MUSIC MAKER is a fully-fledged entry-level software for music production. Create your own songs & beats, arrange sounds & loops, play virtual instruments, record vocals & instruments and add effects in just a few steps.

MUSIC MAKER FREE is completely free and offers everything you need to create your own music. MUSIC MAKER PREMIUM is fee-based and offers you an infinite number of tracks and many creative tools for professional-sounding productions.

Free No Download Music Maker

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MUSIC MAKER PREMIUM gives you access to even more Soundpools and additional content. PREMIUM includes Spectrum Visualizer 2, MIDI Multi-Object Editing and other production tools such as Beatbox Pro 2, wizardFX Suite and Song Maker AI.

This bundle includes all MUSIC MAKER 2024 PREMIUM features + a 12-month subscription to Loops Unlimited. As a Loops Unlimited subscriber, you have access to every MUSIC MAKER Soundpool, all Soundpool Collections, and MAGIX Sound FX Collections in the In-App Store. Of course, you can use all loops and samples in your MUSIC MAKER 2024 PREMIUM projects as you wish. (Find more details about this bundle offer here. (

Since upgrading to windows 11, musicmaker doesn't work anymore and when I download it it automatically updates to a new version that doesn't work with windows 11. Is there another version I can download or a version that doesn't automatically upgrade? When I try to run the Magix musicmaker program it says, Music maker doesn't work anymore. Exception code, 0x80000003, thread name, MuMa Location, address, 0x00007FFA, module, Qt5WebEngineCore.dll. Can someone assists?

I would suggest you check if all your computer hardware drivers are up to date and Windows 11 compatible. You should be able to find all Windows 11 drivers on the website of the manufacturer. If there aren't any drivers available for this operating system, your hardware manufacturer doesn't officially support Windows 11.

i just upgraded to 20023 paid version it dosnt work soon as i open takes a while to get loged in then i do then ill click a sample fome sound pool as soon as i go to enter it into a track every thing freezes i have to open task manager to shout it down manualy its un useabal im on windows 11 and all my drivers are up to date

ok tryed it again this time didnot click upgrade was working fine could even put multi tracks in then it loged me in and froze again had use task manager to shut down shame cant use this but can use old 32bit version fine

the problem seems to be with magix musick maker when click a sample or one your own loops from a nother file what ever you click on starts to play sound then it cause a freez when you try to put it or anthing into any track every thing ok till this point its when you do that when you try to put somthing into a track

Usually you should have selected Music Maker ASIO or the ASIO driver of your external USB audio interface. You can configure the buffer size and the input and output by clicking on the Advanced button next to the driver selection. If you don't use an external USB audio interface but the audio chipset on your mainboard it might help to install the Realtek ASIO driver because most mainboards use Realtek audio chipsets.

you know what that might be problem i have a Behringer umc 404 hd sound card window drivers are no good for it need load Behringer driver i had reinstall windows lately just realized don't have that driver in staled ill try that

FIXED YOU NAILD IT SORRY what was is i was in wav driver 64 bit as asio wasnt option with new music maker thought was new thing didn't realize i was running on windows 11 driver for sound card i needed to go load Behringer drivers sorted now thank you for your help

ok what the problem was was i had to reload windows 11 windows has a Behringer soundcard driver but you really need to go to Behringer and load there driver wich is out date but works better then win 11 driver i just up graded music maker asio Behringer wasn't a option in the new music maker but it was showing up in wav driver 64 32 bit witch was different looking from other music maker so i just figured thats part of the new program what it was i had to go load the Behringer driver its all fixed now thank you very much for your help

Just upgraded to Music MAker 64 with new AI etc. Upon launch, program freezes after first click, anywhere. Won't even let me register. Have to end it with task manager everytime.. New HP with Core I% and lots of memory. Any suggestions.

As the program is freezing on launch there are several possible factors causing this, @SP. has already mentioned your Firewall, also try temporarily turning off your Antivirus Protected folder, Real time protection, Ransomware protection features to see if one or more of them is blocking Music Maker .

Hello, I am having basically the same issue, I had Music Maker 2022 Premium all registered and working great on Windows 11 until the latest Music Maker update. Whichh then made Music Maker 2022 start hanging and loading very slowly until it eventually stops responding to any inputs, then you need task manager to close it.

