The Big Joker is usually the red joker, and the Little Joker is the black one.2. How to play Spades with jokersThe jokers are always part of the Spades suit. As you can see, they are the two highest-ranked cards in the game. You can not lead with a joker until someone breaks spades or you have only trumps in your hand.

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The spades game has several variations that make playing spades more fun. One of the variations is spades with jokers. As the name suggests, the game involves the use of two jokers. It is played using a standard deck of cards, including two different jokers and excluding the two of clubs and two of hearts. Moreover, the two jokers are considered as the highest trumps in the game.

The spades with jokers game is played between two to five players as individuals or between four players in partnerships. While the gameplay is pretty similar to the basic spades card game, the difference between the two games lies in the cards. Also, the Spades suit remains to be the trump.

Learning the rules of spades with jokers will be a no-brainer if you know how to play spades game. Here are some of the key rules to play spades with jokers game with 2-players, 3-players, 4-players, and 5-players.

Before the game begins, the players decide the number of points that the winner must score, and the game is scored based on hands. Like the basic spades game, the spades with jokers game is usually played for 500 points and 200 points if the players want to play a short game.

The player sitting at the left of the dealer leads by playing a card. The other players follow suit. If any player cannot follow suit, the players can play a trump card or discard. The player who plays the highest value card will win the trick if no trump card is played. If one or more players play a trump, the player with the highest value trump card wins the trick.

The Little Joker, being the second-highest card in spades, should be played when a player leads by playing the Big Joker. When a player leads with the Little Joker as the first card in the trick, the other players should play the lowest spade card in hand.

Joker Joker Deuce Deuce in spades implies that the cards are ranked in the order Big Joker, Little Joker, deuce of Diamonds, deuce of Spades, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Therefore, while playing spades with jokers, you must never forget that the deuce of Diamonds ranks higher than the Ace of Spades.

Spades is a trick-based card game, with spades as the trump suit,played with two teams of two members each.(When we only have three people we playNinety-Nine.)For each hand the teams bid to take a number of tricks,and the scoring penalizes teams that regularly take more tricksthan they bid.Additional bidding options exist,including allowing individual players to go Naught(that is, try to avoid taking any tricks).

A deck of 54 cards is used, a standard 52 card deck plusbig and little jokers.The jokers are considered to be spades and the rank ofspades is Big Joker, Little Joker, Ace, King, Queen, Jack,10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

Each player bids once, starting with the player to the left ofthe dealer and proceeding around the table to the left,ending at the dealer.The first two bidders give hints about their hands,and the second two bidders bid for their teams.

Instead of the Blind Six bid mentioned in the last section,some of our games have been played with Blind Seven.This changes the balance of end-game bidding -- it is possible forboth teams to make Blind Six bids, but if both teams bid Blind Seventhen only one will make their team bid.

Each team must bid Blind Four each hand (with the usual add-ons allowed).This results in a vicious game of avoiding tricks at any cost,especially with Double Bags.Holding the Two of Clubs is a significant advantage as it allowstwo Spades to be dropped.

When making a hint bid, the first member of each teamannounces the number of tricks they expect to be able tomake (assuming a normal distribution of cards in the handsof the other players), and whether they can go Naught(that is, avoid taking any tricks after trading one cardwith their partner).

After bidding but before play,the player holding the two of clubs drops any two cards.After the drop any team with an individual going Naughtmust exchange one card between the team members.Any team going Double-Naught exchanges two cards between the members.(Team members can exchange cards after the bidding is finished for the team,but it is advisable to wait until the other team has finished bidding.)

Play for each trick continues around to the left.Each player must play the same suit as the first cardof the trick, if any remain in that player's hand.If no cards remain in that suit then any card may be played.The winner of a trick is the player who threw the highest spade,or the highest card of the suit led if no spades were played.

There are no other restriction on which cards can be lead or played onthe first (or any other) trick.There is no restriction on when spades may or may not be played,except that players must follow suit if possible.

The game ends when any team has a score of five hundred or moreafter the scoring of a hand (including all over-trick penalties).If the score is tied another hand is played.The winner of the game is the team with the highest scorewhen game ends.

The first dealer is chosen by a draw for "first spade" or "highest card", and thereafter the deal passes to the dealer's left after each hand. The dealer shuffles, and the player to the right is given the opportunity to "cut" the cards to prevent the dealer stacking the deck. The entire deck is then dealt face-down one card at a time in clockwise order (with four players, each player should receive 13 cards).[4] The players then pick up their cards, verify the correct count of the cards, and arrange them as desired (the most common arrangement is by suit, then rank).

A misdeal is a deal in which all players have not received the same number of cards or a player has dealt out of turn. A misdeal may be discovered immediately by counting the cards after they are dealt, or it may be discovered during play of a hand. If a single card is misdealt and discovered before players in question have seen their cards the player that is short a card can pull a card at random from the player with an extra card. Otherwise a hand is misdealt, the hand is considered void and the hand must be redealt by the same dealer (unless the reason for the redeal is the hand was dealt out of turn).

Each player bids the number of tricks they expect to take. The player to the left of the dealer starts the bidding, and bidding continues in a clockwise direction, ending with the dealer. As Spades are always trump, no trump suit is named during bidding as with some other variants. A bid of "zero" is called "nil"; players must bid at least one if they don't want to bid "nil" (see below).

Two very common variants of bidding are for a player or partnership to bid "blind", without having looked at their cards, or to bid "nil", stating that they will not take a single trick during play of the hand. These bids give the partnership a bonus if the players exactly meet their bid, but penalizes them if the players takes more or fewer. A combined bid of two "blind nil" is usually allowed and is worth both the blind and nil bonuses or penalties. In some variants, the player bidding nil passes one or two of their cards (depending on the variant rules) to their partner and receives an equal number of cards back from said partner. Nil passing may be allowed only in the case of a blind nil. Usually teams must be down by 100 points to bid blind nil.

A common variant rule, borrowed from Hearts, is that a player may not lead spades until a spade has been played to trump another trick.[3][9] This prevents a player who is "long" in spades (having a large number of them) from leading spades one after the other at the beginning of the hand to deplete them and thus prevent other players using them as trumps. The act of playing the first spade in a hand is known as "breaking spades", derived from its parent rule, "breaking hearts". When a player leads with a spade after spades has been broken, the other players must follow suit.

If a player/team took more tricks than they bid, a single point is scored for each overtrick, called an "overtrick", "bag" or "sandbag" (a bid of 5 tricks with 6 tricks taken results in a score of 51 points).[9]

Traditionally Spades is played with four players in two partnerships. However, there are variations that allow for greater or fewer players. Partnerships are optional even with four players. All other rules should be agreed upon beforehand by the players.

Partners allows a mix of weak and strong players by pairing a weak player with a strong one, resulting in a more satisfying game (provided that the division of talent is about even) than in Cutthroat where individual weak players would stand little or no chance against strong players.

Conversely, against a computer program where the object is for a human to beat the computer software, being saddled with a weak computer partner does not provide a satisfying game. Thus, Cutthroat makes more sense for a computer game than Partners.

Black Spades was created for spades players on all levels. From the beginner playing at home, to the expert playing on the go, our game was designed to get you straight to the action with no gimmicks.

 Marie Ryley posted this great article on Facebook about the history of the joker, the ace of spades, and taxes on decks of playing cards. Reposted here with permission and my images of my cards added. ff782bc1db

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