth graphics promises the best survival experience you will find on mobile to help you immortalize your name among the legends.


Google assembled an apparatus with many cameras and several LED lights to make Portrait Lighting available on Pixels.

Google creates probably the best still photography with its Pixel telephones, however its technique is something other than enchantment. All things considered, it's the aftereffect of hard specialized work and loads of AI models. At the point when Google presented a refined representation mode on the Pixel 3, it used a wacky 5-telephone case to prepare its ML models — however the apparatus the organization made to empower its new Portrait Light mode may be much more out of control.

Customarily, proficient representation picture takers utilize extraordinary hardware like off-camera blazes and reflectors to coordinate lighting into the most ideal position dependent regarding the matter. Obviously, remembering all that gear for the container of each Pixel telephone would be cost restrictive, so all things considered, Google did what it excels at and had the chance to chip away at taking care of the issue with information.

The organization built a custom lighting rig that incorporates 64 distinct cameras with their own perspectives just as 331 LED light sources that are independently programmable. At that point seventy individuals consented to sit the middle of everyone's attention at this laser light show to model for a lot of photos to show how the essence of a similar subject similarly situated is influenced dependent on changing directional lighting.

With enough preparing on these pictures, Google's calculations can adjust the lighting to seem like it started from a horde of various bearings dependent on how the subject of the photograph positions their head. In studio picture photography, the principle off-camera light source is situated a little over the eye line and askew, so that is the thing that Portrait Light on Pixel telephones does, as well. (In spite of the fact that you can adjust the programmed choice afterward in the Google Photos manager.)

More AI models figured into Google's imaging pipeline also, in light of the fact that once you pick where the picture light will come from, you need to alter the picture dependent on how that lighting hits the subject's interesting facial highlights. A "light perceivability map" was utilized to prepare the models utilizing experiences dependent on real material science.

Proprietors of the Pixel 4 and up get Portrait Lighting applied consequently at whatever point pictures are caught in the default mode or in Night Sight pictures where countenances are identified — it even works in gatherings. In case you're actually shaking the Pixel 2 or Pixel 3, you can in any case evaluate Portrait Light on existing representation photographs in the Google Photos app.Google isn't the first cell phone maker to acquaint picture lighting impacts with its clients, however it might have gone about it in the most Google-y way that is available, using a plenty of cutting edge calculations and AI models. Marc Levoy may not deal with the Pixel camera any longer, yet he jumped at the chance to demystify the cycle by saying it wasn't "distraught science," yet "straightforward physical science." Or for this situation: simply basic physical science and an enormously confounded lighting rig.

Looks pretty awesome right?

Google Messages gets iMessage-like responses on the web as well

Recently, Google started turning out iMessage-like responses to its own Messages application. The element, which works for RCS visits just and lets you rapidly respond to a book without composing an entirely different answer, is currently likewise accessible on the Messages web customer so you can send a similar emoticon input from the solace of your work area and big screen.

When utilizing the Messages web customer, you can just float close to any message to reveal two new symbols: an emoticon and a flood choices button. Snap the emoticon and you'll have the option to choose between seven distinct responses (approval, heart eyes, giggling with tears, amazed, dismal, furious, and disapproval). This chips away at both your own messages and any other person's in a one-on-one or gathering visit. You can't send two responses to a similar message, however, and on the off chance that you attempt to pick a subsequent one, it'll abrogate the first.

You don't have to effectively get this to work. It should be turned out to everybody — at any rate we checked that it was accessible for a few records and in a few nations. Simply open Messages web and you'll have the option to give this a shot any RCS visit.

Turns out Stadia is a good platform to play Cyberpunk 2077

Stadia's had the option to make sure about not very many prominent day-and-date multiplatform discharges since its dispatch last November — Doom Eternal, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and relatively few others. This week, the administration handled its greatest yet: the long awaited Cyberpunk 2077. It's a huge and goal-oriented game that is as of now built up a standing for running inadequately on most equipment. Yet, while Stadia unquestionably isn't the most ideal approach to encounter the science fiction epic, it diverts out it's a long way from the most exceedingly awful.

Cyberpunk 2077, if this is some way or another the primary you're becoming aware of it, is the freshest game out of CD Projekt Red, the Polish studio generally acclaimed for the Witcher arrangement of activity RPGs. It's set overwhelmingly in Night City, a future tech-oppressed world with a Blade Runner/Ghost in the Shell/Deus Ex flavor, where individuals with cutting edge prosthetics united onto their bodies carry out violations at one another. Additionally, Keanu Reeves is there.

