This is my personal computer, no system admin to contact. Firefox is on most current version. I'm on Windows 10 with all current updates. I can't find anywhere in Norton 360 to configure or check the firewall. The only tabs I have are Device Security, Dark Web Monitoring, Software Updater, Secure VPN, Cloud Backup, Password Manager, Parental Controls and Privacy Monitor. None of those have any tabs to show the Firewall. Where can I find this information?

Reset the Norton firewall settings

Firewall Reset returns the Smart Firewall to its default state and removes custom firewall rules or trust control settings that you created. If you think Firewall is causing connectivity issues, reset firewall to its default state.

Free Firewall Norton Download

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This evening I tried disabled Norton Firewall, not something I want to do leave my PC without, and any and all internet connections issues immediately stopped. Web pages open instantly, as they should with a 1gb connection, Steam runs without issues, I even checked my daughter's Genshin Impact account, no issues there either. I re-enabled the firewall and all internet connections went down again.

Resetting the firewall so will clear all entries including the one that might be causing your issue. To reset the Norton firewall, from the main 360 screen click on Settings - Firewall. On the General tab, click on Reset beside Firewall Reset. Restart your computer. As you use programs that access your network/internet, the firewall rules will be created again.

All: As a test, disable the VPN from loading at startup, reset the Norton firewall and reboot. If the issues disappear the VPN is the cause of the issue. I also run a myriad of steam games and two multiplayer servers without issues on Norton installations. I never use the VPN due to the issues it causes, the main two are connectivity ( steam blocks the connections even when excluded ) and the VPN server kill my bandwidth. Just an added suggestion as a test.

There is a problem of Norton Internet Security Firewall is being automatically turned off and greyed out when running on Microsoft Windows 11. A pop up notification comes up notifying Firewall has been turned off do you want to fix it, Clicking Fix it does absolutely nothing. Running Norton's Uninstall/Reinstall allows the firewall on/off switch to work momentarily but soon there is a pop up notification Saying "You have turned off Norton Firewall". Checking Norton Settings shows firewall switch is now in the off position and greyed out. Nothing was done to turn the firewall off and even if one was to turn the firewall switch off they certainly would not have the ability to grey-out the complete setting panel.

I can't say anything definitive on this other than it works fine on all the computers I have in my home. Two are running Windows 11 [one Home; one Pro]. The other has Windows 10. I have never seen that pop-up, nor have I ever experienced a grayed-out firewall in settings. So, my first guess would be it is somehow related to your system. Hopefully, you'll get a better answer from one of the pros out there.

I want to add an old Seagate NAS to my hardwired intranet, as well as some sec-cams. Found that Norton 360 Smart Firewall is blocking the MAC ID for each device. THe key is that command message keeps coming back with an incorrect filename, directory name or volume label syntax message when providing the IP address of the NAS device. That has been isolated to the firewall every other reason has been resolved.

I called Norton Tech Support yesterday to see if I was missing something obvious. The Tech said she'd fix it remotely. I declined. I should not need Norton staff to remotely access my computers to do this for me. I was a SW applications developer for 40 yrs. Now can't even tweak the firewall to add devices in my intranet?

One reason this has not been implemented may be that Norton is designed as a set and forget product for home users. Very few home users are likely to even know about firewall rules, so would not have a need for this feature.

Well, if Norton 360 AV was targeting only basic users who don't really know how to write their own firewall rules, then why would Norton offer an advanced firewall in the first place ? A firewall that allows all sorts of fine tuning, rules creation based on different criteria, etc, etc. ?

I mean, it doesn't make any sense to pay for a subscription that includes 5 devices if it turns out to be such a pain to transfer all your settings from one device to another, right? Besides, other AV products that have export/import settings feature are not purely corporate either, they have this feat included in home editions for home users. So, I stick to my guns in saying it's an absolutely necessary and long overdue feature for anyone who uses at least half of the options offered by Norton firewall. But given that this request has been (I think it's fair to say) ignored by the Norton team for such a long time, I don't hold my breath :(

I have Windows 10 Home and it's the latest version. Every second Tuesday of the month is the Windows 10 monthly update and I always install the latest version with all patches and fixes. I have been running Norton AntiVirus Plus for 2 weeks now. I know the Norton program takes over all the functions which Windows Defender use to do both firewall and AntiVirus.

