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These specifications represent the formal list recognized as belonging to EPUB 3 and that containfunctionality normatively referenced as part of the standard. The development of extensionspecifications periodically adds new functionality to EPUB publications. Features and functionalitydefined outside of core revisions to the standard, while not formally recognized in thisspecification, are nonetheless available for EPUB creators and reading system developers touse.

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A ZIP-based archive with the file extension .epub bundles the EPUB publication'sresources for distribution. As conformant ZIP archives, EPUB publications can be unzipped by manysoftware programs, simplifying both their production and consumption.

An EPUB publication also includes another key file called the EPUB navigation document. Thisdocument provides critical navigation capabilities, such as the table of contents, that allow usersto navigate the content quickly and easily. The navigation document is a specialized type of XHTML content document which also allows EPUB creators to use it in the content (i.e., avoiding onetable of contents for machine processing and another for user consumption). Refer to 7. EPUB navigation document for more information about this document.

While conceptually simple, an EPUB publication is more than just a collection of HTML pages anddependent assets in a ZIP package as presented here. Additional information about the primaryfeatures and functionality that EPUB publications provide to enhance the reading experience isavailable from the referenced specifications, and a more general introduction to the features ofEPUB 3 is provided in the non-normative [epub-overview-33].

Refer to [epub-rs-33] for the processing requirements for reading systems. Although it is notnecessary that EPUB creators read that document to create EPUB publications, an understanding ofhow reading systems present the content can help craft publications for optimal presentation tousers.

In all cases, it is possible that previously valid features may become obsolete (e.g., due to alack of support or because of security issues). EPUB creators should therefore be cautiousabout using any feature without broad support and keep their EPUB conformance checkers up todate.

The benefit of this approach for EPUB is that EPUB publications always keep pace with changesto the web without the need for new revisions. EPUB creators, however, must keep track ofthe various changes to HTML and the technologies it references to ensure they keep theirprocesses up to date.

This approach ensures that EPUB will always keep pace with changes to the SVG standard. EPUB creators, however, must keep track of changes to the SVG standard to ensure they keep theirprocesses up to date.

The URL [url] of the root directory representing the OCF abstract container. It is implementation specific, but EPUB creators must assume it has propertiesdefined in 4.2.5 URLs in the OCF abstract container.

The creation of an EPUB publication often involves the work of many individuals, and maybe split across multiple organizations (e.g., when a publisher outsources all or part ofthe work). Depending on the process used to produce an EPUB publication,responsibilities may fall on the organization (e.g., the publisher), the individualspreparing the publication (e.g., technical editors), or automatic procedures (e.g., aspart of a publication pipeline). As a result, not every party or process may beresponsible for ensuring every requirement is met, but there is always an EPUB creatorresponsible for the conformance of the final EPUB publication.

A resource that contains content or instructions that contribute to the logic and renderingof an EPUB publication. In the absence of this resource, reading systems may notrender the EPUB publication as the EPUB creator intends. Examples of publicationresources include the package document, EPUB content documents, CSS Style Sheets,audio, video, images, embedded fonts, and scripts.

EPUB creators must list publication resources in the package document manifest and typically bundle them all in the EPUB container (the exception being theymay locate resources listed in 3.6 Resource locations outside the EPUBcontainer).

Due to the complexity of this specification and number of technologies used in EPUB publications,EPUB creators are advised to use an EPUB conformance checker to verify the conformance oftheir content.

When verifying their EPUB publications, EPUB creators should ensure they do not violate therequirements of this specification (practices identified by the keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", and"REQUIRED"). These types of issues will often result in EPUB publications not rendering or renderingin inconsistent ways. These issues are typically reported as errors or critical errors.

EPUB creators should also ensure that their EPUB publications do not violate the recommendations ofthis specification (practices identified by the keywords "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", and "RECOMMENDED").Failure to follow these practices does not result in an invalid EPUB publication but may lead tointeroperability problems and other issues that impact the user reading experience. These issues aretypically reported as warnings.

Vendors, distributors, and other retailers of EPUB publications should consider the importance ofrecommended practices before basing their acceptance or rejection on a zero-issue outcome froman EPUB conformance checker. There will be legitimate reasons why EPUB creators cannot followrecommended practices in all cases.

The primary resources in this group are designated publication resources, which are all theresources used in rendering an EPUB publication to the user. EPUB creators always have tolist these resources in the manifest element.

EPUB 3 defines a special class of resources called EPUB content documents that EPUB creators can use in the spine without any restrictions. EPUB content documents encompass bothXHTML content documents and SVG content documents.

To use any other type of resource in the spine, called a foreign content document, requiresincluding a fallback to an EPUB content document. This extensibility model allows EPUB creatorsto experiment with formats while ensuring that reading systems are always able to rendersomething for the user to read, as there is no guarantee of support for foreign contentdocuments.

A mechanism called manifest fallbacks allows EPUB creatorsto provide fallbacks for foreign content documents. In this model, the manifest entry for the foreign content document must include a fallback attribute that points to the nextpossible resource for reading systems to try when they do not support its format. Although notcommon, a fallback resource can specify another fallback, thereby making chains many resourcesdeep. The one requirement is that there must be at least one EPUB content document in amanifest fallback chain.

The preferred method is to use the fallback capabilities of the host format. Many HTML elements,for example, have intrinsic fallback capabilities. One example is the pictureelement [html], which allows EPUB creators to specify multiple alternative imageformats.

A common point of confusion arising from core media type resources is the listing of XHTMLand SVG as core media type resources with the requirement the markup conform to theirrespective EPUB content document definitions. This allows EPUB creators to embed both XHTMLand SVG documents in EPUB content documents while keeping consistent requirements forauthoring and reading system support.

In practice, it means that EPUB creators can put XHTML and SVG core media type resources inthe spine without any modification or fallback (they are also conforming XHTML and SVGcontent documents), but this is a unique case. All other core media type resources becomeforeign content documents when used in the spine (i.e., foreign content documents includeall foreign resources and all core media type resources except for XHTML and SVG).

EPUB creators MAY include publication resources that conform to the MIME media type[rfc2046] specifications defined in the following table without fallbacks when they are used inEPUB content documents and foreign content documents. These resources are classified ascore media type resources.

With the exception of XHTML content documents and SVG content documents, EPUB creators MUSTprovide manifest fallbacks for core media type resourcesreferenced directly from the spine. In this case, they are foreign content documents.

Inclusion as a core media type resource does not mean that all reading systems will support therendering of a resource. Reading system support also depends on the capabilities of theapplication (e.g., a reading system with a viewport must support image core media typeresources, but a reading system without a viewport does not). Refer to Core media types [epub-rs-33] for moreinformation about which reading systems rendering capabilities require support for which coremedia type resources.

There are only a small set of special cases for exempt resources. Video, for example, are exempt fromfallbacks because there is no consensus on a core media type video format at this time (i.e., thereis no format to fallback to). Similarly, audio and video tracks are exempt to allow EPUB creators to meet accessibility requirements using whatever format reading systems supportbest.

Although reading systems are encouraged to support at least one of the H.264 [h264]and VP8 [rfc6386] video codecs, support for video codecs is not a conformancerequirement. EPUB creators must consider factors such as breadth of adoption, playbackquality, and technology royalties when deciding which video formats to include. 0852c4b9a8

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