Nope, nope...I've done all that...and cannot find them either. Where on earth are you hiding our downloads? I keep downloading them over and over and over again. THEN every so often, they appear in my photos app and of course then I have a gazillion of them. This is crazy. Why is this so difficult? Today I have tried for hours to get your apps to download my creations to no avail. This is so frustrating.

I have had problems with finding downloads on my ipad. I discovered that i need to download on iPhone first. Once I confirm it is in files on iPhone, then I go to Ipad and will see the link in Files under iCloud drive and i can activate download on ipad. So phone first then ipad. The reverse does not work.

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If you've downloaded files to your iPhone or iPad, accessing them might be confusing compared to a Mac or PC. There's a special folder where iOS and iPadOS store downloads, and you can find it via the Files app.

Of course, you aren't stuck downloading things to only one folder. The default download location can be changed pretty easily. Also keep in mind that any apps you use to manage downloads, like the Documents app, might create a separate download folder. You can typically view of change the download location in an app's settings.

How do I stop Spotify from constantly deleting my downloads on my iPhone? My only available connection is barely 1mbps so I have to download with my mobile data. Been having this problem since 2017 but I have now migrated to a country with terrible internet connection so it's become a hassle which I am no longer willing to tolerate.

Edit: Just had my entire library deleted even though I didn't choose to delete any of my devices, I am still constantly connected to the internet via mobile data but not wi-fi, downloads with cellular is off most of the time because it'd use up my quota.

There is also a way to roughly estimate the amount of downloads based on the application rank. See this paper (d_iPad=9,525*rank^(-0.903) d_iPhone=52,511*rank^(-0.944)), although the methods might change based on the number of apps in the App store.

Here is a working solution but it's probably not the simplest. LifeHacker recently posted an article describing a program that makes your iPhone appear as a normal mounted disk in the Finder: -disk-mounts-iphone-ipod-touch-and-ipad-as-usb-disks-in-finder The program in question can be found here: and at the moment the authors are giving it away free, which is nice of them. I've tried this using my non-jail broken iPhone 3GS and I can successfully navigate files on my iPhone using the Finder, including my pictures & movies (though some system files are remain hidden because my phone isn't jail broken). Pictures & movies are stored in the familiar sounding DCIM folder on the iPhone.

So my suggestion is to use a bash script that saves zero-byte file on the phone where the timestamp of the file indicates when the photos were last synced. This file can then be used with the standard 'find' terminal command to copy only newer files than this file. Below is a sample bash script that I wrote for this purpose & it works for me. Save the script as a file to your home directory, say called "". Then (with the iphone mounted) from a terminal window change the current directory to the iPhone root directory and then run the script, giving the destination directory as the first argument to the script. E.g. 0852c4b9a8

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