When you get to a place where you understand that love and belonging, your worthiness, is a birthright and not something you have to earn, anything is possible. Keep worthiness off the table. Your raise can be on the table, your promotion can be on the table, your title can be on the table, your grades can be on the table. But keep your worthiness for love and belonging off the table. And then ironically everything else just takes care of itself.

But for me, the most demanding part of embracing Christianity was sacrificing the safety of in-betweenness. I could no longer be a little bit pagan. Halloween parties that ironically-but-not-really celebrated witchcraft, say, or other staples of my at-times aggressively secular New York life were no longer simply curious parts of my spiritual eclecticism. I had to pick a side.

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Tara loved children, her greatest hope was to someday become a mother- she had the opportunity to be a foster parent this past year and it was one of the happiest moments of her life. Loving that little boy gave her a new purpose and she flourished in that role.

My heart is filled with sorrow. I am so grateful to have met you and Tara. Two very special people who gave so much love to a fragile little heart. God bless you both. I pray you will find comfort in memories of Tara. My condolences to you Jason.

 ~Debbie Flynn

Throughout her life, Tara always stole the show. When she was a child, family and friends enjoyed watching her shine on stage at her dance recitals. As an adult, Tara still loved to dance and could always be found on the dance floor at parties.

Tara enjoyed spending time at the Conference House. She loved nature, camping, all things water, and was just a free spirit and the most apologetic person. She had no hatred in her heart. She wholeheartedly loved everyone that came into her life.

Tara was an animal lover who often brought home stray cats. If she could, she would have taken home all of the stray animals in the world. She and Jeffrey rescued their beloved Jonesy Bear and they also adored their dog Scrappy.

Tara enjoyed her trips to the beach and she loved comedy shows and going to concerts. It was important to her to keep physically fit which she accomplished by working out and lifting weights, a pastime that she thoroughly enjoyed. She loved her family and friends, especially her children. Her pets were also very special to her and she loved them greatly. Tara will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

Love has shaped every part of my life. From being loved by others, to loving others to not loving myself. My battle drives me to make sure YOU know that you are not alone and that you matter.

A dog saved my life and I am passionate about celebrating the love of animals and preventing their pain and suffering.

I grew up as a child in Atlanta, Georgia. I spent my early years there. I had a very God-centered family starting out. And so all things were home, church, and back home. And I spent a lot of time in a church called Settlement Word, where they were very specific about ensuring that children very young understood the call of God on their life. And I think it had a profound impact on me believing that I could be and do all that God had called me to do from the beginning.

A truly dedicated vegan and talented chef, Tara represents what I love about the old school approach to veganism. One that is as committed to animal rights as it is to the culinary arts. In my opinion, a lot of that has gotten lost in the new narrative. The landscape has been flooded with talk of personal health and processed foods. We seem to have forgotten about the animals.

I understood my deep love for animals at a very young age. I turned vegetarian, then vegan by the age of 12. I grew up in a traditional New York Italian family and I always loved our heritage, cuisine, and traditions. It was my mission to hold onto those traditional dishes but without the use of animal products in any way. I worked tirelessly to recreate these dishes into vegan versions of the same. It has been my lifelong goal to share this food with my community. In 2018 I was able to turn that goal into my reality! We opened Pura Vita in West Hollywood as the first 100% plant-based Italian restaurant and wine bar in the USA! Then 2 years later we opened Pura Vita Pizzeria next door to the restaurant and finally in February 2021 we opened Redondo Beach.

3- You're the founder of Pura Vita- the first 100% plant based Italian restaurant and wine bar based here in Los Angeles. The food is insanely delicious, and people love it. This must feel so good! What is your overall food philosophy?

6- You're from an Italian family, and I read that you became vegan around 12. How did your family feel about this? Food is such a huge part of Italian identity, did your family ever feel like you were rejecting your culture?

