I have a new PC running WIN11. I have watched so many videos and have read a lot of stuff about multiple desktops. The videos show the exact kind of functionality I am after...to have multiple desktops that are groomed to support different activities...like one desktop has all my gaming stuff (Icons/shortcuts etc..) They all show how to add a desktop/change background /rename it/ drag icons to it....but none of that works for me ....any added desktop starts off as a clone of the original Desktop ...and then anything you do on any desktop replicates that same action on all the others... and you can never drag an icon onto the "add desktop " selection the add desktop tool dissapraers as you get close to the add desktop tool..... this is very disturbing that there are instructional vidoes that seem to show this sought after functionality none of them say anything about multitasking or registry changes or any relationship to OneDrive...they show it working very simply and that is what I would like to do why is this so "mystical " ?

This has been capable on the android operating system for a long time now. The main purpose of creating different desktops is to, well...have different "desktops" with different icons for different purposes, like Work vs Home, vs Gaming vs Web Development vs Programming vs Whatever! I don't understand??? What were the team of developers ,the idea people ,and the executives thinking...or smoking? Hmmmm.

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tag_hash_104 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2yjYYd 🔥

Sometime today the TortiseSVN overlay icons disappeared on my Windows 10 PC. A quick google search shows many, many, many instances of this occuring over the past few years from Windows 7 up to recent Windows 10.

By and large the suggestions fall into two groups. Various manipulations that don't work any more and manually hacking the registery with RegEdit to delete some other icons. In addition there are many examples of this issue for Tortisehg and TortiseGit.

Anyway, I'm hoping someone wiser can suggest or point us to a tool or script or patch that will actually Resolve the issue.

The problem is exaccerbated by windows because it makes OneDrive some kind of protected species and I can't move or rename these icons (at least not yet).

This is where all overlay icons are defined, and it also defines the order they are applied. The problem is that Windows only uses the first 11 of them (Windows allots 15 overlay icon handlers, but Windows reserves 4, so effectively only 11 overlay icons are used), and Dropbox uses 10 of them. They add 3 leading spaces to the names of the Dropbox items to make sure they come first.

Ok I have read up a lot of posts, but nothing seems to work. The problem.... 

On windows 10 systems such as my own build 20H2 (19042.985) and some of my clients, when you right click on an icon for example to unpin it or right click on File Manger that is open to open a second instance the menu does not pop up.

The circular arrows over the OneDrive or OneDrive for work or school notification icons signify that sync is in progress. This includes when you are uploading files, or OneDrive is syncing new files from the cloud to your PC.

The reason for this is probably addition of the blue line below + some spacing for it, however for icons it results in almost 30 percent change in size which is a bit less than my comfort level at least currently. However the only option I've found is:

To add clarity to the other answer relating to 7+ Taskbar Tweaker ( -taskbar-tweaker-v4-4), to access the advanced options you will need to right click on the icon in the system tray and select "Advanced Options". Near the bottom of the list is "w10_large_icons". Simply right-click on the 0 beside it and modify it to a 1, apply the change and the icons will be reverted to their proper size. Note that this feature is only available in the beta version of the program at the time of posting.

I don't know what exactly happened, but my desktop on Windows 11 doesn't show the icons anymore. It only displays the Recycle bin and, for some reason, when it is selected the shaded region is now a horizontal line (this shaded region indicates icon selection and usually is just a square shaded region around the icon).

When I changed the relative positions of my two monitors in system settings, I see that the icons appear to be all sitting on top of each other. Even when I have only my notebook monitor, the problem persists.

Below are the different Dropbox icons in your taskbar (Windows). This is visible when the Dropbox desktop app is running on your computer. These icons show you the sync status of your entire Dropbox account, not just the status of one file or folder.

Hi John,

Many thanks, we had two MSI laptops in the office with the same display issue with Rhino. The fix worked on the laptop that had windows 8 but not on the one that has windows 10. Is that normal or do i need to do something else on windows 10?