What I have tried to fix the issue.

1. Full fresh install of Windows 11 Pro

2. Checked firewall and music maker is allowed through private and public networks

3. Disabled all virus protection (Windows Only virus protection installed)

I am visually impaired, so I thouroghly tested Music Maker 2022 before I purchased it, I tested it to make sure it worked with my accessibility programs. Which it did up until the last update. now it just freezes up and never responds when ever I have my programs open that allow me to use a computer.

After testing trying to figure out why Music Maker 2022 was not working I found as soon as I close my Zoomtext program, Music Maker 2022 seems to run fine. I can't test it completely because without Zoomtext I cannot see it to test. I also tested Music Maker 2022 with the built in Windows Narrator accessibility program and this seem to stop Music Maker 2022 from responding as well. Guess I just delete it and move on grrrrr

@Marrauder You can try and ask customer service at for a download link of the previous version that was running fine. And tell them what you found out about the other software you use. This could be very helpful information for their programmers.

@teestaton @Marrauder I just read in a German language thread that support found out that the problem is caused by the new version of the QT framework that the developers of Music Maker are using to create the program. They switched from the old version and now for the program freezes for some users but not everyone. Support will give out beta-patches that should help until an official new patch arrives.

Thank you SP much appreciated, I had not totally given up, I was going to wait for next update. I was just frustrated when I posted my last. Hope whatever they try works, because my current trial work around using a remote desktop is excruciating lol

I use MMM Premium for simple things, like quick recording, using Soundpools, quick dubbing or adding music to videos (see my tutorial on this), and Samplitude Pro X2 for more complex projects, especially where I want to vary the tempo. Samplitude Pro X2 is probably overkill for what I do.

If I can pop in to contribute a bit to this, I recently purchased Music Maker (trying Standard then Premium) which was great, and although I had to learn how to use it [I have never used any MAGIX products before], I had a lot of fun with it. I switched to Samplitude Music Studio (after finding it would suit my personal needs better and am now learning the nuances of that. I have also used ACID Products in the past (when it was owned by Sony before MAGIX) and so I can add a bit of the differences with that too... To briefly explain some differences, simplified:

In Music Maker, it seems to be [to me] geared more towards taking the pre-made "Samples" (pieces of music or sounds) and place them how to you want, adjusting their Pitch (high or low sound) and adding Effects to them, to create your songs. Coming with a huge amount of samples, you can purchase additional sound samples (from MAGIX or anywhere else really) and use them, as well.

I am new to MAGIX Products, but the above is what I have learned to this point, experimenting with their music software. I am enjoying it... as well as the helpfulness of this site! I wish you well in your endeavours.

Brand new PC and updated to Music maker premium 2020. Same issue as I had with the 2016 version...doesn't matter if I have 10 tracks or 1. Program either freezes or the sound becomes crackly and skips until the program finally freezes and I have to force quit through task manager. I had HP help me but all they did was check to see I had updated drivers. I use headphones and I've tried both my mixer interface USB audio codec as well as the Audio jack on the PC which is the Realtec audio. No improvement.

I have tried different drivers. The wave driver 16 bit and 24 bit works fine for playback only but I cant use my music keyboard. The wasapi and asiov2/magix low latency driver all did the same thing. I am on a new PC with a fresh install of MMM2020 and these are the same issues I had with the 2016 version on my old PC which is new from 2017. I only have one music keyboard plugged in. I have tried new cords, two other different keyboards with no improvement. So now this makes me believe it is a driver issue. The Magix Latency has not been updated since 2016, The ASIO has not been updated since May 23 2017 Windows 10 has had some upsetting updates which may have caused these drivers to fail. It feels like the drivers are having a asio surge which needs to be updated.

Cubase has had such an update however the ASIO v2 driver in cubase does the same thing. The ASIO V2 needs to be updated or Magix just needs to update their program to 64 bit. You cant run a "VW engine in a tesla"

I've been waiting to hear back from Magix support but no response so far. It's been two weeks. I tried emailing the guy who made the ASIO v2 driver but no response. I know everyone is under lock down and this would have been the perfect time to sit and write music but it sucks that I paid for a program that doesn't work. If anyone else has an idea or will be my new best friend if it gets resolved! 152ee80cbc

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