The environment in Night City is superbly understood; the roads are clamoring with movement. At the point when you look carefully, the figment begins to blur — a ton of entryways are bolted and a great deal of NPCs don't have anything fascinating to state. In any case, CDPR worked admirably of passing on the overall vibe of a lumpy, wrongdoing filled future that is sufficiently far eliminated from our present to feel colorful without being altogether outsider. Faultless sound plan truly helps sell it, as well: I've been ceaselessly intrigued by finished and natural sounding ecological clamor and the drawing in and dynamic soundtrack. In the event that you don't have great speakers convenient, I energetically suggest earphones.

Voice exhibitions are less amazing, however. The manly variation of player character V specifically is played as a paint-by-numbers troublemaker, and Keanu's exhibition feels somewhat wooden, as well (despite the fact that that is not generally unique). They're not awful, unquestionably not by industry guidelines, but rather they don't hit the otherworldly highs of, state, a decent Rockstar game. Thinking about the long and disturbed improvement of the game (it was first prodded in mid 2013!), that is somewhat of a disgrace. The world's language feels somewhat constrained now and again, as well: specialists who introduce computerized inserts, for instance, are "ripperdocs." So debilitated.

Notwithstanding the game's first-individual viewpoint and all the firearms, Cyberpunk is certifiably not a customary first-individual shooter. Like the Witcher arrangement, it's a RPG, complete with experience focuses, levels, and player and thing details. That is a touch of jolting from the outset — in the early game, various headshots on even common foes don't really mean a murder, just additional harm focuses. There are huge loads of alternatives and menus and frameworks to the point of being a bit of bewildering, and I keep thinking about whether all that unpredictability will wind up being worth the difficulty; I wager I could traverse the game fine and dandy while never learning half of what I can do. In any case, if that is your jam, there's bounty for you to dive into.

Subsequent to putting in a couple of hours with the game on Stadia, it's reasonable this form isn't the limit pushing experience you'd jump on a very good quality gaming PC, however it's a shockingly equipped port. The bugs are there, clearly, yet outline rates are steady and burden times are benevolently concise. You have the choice to play in modes that organize either designs or execution; illustrations mode is covered at 30 casings for every second, execution can hit 60.

Since Stadia consistently streams at the most noteworthy goal permitted by your showcase and settings and consistently catches screen captures at 1080p paying little heed to the goal your game is delivered at, I can't state with 100% assurance what the goal in illustrations mode is, however eyeballing it on a 4K TV, I'd surmise 1080p. To keep 60 FPS, execution mode renders at a lower goal and scales backdrop illumination impacts. In case you're looking at the two next to each other, you can detect the distinctions, however moving, I think execution mode's additional perfection merits the ding to visual loyalty.

Apparently, visuals are about comparable to the reassure adaptations of the game, and execution is in reality in a way that is better than on the last-gen Xbox One and PlayStation 4. On the off chance that you have a PS5, a Xbox Series X, or a cutting-edge, ground-breaking gaming rig, you should feel free to play Cyberpunk 2077 there. However, taking into account how difficult to find (and costly) new consoles and designs cards are at the present time, chances are very acceptable you don't. In case you're in that boat, you shouldn't stop for a second to get Cyberpunk on Stadia — it's an absolutely fine approach to play the game.

Star Wars: Squadrons Update 4.0 Adds Two New Ships, Full Patch Notes Detailed

Designer EA Motive has dropped another update for Star Wars: Squadrons on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. The free group of substance, all piece of Update 4.0, adds new ships, fixes bugs, and presents custom matches, in addition to other things. The fix notes are laid out underneath.

Two new ships are accessible to steer: the New Republic's B-Wing aircraft and the TIE Defender starfighter on the Empire's side. While the two boats will have the option to utilize all the parts found inside their particular classes, the two do have novel viewpoints about them. The B-Wing has a gyro-cockpit and turning wings while the TIE Defender has upgraded protecting. This will help separate the two boats from the plenty of other accessible planes and starfighters.

Maybe one of the most eye catching increments of Update 4.0 for Star Wars: Squadrons is the acquaintance of custom matches with its online multiplayer. This element works similarly true to form. Players can set up matches with their companions on any of the seven accessible guides, applying modifiers and limitations to make a really custom ongoing interaction experience. On top of custom matches, EA Motive is likewise adding a custom match worker program, where players can filter through different private matches made by companions and outsiders the same.

Update 4.0 likewise addresses a lot of bugs. This incorporates fixing issues with worker side matchmaking, improving information recognition for better responsiveness, and resolving UI issues. Further, there are some interactivity refreshes and considerably more beautifiers.

Update 4.0 comes not long after EA Motive delivered a fix for Star Wars: Squadrons in late-November that additional the fresh out of the box new guide Fostar Haven. This broad and open-finished guide is motivated by Squadrons' introduction and is playable in both Dogfight and Fleet Battles.