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Title says it all, I cannot access the website. I tried Firefox, Chrome and Edge. So I thought it's my network. Turns out I can reach it just fine on my phone! So I turned off my Firewall, still to no avail. What the hell could this be?

The error message also doesn't say much. Most browsers say something along the lines of "Unable to connect" or ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, and tell me to check my internet connection (works fine), turn off my Firewall (already done), or disable a proxy (not using any).

I really need to access Dropbox because my professor posts lecture videos on it. I hope I can receive help.

I am an online foreign language teacher, and I suspect but can't prove that my students may simply be translating their assignment pages using their browser. The browser can simply translate an entire page into English. The browser can also translate all the answers they type back into the target language.

I know that there is an html command to override the browser's ability to translate, and one can put it into the code at the beginning of the page. But CANVAS does not accept the command, I assume for security reasons. There is no such command on the whitelisted commands for CANVAS.

Is it possible to get a "don't translate" or "stop translation" command whitelisted? I think this has implications for all online foreign language courses. There are workarounds, but they are so time consuming that they can't be practically employed. There are secure exam sites that cost tens of thousands of dollars to use. It would be so simple just to have a command at the top of the page to ensure against cheating.

Hi @szw496 Welcome to the Canvas Community. You ask a question that has been the bane of many a foreign language professor since such services began being integrated within Chrome (primarily) or through other browser add-ons. The short answer is there is simply no way to prevent this within Canvas natively....or, frankly, much anything on the web. There have been similar questions asked here in the past, including one here from a few years ago which remains valid: Translating Question (Spanish Teacher) . Other than doing an online quiz in a secured lab environment where such extensions can be disabled, there is little that you can do for an online course save for some third-party solutions. (And besides, what's to keep an enterprising student from doing a quick lookup on a smartphone or a separate device?

Anyway, the one third-party solution I'm aware of is through Respondus, though they are not the only one. For proctored, lab environments there is the Lockdown Browser (which we have at my institution in labs), and for online courses there is the Respondus Monitor, which I personally have no experience with.

Frankly, it may be time to bring this up with some higher-ups at your institution if this is affecting online courses or to have other ways of assessing the students....which I realize is not easy to do!

I've heard that separate secure browser environments cost money, which is why I think it isn't an option for us, and which is why I'm trying to come up with other options. My general belief is that if one is creative enough, one might stay one step ahead of cheating opportunities. Perhaps this is naive.

I'm thinking about how this worked in the older Premium/M340 system where defining something in the I/O scanner triggered a offline build but once the data was in the %MW area you could do what you want with it using normal program changes online.

Yes of course I know that but having to manually code the communication is not a modern and user friendly way of doing it I use these for handling single "one of a kind" devices which might require modbus functions other than 3/16/23. When dealing with like 50 equal inverters I don't want to do it with 2x FB for each. And I don't think the efficiency of using those come close to using the I/O scanning/DTM browser either.

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For the best security and functionality, keep your web browser up to date. All modern browsers should update automatically, including the new Microsoft Edge, but please make sure your browser has auto-updates enabled. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer will get their updates through Windows Update; it's important that you install those updates as they become available.

If you're using an older version of iOS that no longer supports the Microsoft 365 mobile apps, then Safari is the best browser for Microsoft 365 for the web on iOS but some features may not be available.

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As i understand i will need the game classes and data to be server side with a vast amount of validation prior to sending down the changes back to the clients but this is where my knowledge stops. I have been researching this topic and find that I am able to find information on general video game security but not in relation to browser games.

How do I share a lot of browsable image stacks over the internet? My intended audience is rather technophobic, so no sharing files that they have to open in a specific program. It has to all happen at the browser, and they have to be able to pick what to see out of a list. Naively, to me this feels like an important and basic task, so I was surprised to find out there was no clear consensus tool out there. Thanks in advance!

Short answer on the BioImage Archive side: yes. Longer answer: we are/will be using a mix of conversion to ome-ngff where possible and then using the browser based tools @joshmoore linked above, combined with example Jupyter notebooks to show how to use some of the other viewer options.

Hi, Nikos - actually we just made a web app to solve this problem, You can assemble a portfolio of image stacks, each of which is converted into a browser link where the viewer can view individual channels, do basic thresholding/contrast adjustments, and also switch into 3D volumetric rendering mode. Each image stack also generates a QR and the mobile viewers have the same capabilities. If you are the creator / owner of that image in your portfolio, you can also adjust the default views (like if you want it to appear as a nice rotating 3D rendering rather than a dark top frame of a dimly labeled z-stack), add an initial message, enable social sharing/branding, etc. There is also a PPT add-in that lets you insert those interactive stacks into your slides. I should also note, Snorkle also lets you generate visuals from protein structures, 3D models, and other image types.

I'm trying to open HTML files that are saved in a Document Library created on a Team site (using Office 365 Groups). When we add HTML files to the library they will only download and then open. We would like to be able to have these files open in the browser. Any ideas?

We have and that works but one of our users has a library with over 30 html files that he would like to be able to click on in the library and then just open in the browser instead of having to set up a page for each one.

@Deleted thanks for the tip Kelly, this worked perfectly in a document library. I only had to rename the index-home file to aspx and the rest of the files displayed correctly in the browser. Used for html5 video training 0852c4b9a8

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