So why can't I access the shares when on VPN but I can if I am on the actual Wi-Fi I??? I think the old PPTP method when using it the router gave me a local 192.168.X.X IP address. So, with more GoogleFu, I began wondering if I was getting blocked at the computer somewhere. So just for fun, I temporarily disabled my Norton 360 smart firewall on my computer and VIOLA!!!! I could access the shared folders/drives while VPN'd in. If I re-enabled the firewall, access denied immediately. FBI calls that a clue. So it would seem, if I get a local 192.168.X.X because I am on the Wi-Fi (or the old PPTP method), my computer/Norton Firewall does not block my app/me when I access the Shares via SMB. If I am on the VPN now (which is a different network), it does.

So it would seem I need to change something on the firewall settings but not sure what. I would think there is something that would allow/trust my mobile device but still provide the protection I should have. I would think it would be hard to hack the VPN so I think there should be something that will allow it but still provide proper protection. Probably is a simple solution that I just can't figure out.

Anyway, the only thing I can think of is that maybe Norton needs to know the port I am using to connect - but, that doesn't really explain why I still cannot connect when I disable Norton's smart firewall.

I have the latest version of Norton Internet Security on a Windows 8.1 computer. Firefox version 36.0 works fine. Version 36.0.1 is blocked by Norton. I reset the firewall per Norton's instructions but that did not help. I reverted back to Firefox ver 36.0 but every time I restart the computer, Firefox updates itself and I am back at square one. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Fix problems connecting to websites after updating Firefox For Norton specifically it looks like it manages its updates differently than other antivirus/firewalls: _EndUserProfile_en_us?q=Norton+firefox+windows+8+update

Hello Len. So you are using the Windows 11 app from the Microsoft store and/or cannot log into the app with Windows Subsystem for Android? Have you done a "rest" of Norton firewall to have it automatically set programs and access?

Check your Norton firewall and find the entry listed in settings>firewall>program control. Check to see whether the "access" on the right side states "Allow". If not change it and reboot. Lets see if that makes a difference depending on what your settings currently are or aren't. You may also want to change that to "custom", a rules page will appear. Make sure there is a check mark on the little box on the left under Active.

The trick instead is to download the offline version of Norton AntiVirus which I found the link to be here - norton (dot) com/latestnav - and after installing sign into your Norton account and it will still activate it.

Although the Smart Firewall feature that comes with Norton 360 protects your computer from unauthorized network intrusions and Internet threats, it may be necessary to disable it to install certain programs or troubleshoot network problems. For business owners, some programs recommend disabling a firewall to run installation setups. If you must turn off Norton 360's Smart Firewall, disabling it temporarily is a quick and simple process that takes minutes to complete.

Locate the Norton 360 icon in the notifications area on the taskbar and right-click it. Scroll down the menu and select the "Disable Smart Firewall" option to turn off the firewall. When prompted, specify how long to disable the firewall to confirm.

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"c is a placeholder for the drive where Norton AntiVirus is installed.

 If the command is successful, you receive the following message:

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton systemworks\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"c is a placeholder for the drive where SystemWorks is installed. 

 If the command is successful, you receive the following message:

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton internet security\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"c is a placeholder for the drive where Norton Internet Security is installed.

 If the command is successful, you receive the following message:

Norton 360 is designed to compete with the latest products from McAfee as well as security newcomer Microsoft, which shipped Windows Live OneCare last May. Following Microsoft's lead, all of the latest security products combine basic antivirus, antispyware and firewall technologies with backup features and several tune-up tools for Windows PCs--features Symantec and McAfee traditionally charged extra for. 0852c4b9a8

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