In my attempt to "debug" why all the app icons were missing from the taskbar (after uninstalling and reinstalling the apps, attempting to refresh icon cache, etc.) I began to enable and disable every taskbar feature available.

It was discovered that "Combine taskbar buttons and hide labels" is the culprit. 

The icons appear when the setting is set to "When the taskbar is full" or "Never." and disappear when set to "Always."

Serif apps are the only programs this happens to.

The resolution of the monitor is the recommended 1920x1080 with a normal 100% scale, and a plain-Jane installation of Windows 11 without any bells or whistles.

The installation was first using the MSIX version, then installed from Microsoft Store. Both of those failed to properly display the icons.

After reading your message I did uninstall the apps from the Microsoft Store and instead downloaded and installed the EXE version from the website.

The result is that the icons appear correctly from the EXE installation, and the absent icons appear to be isolated to the MSIX/Microsoft Store versions.

Thank you for responding so quickly Dan


Wm C

These color graphics will fit any desktop, web application, or mobile app screen. In addition to Cute Color, Hand Drawn Color, and Color icon packs, Windows 10 Color icons effectively work as clipart for infographics, custom cards, or presentations.

The ICO file format is an image file format for computer icons in Microsoft Windows. ICO files contain one or more small images at multiple sizes and color depths, such that they may be scaled appropriately. In Windows, all executables that display an icon to the user, on the desktop, in the Start Menu, or in file Explorer, must carry the icon in ICO format.

Win32 introduced support for storing icon images of up to 16.7 million colors (TrueColor) and up to 256256 pixels in dimensions.[3] Windows 95 also introduced a new Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) engine.[4] However, 256 color was the default icon color depth in Windows 95. It was possible to enable 65535 color (Highcolor) icons by either modifying the Shell Icon BPP value in the registry[3][5] or by purchasing Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95. The Shell Icon Size value allows using larger icons in place of 3232 icons and the Shell Small Icon Size value allows using custom sizes in place of 1616 icons.[3] Thus, a single icon file could store images of any size from 11 pixel up to 256256 pixels (including non-square sizes) with 2 (rarely used), 16, 256, 65535, or 16.7 million colors; but the shell could not display very large sized icons. The notification area of the Windows taskbar was limited to 16 color icons by default until Windows Me when it was updated to support high color icons.

Windows XP added support for 32-bit color (16.7 million colors plus 8-bit alpha channel transparency) icon images, thus allowing semitransparent areas like shadows, anti-aliasing, and glass-like effects to be drawn in an icon. Windows XP, by default, employs 4848 pixel icons in Windows Explorer. Windows XP can be forced to use icons as large as 256256 by modifying the Shell icon size value but this would cause all 3232 icons throughout the shell to be upscaled.[3] Microsoft only recommended icon sizes up to 4848 pixels for Windows XP.[6] Windows XP can downscale larger icons if no closer image size is available.[3]

Windows Vista added full support for 256256-pixel 32-bit color icons,[Notes 1] as well as support for the compressed PNG format. Although compression is not required, Microsoft recommends that all 32-bit color 256256 icons in ICO files should be stored in PNG format to reduce the overall size of the file. The Windows Vista Explorer supports smoothly scaling icons to non-standard sizes which are rendered on the fly even if an image is not present for that size in the icon file. The Windows Vista shell adds a slider for "zooming" the icon sizes in and out. With users using higher resolutions and high DPI modes, larger icon formats (such as 256256) are recommended.[7][8]

An icon library is a way to package Windows icons. It is typically a 16-bit New Executable or a 32-bit Portable Executable binary file having an .ICL extension with icon resources being the packaged icons. Windows Vista and later versions do not support viewing icons from 16-bit (New Executable) files.[16]

Set color for the Notebooks and Stacks icons in the sidebar would be great and find them easier and the appearance of the sidebar could be better and nicer. Please accessible these options for all plans, not just for paid customers. I saw another requested post to give color for the "tags". This is great and it's also another wish thing I like to see in Evernote. Colors make Evernote better and stronger. 0852c4b9a8

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