Yes (ooops I said that earlier ;) I became vegetarian at 10 and began to read everything ever written about the subject which led me to be completely vegan by the age of 12. My family never truly understood my decision, but they were always very supportive. My mother was especially supportive. My mother and father were both excellent cooks and encouraged me to cook with them every day. This helped them to understand the things I would not eat and taught me how to cook!

Having said that, I also love working en plein air. I started working en plein air because I heard about Plein Air events in my area. These are events where people gather together to paint outside and exhibit work together when they are finished. I thought it was so fun to go out into the world to all kinds of different places and try to reflect that energy back to a viewer. I think learning outside makes you see value relationships better. To be able to hone in on compositions with a vast amount of information. Working from life makes you understand your photo references better too.

I have always enjoyed working large and working outside is no exception. I think your whole body language changes when working on smaller work. You kind of hunch in and get much closer to your painting than you would if it were larger. Larger work makes you move your whole arm and body to do it, rather than taking tiny tight movements. That makes it a little more open and gestural in my mind.

When I started using pastels my work was quite a bit more restrained and refined. When I thought of contrast, I strictly thought of it in terms of values, light to dark. For example, if you want an area of high contrast, you would put two opposing values near each other. To make that dark tree silhouette feel even darker, adding a light next to it will produce even more contrast. This worked for a while but my love for color was really pressing me to incorporate ways to produce contrast with color.

These concepts really blew my mind because before when I attempted to achieve contrast, I only had that one tool: value. Now, with his expert examples in teaching (he was an amazing teacher), there were more tools available for me to produce contrast in my work.

We had such a beautiful evening together last night at our monthly Equipped by Faith meeting. I love gathering with my spiritual sisters to encourage one another, laugh together and pray. Last night, my dear and beautiful friend, Tara Leigh Cobble, joined us as our monthly speaker.

The title of the album was referenced in The Tragically Hip's song "Put It Off", from their 1996 album Trouble at the Henhouse: "I played Love Tara/by Eric's Trip/on the day that you were born".

Tara Lipinski: I think that for Todd and I there were a lot of learning curves here and there that we had to figure out together how to support each other in this process. I am very Type A, I had a schedule, I wanted to go all in. Todd is a little more laid back. So, we had to figure out how to merge those styles where we still both felt supported.

First and foremost, I'm a helper. All of my life, I have simply wanted to take away people's pain and show them that they have the power to create a life that is filled with hope, love, joy, and wellbeing.

From then on, I began to use these discoveries to first heal myself, and then started to work with family and friends. When my beloved Gramma VA was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and tumors in her lungs, I used what I had learned to help her. Thankfully, she was open to what I had to say, and a miracle came when the three tumors in her lungs were no longer there, and needed no medical intervention. Her doctor was totally stunned, asking how in the world this was possible. My Gramma's answer? "Oh, it was my granddaughter." (Honestly, if this is all that I ever did with my life, I think I would feel like it was a life lived well; I don't think that there is anything that feels better than having helped someone you love heal.)

And (drumroll please), in August of 2016, we got a surprise call that we'd been chosen for a baby girl that had been born the day before! Three hours later, we were meeting our daughter for the first time. Needless to say, it was one of the best moments in our lives so far. Our little girl is the love of our life and keeps us very busy, to say the least.

I love to travel, hike, dance, try new restaurants, work out, do yoga, find new answers to old questions, challenge the status quo, and watch the sunrise. My husband and I are always looking to go on new adventures, challenge ourselves, and aim to live life to its fullest.

Most of all, thank you for being here! I love to hear from fans, so please feel free to contact me via my contact form or click to leave a voicemail (via the little speech bubble on the side of the screen).

At a very young age it was discovered that Tara had been blessed with a beautiful singing voice, a gift that she loved sharing throughout her life. She was a member of the reputable Bonnevaires Choir of Bonneville High School and was often asked to sing at various functions in the community, as well as the National Anthem at sporting events. She loved performing in musical productions and played the lead role in The Pirates of Penzance her senior year. She could sing just about anything at the drop of a hat, requiring little practice or preparation. She also had a love for softball and enjoyed playing the sport in her youth, participating on local teams. 0852c4b9a8

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